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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Environmental Exposure to Pesticides and the Risk of Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Quality indicators for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer integrated assistance: A critical appraisal
Effects of academic self-regulation on procrastination, academic stress and anxiety, resilience and academic performance in a sample of Spanish secondary school students
Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Outcomes in Adolescent Period, is Knowledge Really Strength?
A systematic review of the effects of nutrition programmes in high schools
Spanish validation of short-form version of Literacy of Suicide Scale (LOSS) and Stigma of Suicide Scale (SOSS)
Training Digital Competencies in Future Primary School Teachers: A Systematic Review
A Systematic Review of Healthy Nutrition Intervention Programs in Kindergarten and Primary Education
High Education and University Teaching and Learning Processes: Soft Skills
Can we speak of a negative psychological tetrad in sports? A probabilistic Bayesian study on competitive sailing
The Perception of Teaching, Learning Styles and Commitment to Learning and Their Influence on the Practice of Physical Activity and Eating Habits Related to the Mediterranean Diet in Physical Education Students
Self-Concept and Feeling of Belonging as a Predictor Variable of the Attitude towards the Study from the PISA 2018 Report
Perfectionism, mental health, and injuries in women footballers
Adaptation and testing of the factorial structure of the Achievement Emotional Questionnaire-Short to the Spanish context of physical education classes
Is resilience learned through the frustration of the BPN? An empirical study about its role in the acquisition of positive lifestyles and academic outcomes framed in SDT
Combination of a Serious Game Application and Direct Contact with Mental Health Patients
Digital Competence, Use, Actions and Time Dedicated to Digital Devices: Repercussions on the Interpersonal Relationships of Spanish Adolescents
Adaptation and Testing of the Factorial Structure of the Physical Education Grit Scale for Use in Secondary Education in Spain
Teachers’ Mental Health and Their Involvement in Educational Inclusion
Self-Stigma, Mental Health and Healthy Habits in Parent of Children with Severe Mental Disorder
Effectiveness of positive expiratory pressure on patients over 16 years of age with cystic fibrosis: systematic review and meta-analysis
Análisis de los factores relacionados con el tiempo prehospitalario en la atención al ictus
Vigorexia y terapia de aceptación y compromiso: a propósito de un caso.
Efficacy of physiotherapy treatment in primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluation of the use of shared decision making in breast cancer: International survey
Play and learn: Influence of gamification and game-based learning in the reading processes of secondary school students
Testing the factorial validity of the classroom engagement inventory with spanish students
Generation of stigma toward schizophrenia in university students from the theory of the relational framework: An experimental replication
Online Escape Room during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of Social Education Degree Students’ Experiences
Testing the Structural Validity of the Self-Stigma Scale in Relatives of People with Autism in the Spanish Context
Healthy and Balanced Nutrition for Children through Physical Education Classes
Adaptation and Validation of the Eudaimonic Well-Being Questionnaire to the Spanish Sport Context
Between Level Up and Game Over: A Systematic Literature Review of Gamification in Education
Physical Education and the Adoption of Habits Related to the Mediterranean Diet
Development and Validation of a Questionnaire on Motivation for Cooperative Playful Learning Strategies
Validación y adaptación de la escala de control psicológico del profesor hacia las clases de educación física y su efecto sobre las frustraciones de las necesidades psicológicas básicas
Equidad-Inequidad de género en el profesorado de la Universidad de Guayaquil
Adaptación y validación al contexto de la educación física de la escala de la frustración de las necesidades psicológicas el ejercicio físico, con la inclusión de la novedad como necesidad psicológica
Impacto psicológico y social de un programa de deporte inclusivo entre estudiantes y personas con trastorno mental grave
Migrant caregivers of older people in spain: Qualitative insights into relatives’ experiences
A prospective study of cranial deformity and delayed development in children
The influence of emotional intelligence on resilience, test anxiety, academic stress and the mediterranean diet. A study with university students
El efecto de la motivación sobre la resiliencia y la ansiedad del deportista
The influence of the teacher’s prosocial skills on the mindwandering, creative intelligence, emotions, and academic performance of secondary students in the area of physical education classes
The Influence of Teachers on Motivation and Academic Stress and Their Effect on the Learning Strategies of University Students
