Martínez Rach, Miguel Onofre Autor

Open Access

A Hybrid Contrast and Texture Masking Model to Boost High Efficiency Video Coding Perceptual Rate-Distortion Performance

  • Javier Ruiz Atencia
  • Otoniel López-Granado
  • Manuel Pérez Malumbres
  • Miguel Martínez-Rach
  • Damian Ruiz Coll
  • Gerardo Fernández Escribano
  • Glenn Van Wallendael
... Ver más Contraer

Electronics (Switzerland) - 1/8/2024


Número de citas:
Open Access

Manipulation order optimization in industrial pick-and-place operations: application to textile and leather industry

  • Martínez-Peral F.J.
  • Migallón H.
  • Borrell-Méndez J.
  • Martínez-Rach M.
  • Pérez-Vidal C.

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - 1/7/2024


Número de citas:

On the use of deep learning and parallelism techniques to significantly reduce the HEVC intra-coding time

  • Galiano V.
  • Migallón H.
  • Martínez-Rach M.
  • López-Granado O.
  • P. Malumbres M.



Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science)

Conjugal transfer of catabolic plasmids by damaged bacterial cells: Rescuing genes for pesticide biodegradation

  • Parra B.
  • Tortella G.
  • Dechesne A.
  • Martínez M.



Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Antibiofilm activity of antarctic sponge-associated bacteria against pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus

  • Rizzo C.
  • Zammuto V.
  • Lo Giudice A.
  • Rizzo M.G.
  • Spanò A.
  • Laganà P.
  • Martinez M.
  • Guglielmino S.
  • Gugliandolo C.
... Ver más Contraer

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering - 1/3/2021


Número de citas:

Load Balancing Strategies for Slice-Based Parallel Versions of JEM Video Encoder

  • Hector Migallon
  • Otoniel Mario López Granado
  • Miguel Onofre Martínez-Rach
  • Vicente Galiano
  • M.P. Malumbres

Algorithms - 1/11/2021


Número de citas:

Performance Overview of the Latest Video Coding Proposals: HEVC, JEM and VVC

  • Miguel Onofre Martínez-Rach
  • Hector Migallon
  • Otoniel Mario López Granado
  • Vicente Galiano
  • M.P. Malumbres

Journal of Imaging - 1/02/2021


Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Analysis of the Perceptual Quality Performance of Different HEVC Coding Tools

  • Javier Ruiz Atencia
  • Otoniel Lopez Granado
  • Manuel Perez Malumbres
  • Miguel Onofre Martinez-Rach
  • Glenn Van Wallendael

IEEE Access - 1/01/2021


Número de citas:

Silver nanoparticles: Toxicity in model organisms as an overview of its hazard for human health and the environment

  • Tortella G.R.
  • Rubilar O.
  • Durán N.
  • Diez M.C.
  • Martínez M.
  • Parada J.
  • Seabra A.B.
... Ver más Contraer

Journal of Hazardous Materials - 15/5/2020


Número de citas: 82 (Scopus)

A General Model for the Design of Efficient Sign-Coding Tools for Wavelet-Based Encoders

  • Otoniel Mario López-Granado
  • Miguel Onofre Martínez-Rach
  • Antonio Martí-Campoy
  • Marco Antonio Cruz-Chávez
  • Manuel Pérez Malumbres

Electronics - 12/11/2020


Número de citas:

Protecting Video Streaming for Automatic Accident Notification in Smart Cities

  • Pablo Piñol
  • Pablo Garrido
  • Miguel Martinez-Rach
  • Manuel Perez-Malumbres

Springer Proceedings in Complexity - 1/1/2023


Número de citas:
Open Access

Low bit-rate video coding with 3D lower trees (3D-LTW)

  • López O.
  • Martínez-Rach M.
  • Piñol P.
  • Malumbres M.
  • Oliver J.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 20/7/2010


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)
Open Access

M-LTW: A fast and efficient non-embedded intra video codec

  • López O.
  • Martínez-Rach M.
  • Piñol P.
  • Oliver J.
  • Malumbres M.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/12/2007


Número de citas:
Open Access

Low-complexity TTCM based distributed video coding architecture

  • Martínez J.
  • Fernando W.
  • Weerakkody W.
  • Oliver J.
  • López O.
  • Martinez M.
  • Pérez M.
  • Cuenca P.
  • Quiles F.
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/12/2007


Número de citas:

Impact of dead zone size on the rate/distortion performance of wavelet-based perceptual image encoders

  • Martinez-Rach M.
  • Lopez Granado O.
  • Pinol Peral P.
  • Perez Malumbres M.

