Herrada Lores, Sara Author

Open Access

Weaknesses and strengths of online marketing websites

  • Herrada-Lores S.
  • Iniesta-Bonillo M.Á.
  • Estrella-Ramón A.

Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC - 8/9/2022


Cite count: 4 (Scopus)
Open Access

The role of hashtags for non-profit causes: the #fridaysforfuture movement

  • S Herrada-Lores
  • A Estrella-Ramón
  • M.M Gálvez-Rodríguez
  • M.A Iniesta-Bonillo

International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing - 1/9/2024


Cite count:
Open Access

The communication of sustainability on social media: the role of dialogical communication

  • Herrada-Lores S.
  • Palazón M.
  • Iniesta-Bonillo M.Á.
  • Estrella-Ramón A.

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing - 1/1/2024


Cite count:

This author has no books, chapters or theses.

This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

Open Access

Una mirada 360 a la estrategia de marketing en medios digitales: calidad web + comunicación dialógica sobre sostenibilidad en web y social media

  • Herrada Lores, Sara


Cite count:
Last data update: 9/28/24 4:52 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM