Peralta López, María Mercedes Autor

Open Access

Design and testing of a structural monitoring system in an almería-type tensioned structure greenhouse

  • Peña A.
  • Peralta M.
  • Marín P.

Sensors (Switzerland) - 1/1/2020


Número de citas: 5 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Design and Testing of a Structural Monitoring System in an Almería-Type Tensioned Structure Greenhouse

  • Peña Fernández, Ana Araceli
  • Peralta López, María Mercedes
  • Marín Membrive, Patricia


Multilevel neuronal architecture to resolve classification problems with large training sets: Parallelization of the training process

  • Martínez López F.
  • Torres Arriaza J.
  • Martínez Puertas S.
  • Peralta López M.

Journal of Computational Science - 1/9/2016


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Towards an automatic interpretation and knowledge based search of satellite images in databases

  • Cantón M.
  • Torres J.
  • Guindos F.
  • Peralta M.

Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation - 1/9/2003


Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)

Competitive neural-net-based system for the automatic detection of oceanic mesoscalar structures on AVHRR scenes

  • Torres Arriaza J.
  • Guindos Rojas F.
  • Peralta López M.
  • Cantón M.

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing - 1/4/2003


Número de citas: 15 (Web of Science) 21 (Scopus)

Sistema por el reconocimiento automático de imágenes binarias filamentosas

  • Mercedes Peralta López
  • Manuel Cantón Garbín


Número de citas:
  • Dialnet

Visión artificial con IMtdi

  • Mercedes Peralta López
  • Francisco de Asís Guindos Rojas
  • José Antonio Piedra Fernández


Número de citas:
  • Dialnet

The problem of organizing and partitioning large data sets in learning algorithms for SOM-RBF Mixed structures application to the approximation of environmental variables

  • Torres J.
  • Martínez S.
  • Martínez F.
  • Peralta M.

IJCCI 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - 18/11/2013

Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

How can neural networks speed up ecological regionalization friendly? Replacement of field studies by satellite data using RBFs

  • Cruz M.
  • Espínola M.
  • Ayala R.
  • Peralta M.
  • Torres J.

ICFC 2010 ICNC 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and International Conference on Neural Computation - 1/12/2010

Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Ecological sectorization process improvement through neural networks: Synthesis of vegetation data from satellite images using RBFs

  • Cruz M.
  • Espínola M.
  • Iribarne L.
  • Ayala R.
  • Peralta M.
  • Torres J.

Proceedings - 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2010 - 29/11/2010


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Automatic recognition of ocean structures from satellite images by means of neural nets and expert systems

  • Guindos-Rojas F.
  • Cantón-Garbín M.
  • Torres-Arriaza J.
  • Peralta-López M.
  • Piedra-Fernández J.
  • Molina-Martínez A.

European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP - 1/12/2004

Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)

Results of automatic interpretation of AVHRR images. A symbolic and connectionist approach

  • Torres J.
  • Guindos F.
  • Peralta M.
  • Canton M.

Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS 2000), Honolulu (Hawaii), 850-852. - 1/12/2000

Número de citas:

Este autor no tiene patentes.

Open Access

Aplicación del ABP y aprendizaje-servicio en las asignaturas del grado y máster en Ingeniería Informática desde la semipresencialidad

  • Piedra Fernández, José Antonio
  • Fernández, Antonio
  • Peralta, Mercedes
  • Iribarne Martínez, Luis Fernando

Jornadas JENUI 2016, Almería, 6-8 julio 2016 - 2016 Ver en origen

Número de citas:

Scopus: 3

Web of Science: 2

Scopus: 1

Web of Science: 1

Última actualización de los datos: 28/09/24 5:03
Próxima recolección programada: 5/10/24 3:00