International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings - 19/09/2017


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Influence of Dead Zone Quantization Parameters in the R/D Performance of Wavelet-Based Image Encoders

  • Martinez-Rach M.
  • Pinol P.
  • Lopez-Granado O.
  • Malumbres M.

Data Compression Conference Proceedings - 8/04/2017


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Impact of Dead Zone Size on the Rate/Distortion Performance of Wavelet-Based Perceptual Image Encoders

  • Martinez-Rach Miguel, Onofre
  • Lopez Granado, Otoniel
  • Pinol Peral, Pablo
  • Prez Malumbres, Manuel
  • IEEE


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Improving image compression through the use of evolutionary computing algorithms

  • López-Granado O.
  • Galiano V.
  • Martí A.
  • Migallón H.
  • Martínez-Rach M.
  • Piñol P.
  • Malumbres M.
... Ver más Contraer

WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies - 30/5/2013


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Evaluating HEVC video delivery in VANET scenarios

  • Pinol, P.
  • Torres, A.
  • Lopez, O.
  • Martinez, M.
  • Malumbres, M. P.
  • IEEE

IFIP Wireless Days - 1/11/2013

10.1109/wd.2013.6686539 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 19 (Scopus)

3D Wavelet encoder for depth map data compression

  • Martinez-Rach, Miguel
  • Lopez-Granado, Otoniel
  • Pinol, Pablo
  • Malumbres, Manuel P.
  • Bilgin, A
  • Marcellin, MW
  • SerraSagrista, J
  • Storer, JA
... Ver más Contraer

Data Compression Conference Proceedings - 1/03/2013

10.1109/dcc.2013.88 Ver en origen

Número de citas:

Perceptual intra video encoder for high-quality high-definition content

  • Martinez-Rach, Miguel
  • Lopez-Granado, Otoniel
  • Pinol, Pablo
  • Malumbres, Manuel P.
  • Bilgin, A
  • Marcellin, MW
  • SerraSagrista, J
  • Storer, JA
... Ver más Contraer

Data Compression Conference Proceedings - 1/03/2013

10.1109/dcc.2013.89 Ver en origen

Número de citas:

Sensitivity of the HVS for Binocular disparity Cue in 3D displays under different ambient illumination conditions

  • Nur, G.
  • De Silva, V.
  • Arachchi, H. Kodikara
  • Kondoz, A.
  • Fernando, W.
  • Martinez-Rach, M. O.
  • Dogan, S.
  • IEEE
... Ver más Contraer

Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - 29/3/2012

10.1109/icce.2012.6161943 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 5 (Scopus)

Modeling video streaming over VANETs

  • Piñol P.
  • López O.
  • Martínez M.
  • Oliver J.
  • Malumbres M.

PM2HW2N'12 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks - 27/11/2012


Número de citas: 15 (Scopus)

A low complexity wavelet based depth map encoder for low bit rate 3D video applications

  • Onofre Martinez-Rach, Miguel
  • De Silva, Demuni
  • Fernando, Anil
  • Arachchi, Hemantha Kodikara
  • Lopez Granado, Othoniel
  • Malumbres, Manuel
  • IEEE
... Ver más Contraer

Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - 30/01/2012

10.1109/icce.2012.6161844 Ver en origen

Número de citas:

Este autor no tiene patentes.

A Hybrid Contrast and Texture Masking Model to Boost HEVC Perceptual RD Performance

  • Javier Ruiz Atencia
  • Otoniel Mario López
  • Manuel Perez Malumbres
  • Miguel Onofre Martínez-Rach
  • Damian Ruiz Coll
  • Gerardo Fernández-­Escribano
  • Glenn Van Wallendael
... Ver más Contraer




Correction to: On the use of deep learning and parallelism techniques to significantly reduce the HEVC intra-coding time (The Journal of Supercomputing, (2022), 10.1007/s11227-022-04764-1)

  • Galiano V.
  • Migallón H.
  • Martínez-Rach M.
  • López-Granado O.
  • Malumbres M.P.



Número de citas:

Scopus: 15

Web of Science: 5

Scopus: 25

Web of Science: 2

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 7:07
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00