Education Students' Stigma Toward Mental Health Problems: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
An Inclusive View of the Disability of Secondary School Students
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Cybervictimization, and Academic Performance in Secondary School Students
The Influence of Transformational Teacher Leadership on Academic Motivation and Resilience, Burnout and Academic Performance
The Role of Perception of Support in the Classroom on the Students’ Motivation and Emotions: The Impact on Metacognition Strategies and Academic Performance in Math and English Classes
Validation and adaptation of the prosocial and antisocial behavior in sport scale to the Spanish context of physical education
Adaptation and validation to the context of physical education of the scale from the frustration of the psychological needs of physical exercise, with the inclusion of novelty as a psychological need
Physical education classes as a precursor to the mediterranean diet and the practice of physical activity
Validation and adaptation to the physical education context of the psychological control teaching scale, and its effect on the frustration of basic psychological needs
Psychological and social impact of an inclusive sports program among students and people with severe mental disorder
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Maths. The Protective Factor of Resilience in the Face of Mathematical Anxiety
Empirical Research in Colombian Services Sector: Relation between Transformational Leadership, Climate and Commitment
Confirmatory and Exploratory Analysis of the Questionnaire to Evaluate the Disposition towards Organizational Change (CEDCO)
The Influence of the Trainer’s Social Behaviors on the Resilience, Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Eating Habits of Athletes
Knowledge on Signs and Risk Factors in Stroke Patients
Age-Related Risk Factors at the First Stroke Event
The Influence of the Scout Movement as a Free Time Option on Improving Academic Performance, Self-Esteem and Social Skills in Adolescents
The Protective Role of Emotional Intelligence in Self-Stigma and Emotional Exhaustion of Family Members of People with Mental Disorders
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Social Skills and Peer Harassment. A Study with High School Students
Adaptation and Validation of the Scale of Types of Users in Gamification with the Spanish Adolescent Population
Treatment of Dysphagia in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review
Electroconvulsive Therapy in Super Refractory Status Epilepticus: Case Series with a Defined Protocol
Validation of the Lasher and Faulkender Anxiety about Aging Scale (AAS) for the Spanish Context
Adaptation and Validation of the Multi-Dimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale for Physical Education to the Spanish Physical Exercise Context
Validation and Adaptation of the Academic-Resilience Scale in the Spanish Context
Validación de la Escala de Resiliencia en Educación Física
Validation of the Index for Inclusion Questionnaire for Parents of Non-University Education Students
Migrant Caregivers of Older People in Spain: Qualitative Insights into Relatives’ Experiences
Infant Cranial Deformity: Cranial Helmet Therapy or Physiotherapy?
Adaptation and Validation of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior Scale in Sports for the Spanish Context
The Influence of Emotions, Motivation and Habits in the Academic Performance of Primary Education Students in French as a Foreign Language
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Resilience, Test Anxiety, Academic Stress and the Mediterranean Diet. A Study with University Students
Validation of the Index for Inclusion Questionnaire for Compulsory Secondary Education Students
A Prospective Study of Cranial Deformity and Delayed Development in Children
The Influence of Emotions, Motivation and Habits in the Academic Performance of Primary Education Students in French as a Foreign Language
Validation of the Index for Inclusion Questionnaire for Compulsory Secondary Education Students
The Influence of the Teacher’s Prosocial Skills on the Mindwandering, Creative Intelligence, Emotions, and Academic Performance of Secondary Students in the Area of Physical Education Classes
Relación del nivel ocupacional, funcionamiento cognitivo y satisfacción vital en mayores de 55 años
Factorial Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S) in Spain
Validation of the Scale of Basic Psychological Needs towards Physical Exercise, with the Inclusion of Novelty
Validation of the Scale of Basic Psychological Needs towards Physical Exercise, with the Inclusion of Novelty
Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity
Validation and Adaptation of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale to the Spanish context of Physical Education
Factorial Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S) in Spain
Gamificación y Breakout Edu en Formación Profesional. El programa “Grey Place” en Integración Social
La influencia del docente sobre la motivación, las estrategias de aprendizaje, pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes y rendimiento académico en el área de Educación Física
