Solé Benet, Alberto Author

Effects of two tillage techniques on soil macroporosity in sub-humid environment

  • Josa, R.
  • Ginovart, M.
  • Solé, A.

International Agrophysics - 2010

Cite count: 19 (Web of Science)

Effects of soil and vegetation on runoff along a catena in semi-arid Spain

  • Nicolau, J.M.
  • Solé-Benet, A.
  • Puigdefábregas, J.
  • Gutiérrez, L.

Geomorphology - 1/01/1996


Cite count: 87 (Web of Science) 90 (Scopus)

Effects of biological soil crusts on surface roughness and implications for runoff and erosion

  • Rodríguez-Caballero E.
  • Cantón Y.
  • Chamizo S.
  • Afana A.
  • Solé-Benet A.



Cite count: 182 (Web of Science) 146 (Scopus)

Diffuse and concentrated recharge evaluation using physical and tracer techniques: results from a semiarid carbonate massif aquifer in southeastern Spain

  • Alcala, Francisco J.
  • Canton, Yolanda
  • Contreras, Sergio
  • Were, Ana
  • Serrano-Ortiz, Penelope
  • Puigdefabregas, Juan
  • Sole-Benet, Albert
  • Custodio, Emilio
  • Domingo, Francisco
... View more Collapse

Environmental Earth Sciences - 1/02/2011

10.1007/s12665-010-0546-y View source

Cite count: 34 (Web of Science) 32 (Scopus)

Differential responses of hillslope and channel elements to rainfall events in a semi-arid area

  • Puigdefabregas, J.
  • del Barrio, G.
  • Boer, M. M.
  • Gutierrez, L.
  • Sole, A.

Geomorphology - 1/06/1998


Cite count: 90 (Web of Science) 94 (Scopus)

Crust Composition and Disturbance Drive Infiltration Through Biological Soil Crusts in Semiarid Ecosystems

  • Chamizo S.
  • Cantón Y.
  • Lázaro R.
  • Solé-Benet A.
  • Domingo F.

ECOSYSTEMS - 1/1/2012


Cite count: 177 (Web of Science) 141 (Scopus)

Cross-scale interactions between surface components and rainfall properties. Non-linearities in the hydrological and erosive behavior of semiarid catchments

  • Rodriguez-Caballero, Emilio
  • Canton, Yolanda
  • Lazaro, Roberto
  • Sole-Benet, Albert


10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.06.018 View source

Cite count: 54 (Web of Science) 45 (Scopus)

Controls of infiltration-runoff processes in Mediterranean karst rangelands in SE Spain

  • Li, X.-Y.
  • Contreras, S.
  • Solé-Benet, A.
  • Cantón, Y.
  • Domingo, F.
  • Lázaro, R.
  • Lin, H.
  • Van Wesemael, B.
  • Puigdefábregas, J.
... View more Collapse

CATENA - 1/08/2011

10.1016/j.catena.2011.03.003 View source

Cite count: 96 (Web of Science) 77 (Scopus)

Collection and storage of runoff from hillslopes in a semi-arid environment: Geomorphic and hydrologic aspects of the aljibe system in Almeria province, Spain

  • Van Wesemael, B.
  • Poesen, J.
  • Sole Benet, A.
  • Cara Barrionuevo, L.
  • Puigdefábregas, J.

Journal of Arid Environments - 1/09/1998

10.1006/jare.1998.0429 View source

Cite count: 41 (Web of Science) 48 (Scopus)
Open Access

Characteristics of physical and biological soil crusts with high influence in infiltration and erosion in Mediterranean ecosystems | Características de las costras físicas y biológicas del suelo con mayor influencia sobre la infiltración y la erosión en ecosistemas semiáridos

  • S. Chamizo
  • E. Rodríguez Caballero
  • I. Miralles-Mellado
  • R. Lázaro
  • F. Domingo
  • Adolfo Calvo Cases
  • Yolanda Cantón Castilla
  • A. Solé Benet
  • A. Afana
... View more Collapse

Pirineos - 30/12/2010


Cite count: 14 (Scopus)

Traditional management of a water harvesting systems on hillslope in southeast Spain

  • Van Wesemael, B.
  • Poesen, J. W.
  • Sole, A.
  • Cara Barrionuevo, L.
  • Puigdefabregas, J.

