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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Lysimetry methods for monitoring soil solution electrical conductivityand nutrient concentration in greenhouse tomato crops
Combined Passive Heating Systems in Mediterranean, Low-Cost, Greenhouse Cucumber Crops
Adaptation of standardised (FAO and ASCE) procedures of estimating net longwave and shortwave radiation to Mediterranean greenhouse crops
Salt and irrigation management of soil-grown Mediterranean greenhouse tomato crops drip-irrigated with moderately saline water
Effects of gravel mulch on surface energy balance and soil thermal regime in an unheated plastic greenhouse
How mulching and canopy architecture interact in trapping solar radiation inside a Mediterranean greenhouse
Vegetable Crops Grown under High Soil Water Availability in Mediterranean Greenhouses
Soil spatio-temporal distribution of water, salts and nutrients in greenhouse, drip-irrigated tomato crops using lysimetry and dielectric methods
Evaluación de herramientas de seguimiento del estado salino del suelo
Microclimate and agronomical effects of internal impermeable screens in an unheated Mediterranean greenhouse
Efectos del tratamiento con sulfato de cobre (CuSO4) sobre la calidad del agua de balsas de riego
Lysimetry methods for monitoring soil solution electrical conductivity and nutrient concentration in greenhouse tomato crops
Influencia del manejo de las balsas sobre la calidad del agua para riego en el litoral mediterráneo andaluz
Can submerged macrophytes be effective for controlling waterborne phytopathogens in irrigation ponds? An experimental approach using microcosms
Características y Manejo de la Balsas de Riego del Litoral Mediterráneo Andaluz
Reuse of rockwool slabs and perlite grow-bags in a low-cost greenhouse: Substrates' physical properties and crop production
Pond management and water quality for drip irrigation in Mediterranean intensive horticultural systems
Management effects on fungal assemblages in irrigation ponds: Are biodiversity conservation and the control of phytopathogens compatible?
Uso del agua de riego en los cultivos en invernadero
Farm ponds as potential complementary habitats to natural wetlands in a mediterranean region
Construction characteristics and management practices of in-farm irrigation ponds in intensive agricultural systems - agronomic and environmental implications
How plastic mulches affect the thermal and radiative microclimate in an unheated low-cost greenhouse
Artificial ponds in a Mediterranean region (Andalusia, southern Spain): Agricultural and environmental issues
Erratum to: Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate(Irrig Sci, 10.1007/s00271-010-0210-z)
Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate
Oxygen enrichment of nutrient solution of substrate-grown vegetable crops under mediterranean greenhouse conditions: Oxygen content dynamics and crop response,Contenido de oxígeno y respuesta de cultivos hortícolas en sustrato e invernadero al enriquecimiento de oxígeno de la solución nutritiva
Oxyfertigation of a greenhouse tomato crop grown on rockwool slabs and irrigated with treated wastewater: Oxygen content dynamics and crop response
Regulated deficit irrigation in green bean and watermelon greenhouse crops
Analysis and prediction of greenhouse green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in a Mediterranean climate
Environmental factors and management practices controlling oxygen dynamics in agricultural irrigation ponds in a semiarid Mediterranean region: Implications for pond agricultural functions
Analysis of on-farm irrigation performance in Mediterranean greenhouses
Night energy balance in a heated low-cost plastic greenhouse
Irrigation scheduling of plastic greenhouse vegetable crops based on historical weather data
Predicting the energy consumption of heated plastic greenhouses in south-eastern Spain
Water use and production of a greenhouse pepper crop under optimum and limited water supply
Evapotranspiration of horticultural crops in an unheated plastic greenhouse
Productividad de tomate bajo distintas frecuencias de destallado
Soil evaporation from drip-irrigated olive orchards
Measurement and simulation of evaporation from soil in olive orchards
Development and performance of a model of a perennial grass (Andropogon gayanus) crop. Application to the Sahel and Sudan zones
Root growth of triticale and barley grown for grain or for forage-plus-grain in a Mediterranean climate
Winter cereals grown for grain and for the dual purpose of forage plus grain II. Water use and water-use efficiency
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Comparison of passive and active methods of soil solution sampling for fertigation control in a Mediterranean greenhouse
Numerical simulation of the effect of different mulches on the heat storage capacity of a Mediterranean greenhouse soil
Irrigation influence on the microclimate of a Mediterranean plastic greenhouse with black mulch and without crop
Acolchado plástico en un cultivo de melón en invernadero
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean: A Case Study in Southern Spain
Gestión ecosistémica de las balsas de riego del litoral mediterráneo andaluz
Soil temperatures in a mediterranean greenhouse with different solarization strategies
Measurement of the soil-air convective heat transfer coefficient from a greenhouse mulch soil
Analysis of mechanical ventilation in a three-span greenhouse using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Measurement of the condensation flux in a venlo-type glasshouse with a cucumber crop in a mediterranean area
Estudio del clima en los principales modelos de invernaderos en mexico (mallasombra, batitúnel y baticenital), mediante la técnica del cfd (computational fluid dynamics)
Response of an autumn-winter green bean greenhouse crop to a mild water deficit during crop flowering in a mediterranean region
Evaluation of the use of combustion gases originating from industry (SO<inf>2</inf>) as a contribution of CO<inf>2</inf>for greenhouse
Oxyfertigation of a greenhouse melon crop grown in rockwool slabs in a mediterranean area
Análisis de la gestión del riego en zonas regables del Poniente de Almería
Effect of increasing the dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution to above-saturation levels in a greenhouse watermelon crop grown in perlite bags in a mediterranean area
Response of a sweet pepper crop grown in new and two-year-old reused rockwool slabs in greenhouse on the mediterranean coast of south-east Spain
Efecto de la frecuencia de riego sobre el crecimiento y productividad de un cultivo de pepino bajo invernadero
Programas de riego para cultivos hortícolas en invernaderos enarenados en Almería
Sistemas de calefacción en invernaderos cultivados de judía en el litoral mediterráneo
Effects of heating strategies on earliness and yield of snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under "parral" plastic greenhouses
Uso de un programa de riego medio en un cultivo de tomate en invernadero y suelo enarenado en Almería
Irrigation scheduling for plastic greenhouse melon crops based on historical reference evapotranspiration data
Crop coefficients of a pepper crop grown in plastic greenhouses in Almeria, Spain
Caracterizacion de los cereales de invierno en la provincia de granada (sistema radical, uso del agua y productividad). Doble aprovechamiento (forraje + grano)
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Plastic mulching in greenhouse melon
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Erratum to: Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate (Irrig Sci, (2010), 28, (497-509), 10.1007/s00271-010-0210-z)
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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