Barreras y motivaciones hacia la actividad físico-deportivo de los universitarios sedentarios
Estudio comparativo de las actitudes de los padres y madres en la educación sexual de las personas con síndrome de Down
Relación del nivel ocupacional, funcionamiento cognitivo y satisfacción vital en mayores de 55 años
Emotional exhaustion in housewives and Alzheimer patients’ caregivers: Its effects on chronic diseases, somatic symptoms and social dysfunction
Validation of the scale of emotional states in the physical education context
Adaptation and validation of the mind-wandering questionnaire (MWQ) in physical education classes and analysis of its role as mediator between teacher and anxiety
Influence of emotional intelligence, motivation and resilience on academic performance and the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits among adolescents
Influence of physical education teachers on motivation, embarrassment and the intention of being physically active during adolescence
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a nursing/physiotherapy program in chronic patients
No More Bricks in the Wall: Adopting Healthy Lifestyles through Physical Education Classes
No more bricks in the wall: Adopting healthy lifestyles through physical education classes
The Dark Side of the Self-Determination Theory and Its Influence on the Emotional and Cognitive Processes of Students in Physical Education
Validation of the Satisfaction Scale of Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education with the Incorporation of the Novelty in the Spanish Context
The dark side of the self-determination theory and its influence on the emotional and cognitive processes of students in physical education
Validation of the satisfaction scale of basic psychological needs in physical education with the incorporation of the novelty in the spanish context
The influence of the social context on motivation towards the practice of physical activity and the intention to be physically active
Emotion, psychological well-being and their influence on resilience. A study with semi-professional athletes
Emotion, Psychological Well-Being and Their Influence on Resilience. A Study with Semi-Professional Athletes
The Influence of the Social Context on Motivation towards the Practice of Physical Activity and the Intention to be Physically Active
Influence of Teaching Style on Physical Education Adolescents’ Motivation and Health-Related Lifestyle
Adaptation and Validation the State Mindfulness Scale (SMS) to Physical Education in a Spanish Context
Adaptation and Validation the State Mindfulness Scale (SMS) to Physical Education in a Spanish Context
Adaptation and validation to the spanish context of the scale of self-stigma in relatives of people with mental illness
The influence of the trainer on the motivation and resilience of sportspeople: A study from the perspective of self-determination theory
Rebellious suburbs. Spatial segregation and social overflow in the revolutionary strike of 1917 in Madrid
Influencia del docente de Educación Física sobre la confianza, diversión, la motivación y la intención de ser físicamente activo en la adolescencia
Influence of teaching style on physical education adolescents’ motivation and health-related lifestyle
Analysis of the Usefulness of a Serious Game to Raise Awareness about Mental Health Problems in a Sample of High School and University Students: Relationship with Familiarity and Time Spent Playing Video Games
Adaptation and Validation of the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ) in Physical Education Classes and Analysis of Its Role as Mediator between Teacher and Anxiety
Validation of the Scale of Emotional States in the Physical Education Context
Emotional Exhaustion in Housewives and Alzheimer Patients’ Caregivers: Its Effects on Chronic Diseases, Somatic Symptoms and Social Dysfunction
Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Motivation and Resilience on Academic Performance and the Adoption of Healthy Lifestyle Habits among Adolescents
Estigma en los profesionales de la Salud Mental: una revisión sistemática
Influence of Physical Education Teachers on Motivation, Embarrassment and the Intention of Being Physically Active During Adolescence
Adaptación y validación española del Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS)
Unresolved matters of urban history in Spain
Spanish adaptation and validation of the revised perceived locus of causality scale in physical education
Validación y adaptación española de la escala de resiliencia en el contexto deportivo (ERCD)
Influencia de programas de actividad física en la calidad del sueño de personas mayores de 55 años
The renewal of academic history professors during the early years of Franco’s regime
Spanish adaptation and validation of the physical activity class satisfaction questionnaire (PACSQ),Adaptación y validación española del physical activity class satisfaction questionnaire (PACSQ)
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
