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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
One-sided Gorenstein rings
K-flatness in Grothendieck categories: application to quasi-coherent sheaves
The Singularity Category of An Exact Category Applied to Characterize Gorenstein Schemes
The stable category of gorenstein flat sheaves on a noetherian scheme
A refinement of Gorenstein flat dimension via the flat–cotorsion theory
Gorenstein flat representations of left rooted quivers
Gorenstein weak global dimension is symmetric
Acyclic Complexes and Gorenstein Rings
Phantom covering ideals in categories without enough projective morphisms
Quillen Equivalent Models for the Derived Category of Flats and the Resolution Property
The projective stable category of a coherent scheme
Periodic Modules and Acyclic Complexes
Balanced pairs, cotorsion triplets and quiver representations
Characterizations of Ding Injective Complexes
FP n -Injective, FP n -Flat Covers and Preenvelopes, and Gorenstein AC-Flat Covers
Quillen equivalences for stable categories
Envelopes and covers for groups
Pure exact structures and the pure derived category of a scheme
Cartesian modules over representations of small categories
A Zariski-local notion of F-total acyclicity for complexes of sheaves1
Gorenstein injective sheaves
Gorenstein Projective Precovers
Totally acyclic complexes
Gorenstein flat and projective (pre)covers
Gorenstein Projective Resolvents
Pure Injective and Absolutely Pure Sheaves
The Derived Category of Quasi-Coherent Modules on an Artin Stack Via Model Structures
Locally finitely presented categories with no flat objects
Descent of restricted flat Mittag-Leffler modules and generalized vector bundles
Covering ideals of morphisms and module representations of the quiver A2
Gorenstein injective, projective and flat (pre)covers
Cotorsion pairs, model structures and homotopy categories
Finitistic Dimension Conjectures for representations of quivers
Transfinite Tree Quivers and their Representations
A Lazard-Like Theorem for Quasi-Coherent Sheaves
Pure-injectives relative to a cotorsion pair: Applications
A model structure approach to the finitistic dimension conjectures
Gorenstein projective and flat complexes over noetherian rings
Model category structures arising from Drinfeld vector bundles
Balance with unbounded complexes
Injective representations of infinite quivers. Applications
Gorenstein categories and Tate cohomology on projective schemes
Group convolutional codes
Rings with finite Gorenstein global dimension
Quillen's small object argument in the category of firm modules
Locally projective monoidal model structure for complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves on P1(k)
Monomial algebras over infinite quivers. applications to N-complexes of modules
DG-Modules vs. Relative Hopf Modules
Gorenstein quivers
The structure of compact coGalois groups
Galois and coGalois groups associated with cotorsion theories
Projective representations of quivers
Relative homological algebra in the category of quasi-coherent sheaves
Gorenstein flat covers and Gorenstein cotorsion modules over integral group rings
CoGalois groups as metric spaces
Flat covers in the category of quasi-coherent sheaves over the projective line
Flat and cotorsion quasi-coherent sheaves. Applications
Flat covers of representations of the quiver A ∞
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Cubiertas y envolventes en categorías de representaciones Sergio Estrada Domínguez
Cubiertas y envolventes en categorías de representaciones
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Five theorems on Gorenstein global dimensions
Homotopy categories of totally acyclic complexes with applications to the flat–cotorsion theory
Model structures and relative gorenstein flat modules and chain complexes
Purity in categories of sheaves
An elementary proof of Grothendieck's theorem
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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