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An Interpretable Machine Learning Approach to Predict Sensory Processing Sensitivity Trait in Nursing Students
To Clap or Not to Clap: Relevance of "Applause" in Simulation-Based Learning Sessions
Breaking the Stigma in Mental Health Nursing through High-Fidelity Simulation Training
Sleep analysis of hospital and out-of-hospital emergency professionals
Social and Individual Factors Associated with Eating Disorders in Young Athletes: Effects on Concentration and Fatigue
Use of high-fidelity clinical simulation for the development of cultural competence of nursing students
Adaptation of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSP) and Psychometric Properties of Reduced Versions of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (R-HSP Scale) in Spanish Nursing Students
Stress in Emergency Healthcare Professionals: The Stress Factors and Manifestations Scale
Romani Women and Health: The Need for a Cultural Safety-Based Approach
The Effects of a Non-Technical Skills Training Program on Emotional Intelligence and Resilience in Undergraduate Nursing Students
Romani Women and Health: The Need for a Cultural Safety-Based Approach
Diagnosis of subclinical keratoconus based on machine learning techniques
Motivation: bringing up the rear in nursing education. Motivational elements in simulation. The participants' perspective
Improving Humanization Skills through Simulation-Based Computers Using Simulated Nursing Video Consultations
Adaptation to Change Questionnaire for Nurses: Validation and New Needs in the Context of COVID-19
Satisfaction and Beliefs on Gender-Based Violence: A Training Program of Mexican Nursing Students Based on Simulated Video Consultations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Diagnosis of Subclinical Keratoconus with a Combined Model of Biomechanical and Topographic Parameters
High-Fidelity Virtual Objective Structured Clinical Examinations with Standardized Patients in Nursing Students: An Innovative Proposal during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Development and Validation of a Social Media Questionnaire for Nursing Training: A Pilot Study
The repercussions of perceived threat from COVID‐19 on the mental health of actively employed nurses
Perception of nursing students about the implementation of GREENS© methodology in nursing studies
Long Term Follow-Up Safety and Effectiveness of Myopia Refractive Surgery
Nurse Training in Gender-Based Violence Using Simulated Nursing Video Consultations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study
Simulated Nursing Video Consultations: An Innovative Proposal During Covid-19 Confinement
Simulated Video Consultations as a Learning Tool in Undergraduate Nursing: Students’ Perceptions
Relative and Absolute Reliability of a Motor Assessment System Using KINECT® Camera
Design and Validation of the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire: New Realities in Times of COVID-19
Consensus on Criteria for Good Practices in Video Consultation: A Delphi Study
Increase in Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions about Their Implementation and Adequate Management
Evaluación del efecto de la terapia de relajación en pacientes con hipertensión arterial
Evaluation of the effect of relaxation therapy in patients with arterial hypertension,Evaluación del efecto de la terapia de relajación en pacientes con hipertensión arterial
Impact of Socio-Emotional Skills On The Performance of Clinical Nursing Practices
Aprendiendo ética con simulación. Perspectiva de los alumnos sobre el aprendizaje experiencial y reflexivo de la bioética
Discovering mental models and frames in learning of nursing ethics through simulations
Socio-emotional competencies as predictors of performance of nursing students in simulated clinical practice
Análisis de la Calidad de Vida y el Dolor en Pacientes Amputados
Translation and validation of the Diabetes Eating Problem Survey to screen eating disorders in patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus,Traducción y validación de un cuestionario para la detección de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario en pacientes con diabetes mellitus
Patient-Oriented Debriefing: Impact of Real Patients’ Participation during Debriefing
Ensuring relational competency in critical care: Importance of nursing students' communication skills.
Translation and validation of the Diabetes Eating Problem Survey to screen eating disorders in patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus
Analysis of information content and general quality of obesity and eating disorders websites,Análisis de la calidad general y de la información contenida en páginas web sobre obesidad y trastornos de la alimentación
Diurnal rhythms of plasma GLP-1 levels in normal and overweight/obese subjects: lack of effect of weight loss
Competencia de las enfermeras de cuidados críticos para integrar y aplicar la práctica basada en la evidencia
Psychosocial factors in type 1 diabetes mellitus and their relationship with the risk of developing eating disorders in children and adolescents,Factores psicosociales en la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y su relación con el riesgo de desarrollar trastornos alimentarios en la infancia y la adolescencia
Una aproximación sobre el acceso al sistema sanitario público de los extranjeros europeos jubilados residentes en Murcia
La imagen física de las enfermeras y su influencia en la dinámica de las instituciones sanitarias
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Educación en salud
45- Modelo integrador en cuidados emocionales quirúrgicos.
30- Masaje tailandés y técnica sacro-craneal en Enfermería.
Impacto de las competencias socio-emocionales de los alumnos del grado en enfermería en prácticas clínicas reales y simuladas
Factores psicosociales en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y su implicación en el riesgo de desarrollar trastornos alimentarios.
Los problemas de la fragilidad en las personas mayores de 80 años: perspectiva enfermera
Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria
La conducta de enfermedad: hospitalización
Percepción y teoría de la atribución
Visión del alumno respecto a la metodología docente ABP
Análisis comparativo de los factores socioculturales y familiares en población universitaria y pacientes diagnosticados de trastornos de la alimentación
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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