El uso del Podcast como herramienta de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto universitario: una experiencia de innovación docente durante el confinamiento
Propuesta de taller educativo dirigido a docentes, padres y madres
Influencia de la docencia en la educación física y en los hábitos saludables
Una revisión narrativa sobre estrés, ansiedad y depresión: propuesta de intervención psicosocial posconfinamiento por covid-19
El tratamiento del suicidio en la prensa digital española: un análisis de las publicaciones de “El País” en los dos últimos años
Realidad virtual contra el estigma en salud mental: resultados preliminares de Inclúyete Virtual Reality en estudiantes universitarios
Influencia del estrés, la depresión y la ansiedad sobre la sintomatología bulímica
El valor de los programas de educación social y cultural como recurso para la prevención de las conductas delincuenciales de los menores inmigrantes no acompañados
La influencia del contexto de educación física sobre el contexto de la actividad física desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la autodeterminación
Usos de las nuevas tecnologías para sensibilizar a los jovenes sobre los problemas de salud mental
La influencia del profesor de Educación Física en la motivación hacia la práctica de ejercicio físico y promoción de hábitos de vida saludables y dieta mediterránea durante la adolescencia
Programas SPOC y educación
Factores de riesgo en el desarrollo infantil
Estrategias y programas de intervención en la lucha antiestigma en salud mental
Características y factores de influencia sobre el emprendimiento senior. Revisión bibliográfica
El aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera como estimulación cognitiva en personas mayores. Una revisión sistemática
La influencia de las emociones sobre el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de una segunda lengua extranjera. Una revisión sistemática
GRAFICACIA. Otra forma de pensar y comunicar
Investigación en Salud y Desarrollo
Familia, salud, psicología y educación
Escuela, salud, psicología y educación
La importancia del contexto escolar en la promoción de la actividad física en estudiantes para la mejora de la condición física y mental
La influencia de la motivación autodeterminada en el deportista con discapacidad
El diario de aprendizaje y su relación con la metacognición: metodología activa
La importancia de los programas educativos deportivos como agentes de prevención del consumo de sustancias alcohólicas y estupefacientes en los menores infractores
Adaptación y validación española de la escala revisada del locus percibido de causalidad hacia el aprendizaje académico (PLOC-A)
Comparación entre el pensamiento crítico y el uso de estrategias metacognitivas entre la enseñanza tradicional y el uso de un SPOC en una flip classroom: un estudio en un contexto universitario
Como desarrollar una propuesta inclusiva hacia el alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo basado en un "escape room" en el área de Educación Física
SPOC como metodología de apoyo a la docencia: una experiencia con alumnado del grado de educación infantil
Influencia de los hábitos de ocio y tiempo libre sobre el rendimiento académico del alumnado de Francés Lengua Extranjera en Educación Primaria
La motivación en el deportista
Los programas educativos y formativos como instrumentos para la prevención del deterioro cognitivo en el alumnado de la etapa de educación primaria
Resiliencia en el mundo deportivo
El rol del profesor de educación física sobre la motivación del alumnado, desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la autodeterminación
Proyecto educativo interdisciplinar
La importancia de la educación física en la adopción de hábitos activos de actividad física
Programas educativos encaminados a la prevención del consumo de sustancias alcohólicas y estupefacientes en el alumnado de la etapa de educación primaria
Los programas educativos como recursos para la prevención de los trastornos de conducta en Educación Primaria
Relaçôes entre o treinamento físico, perfil bioquímico e a composiçâo corporal de militares
Programas de intervención con alumnos con trastorno negativista desafiante
La influencia del entrenador sobre la motivación y la resiliencia: un estudio desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la autodeterminación
Deportes de invierno adaptados: Salud, diversión y competición sin barreras
Validación de la CCBS en actividad física en personas mayores de 55 años de edad
Reducción de la disincronía social y psicomotora de niños y niñas con altas capacidades a través del deporte
Prevención de la conducta antisocial a través de la práctica de actividad física y deportiva
Ocupación de ocio para un envejecimiento activo de calidad
Validación y adaptación de la revisada escala de locus percibido de causalidad (PLOC-R) en las clases de educación física
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Factors related to prehospital time in caring for patients with stroke
La influencia del docente sobre la motivación, las estrategias de aprendizaje, pensamiento crítico y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de secundaria en el área de Educación Física
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H