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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Diagnosis of metastatic angiosarcoma of the aorta in colonic lesion biopsies
Sodium Homeostasis, a Balance Necessary for Life
Differential rewarding effects of electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus and parabrachial complex: Functional characterization and the relevance of opioid systems and dopamine
Increased short‑term food intake after external lateral parabrachial subnucleus lesions in rats.
Relevance of the nucleus of the solitary tract, gelatinous part, in learned preferences induced by intragastric nutrient administration
Disruption of re-intake after partial withdrawal of gastric food contents in rats lesioned in the gelatinous part of the nucleus of the solitary tract
Chemical afferent vagal axotomy blocks re-intake after partial withdrawal of gastric food contents
Satiation and re-intake after partial withdrawal of gastric food contents: A dissociation effect in external lateral parabrachial lesioned rats
Rewarding effects of electrical stimulation of the insular cortex: Decayed effectiveness after repeated tests and subsequent increase in vertical behavioral activity and conditioned place aversion after naloxone administration
Consistent rewarding or aversive effects of the electrical stimulation of the lateral parabrachial complex
Effects of intragastric administration of predigested nutrients on food intake, body weight and taste acceptability: Potential relevance of the cephalic/neural phase of digestion
Learned flavor preferences induced by intragastric administration of rewarding nutrients: role of caps aicin-sensitive vagal afferent fibers
Learned preferences induced by electrical stimulation of a food-related area of the parabrachial complex: Effects of naloxone
The neural/cephalic phase reflexes in the physiology of nutrition
Capsaicin-sensitive afferent vagal fibers are involved in concurrent taste aversion learning
Concurrent TAL: Aversive processing via capsaicin-sensitive vagal afferent fibres
Lesions of the lateral parabrachial area block the aversive component and induced-flavor preference for the delayed intragastric administration of nutrients in rats: Effects on subsequent food and water intake
Concurrent taste preference after intragastric nutrients: The role of capsaicin-sensitive vagal fibres
Effects of perivagal administration of capsaicin on food intake in animals after noxious gastric surgery
Effects of perivagal administration of capsaicin on post-surgical food intake
The role of the external lateral parabrachial subnucleus in flavor preferences induced by predigested food administered intragastrically
Effects of lateral parabrachial lesions on taste aversion induced by intragastric nutrient infusions
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Enteral Feeding: Brain-Visceral Interactions in the Processing of Nutrients
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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