Hydrology in a changing environment - 1998


The Rambla Honda field site: interactions of soil and vegetation along a Catena in semi-arid southeast Spain

  • Puigdef bregas, J.
  • Alonso, J. M.
  • Delgado Castilla, L.
  • Domingo, F.
  • Cueto, M.
  • Gutierrez, L.
  • Lazaro, R.
  • Nicolau, J. M.
  • Sanchez, G.
  • Sole, A.
  • Vidal, S.
... View more Collapse

Mediterranean desertification and land use - 1996


The micromorphology of two soil fault-breccias.

  • Douglas, L.A.
  • Sole-Benet, A.
  • Low, A.J.
  • Platt, D.W.

Soil micromorphology. Vol. 1 - 1/1/1983

Cite count: 7 (Scopus)


  • Benet, A.S.

Soil Erosion in Europe - 2006


Runoff generation in badlands

  • Cantón Y.
  • Rodríguez-Caballero E.
  • Chamizo S.
  • Le Bouteiller C.
  • Solé-Benet A.
  • Calvo-Cases A.

Badlands Dynamics in a Context of Global Change - 1/1/2018


Cite count: 4 (Scopus)

Rambla Honda,Tabernas, Almer¡a,Spain

  • Puigdef bregas, J.
  • Cueto, M.
  • Domingo, F.
  • Gutierrez, L.
  • Sanchez, G.
  • Sole, A.

Atlas of mediterranean environments in Europe. The desertification context. - 1998

Cite count:

Prologue. National Inventory of Soil Erosion 2002-2012.

Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino. - 8/09/2007


Procesos que alteran el seguimiento de la escorrentía y la erosión en ambientes mediterráneos semiaridos

  • A. Solé Benet
  • Yolanda Cantón Castilla
  • R. Lázaro
  • Juan Puigdefábregas Tomás

III Simposio sobre control de la degradación de suelos y la desertificación: libro de actas. Fuerteventura, 16-20 septiembre 2007 - 2007

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Physico-chemical and spectral characteristics of soil crusts in semiarid areas. An ecosystem condition index?

  • A. Solé Benet
  • F. Domingo
  • R. Lázaro
  • Yolanda Cantón Castilla
  • Sonia Chamizo
  • I. Miralles

Avances en estudios sobre desertificación: aportaciones al Congreso Internacional sobre Desertificación en memoria del profesor John B. Thornes, (Murcia, 2009) = Advances in studies on desertification : contributions to the International Conference on Desertification in memory of professor Jo - 2009

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Pedogenic Microlaminated Clay in Paleogene Sediments

  • Sole-Benet A.
  • Gisbert J.
  • Larque P.

Developments in Soil Science - 1/12/1990


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Variation of rock fragment cover and size along semiarid hillslopes: a case-study from southeast Spain

  • Poesen, J.W.
  • Van Wesemael, B.
  • Bunte, K.
  • Benet, A.S.


10.1016/s0169-555x(98)00013-0 View source

Cite count: 110 (Web of Science) 110 (Scopus)

Estaciones autom ticas de aforo y muestreo de caudales,de bajo costo y mantenimiento,para zonas remotas

  • Vidal, S.
  • Sole, A.
  • Lazaro, R.
  • Duran, A.
  • Puigdefabregas, J.


Effect of soil properties and hydrologic characteristics on plants in a restored calcareous quarry under a transitional arid to semiarid climate

  • Luna, L.
  • Miralles, I.
  • Lázaro, R.
  • Contreras, S.
  • Solé-Benet, A.

Ecohydrology - 1/09/2018

10.1002/eco.1896 View source

Cite count: 19 (Web of Science) 16 (Scopus)

Does the Tabernas Desert (SE Spain) Deserve to Become Geopark?

  • Solé-Benet A.
  • Calvo A.
  • Lázaro R.
  • Cantón Y.

Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation - 1/1/2024


Cite count:

Desarrollo y calibraci¢n de un nuevo sensor de humedad de suelo

  • Vidal, S.
  • Domene, M. A.
  • Domingo, F.
  • Sole, A.
  • Puigdefa bregas, J.


This author has no patents.

Respuesta hidrologica de una ladera sobre micasquistos en Almer¡a

  • Sole, A.
  • Vidal, S.
  • Guti‚rrez, L.
  • Lazaro, R.
  • Puigdefabregas, J.


Cite count:

Scopus: 31

Web of Science: 34

Scopus: 55

Web of Science: 59

Last data update: 9/14/24 7:14 AM
Next scheduled update: 9/21/24 3:00 AM