Ortega Pérez, Raúl Author

Open Access

The Impacts of Post-Fire Straw Mulching and Salvage Logging on Soil Properties and Plant Diversity in a Mediterranean Burned Pine Forest

  • Raúl Ortega
  • Demetrio Antonio Zema
  • Nicolas Valiente
  • Rocio Soria
  • Isabel Miralles
  • Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja

Forests - 27/09/2022


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science)

Sustainable Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater after Chlorination: Short-Term Effects on Crops and Soils

  • Demetrio Antonio Zema
  • Bruno Gianmarco Carra'
  • Antonino Zumbo
  • Manuel Esteban Lucas Borja
  • Isabel Miralles
  • Raul Ortega Perez
  • Rocío Soria
  • Santo Marcello Zimbone
  • Paolo S. Calabro'
... View more Collapse

Sustainability - 1/07/2023


Cite count:

Surrogate descriptors of C-storage processes on crusted semiarid ecosystems

  • Miralles I.
  • van Wesemael B.
  • Cantón Y.
  • Chamizo S.
  • Ortega R.
  • Domingo F.
  • Almendros G.
... View more Collapse

GEODERMA - 1/11/2012


Cite count: 20 (Web of Science) 19 (Scopus)

Spectroscopic surrogates of soil organic matter resilience in crusted semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems

EGUGA - 2016


Soil quality and organic carbon ratios in mountain agroecosystems of South-east Spain

  • Miralles I.
  • Ortega R.
  • Almendros G.
  • Sánchez-Marañón M.
  • Soriano M.

GEODERMA - 15/4/2009


Cite count: 53 (Web of Science) 49 (Scopus)

Soil quality and bacterial community structure: a case study from the mediterranean region

EGUGA - 2017


Soil organic matter of Iberian open woodland rangelands as influenced by vegetation cover and land management

  • Pulido-Fernández M.
  • Schnabel S.
  • Lavado-Contador J.
  • Miralles Mellado I.
  • Ortega Pérez R.

CATENA - 1/10/2013


Cite count: 69 (Web of Science) 62 (Scopus)

Soil degradation from excess salt and its relation to the topography on an area of southern Spain

  • Miralles, I
  • Ortega, R
  • Canton, Y
  • Asensio, C


Cite count: 8 (Web of Science)

Soil degradation due to salt excess and its relationships with the topography in an area of South of Spain,Degradación del suelo por exceso de sales y su relación con la topografía en un area del sur de España

  • Miralles I.
  • Ortega R.
  • Cantón Y.
  • Asensio C.

Agrochimica - 1/1/2002

Cite count: 10 (Scopus)

Soil CO2 exchange controlled by the interaction of biocrust successional stage and environmental variables in two semiarid ecosystems

  • Miralles I.
  • Ladrón de Guevara M.
  • Chamizo S.
  • Rodríguez-Caballero E.
  • Ortega R.
  • van Wesemael B.
  • Cantón Y.
... View more Collapse



Cite count: 34 (Web of Science) 15 (Scopus)

Manual para el Seguimiento del Cambio Global UNA PROPUESTA PARA AMBIENTES ÁRIDOS Y SEMIÁRIDOS

  • Antonio J. Castro
  • Cabello

Fundación Patrimonio Natural, Biodiversidad y Cambio Global - 1/01/2015


Atlas Geográfico de la provincia de Almería. El medio-La Sociedad-Las actividades.Instituto de Estudios Almerienses.

Diputación de Almería - 2010


Agricultural Land Degradation in Spain

  • Rodríguez-Berbel N.
  • Soria R.
  • Ortega R.
  • Lucas-Borja M.E.
  • Miralles I.

Handbook of Environmental Chemistry - 1/1/2023


Cite count: 2 (Scopus)

Water Retention and Color in Fine Earth and Soil Core Samples.

The 18th World Congress of Soil Science - 2006


Testing Color-Mixing Laws in Soil Mineral Mixtures

  • Sánchez-Marañón M.
  • Soriano M.
  • Miralles I.
  • Ortega R.
  • Melgosa M.

European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV) - 1/12/2002

Cite count:

Reconstruction of historical erosion rates based on sedimentation data from Visigotic dam sites (Toledo, Spain)

Proceedings of 4th Belgian Geography Days - 2010


Reconstruction of historical changes in land use and soil erosion from sediments trapped in Visigotic dam sites in Toledo (Spain).

Geochronology Summer School: Dating anthropogenic and natural changes in an alpine environment - 2010


Integration of a model of insolation into Almanzora*GIS in order to take anti-erosion decisions. Analysis of alternative models

  • Miralles-Mellado I.
  • Ortega-Perez R.
  • Bienvenido F.
  • García-Lorca A.

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) - 24/11/2003


Cite count:

Indicadores colorimétricos de desertificación y degradación del suelo

  • I. Miralles
  • Miguel Soriano Rodríguez
  • R. Ortega
  • Manuel Sánchez Marañón
  • R. Delgado Calvo-Flores

III Simposio sobre control de la degradación de suelos y la desertificación: libro de actas. Fuerteventura, 16-20 septiembre 2007 - 2007

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Evaluación de los recursos energéticos solares en zonas de topograf́ıa compleja

  • I. Miralles
  • Mercedes Martínez Durbán
  • R. Ortega
  • Francisco Javier Barbero
  • D. Pozo
  • Joaquín Tovar Pescador
  • Francisco Javier Batlles Garrido
  • Gabriel López Rodríguez
... View more Collapse

Siguiendo el camino de las estrellas: libro de actas del XII Congreso Ibérico y VII Congreso Ibero Americano de Enerǵıa Solar. 14-18 septiembre 2004, Vigo, Galicia, España - 2004

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Changes in human occupation and soil erosion rates through historical time: evidence from an agricultural complex in Toledo (Spain).

Geophysical Research Abstracts - 2011


This author has no patents.

Introducción al Sistema de Información Geográfica ARC/INFO



Adsorption of glyphosate in Chilean soils and its relationship with unoccupied phosphate binding sites

  • Kogan, M
  • Metz, A
  • Ortega, R



Cite count: 22 (Web of Science)

Scopus: 11

Web of Science: 15

Scopus: 15

Web of Science: 23

Last data update: 7/20/24 7:48 AM
Next scheduled update: 7/27/24 3:00 AM