Tremblay, Nicolás Autor

Determination of a Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve for Spring Wheat

  • Ziadi, Noura
  • Belanger, Gilles
  • Claessens, Annie
  • Lefebvre, Louis
  • Cambouris, Athyna N.
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Nolin, Michel C.
  • Parent, Leon-Etienne
... Ver más Contraer


10.2134/agronj2009.0266 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 110 (Web of Science) 103 (Scopus)

On-Farm Assessment of the Amount and Timing of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Ammonia Volatilization

  • Ma, B. L.
  • Wu, T. Y.
  • Tremblay, N.
  • Deen, W.
  • McLaughlin, N. B.
  • Morrison, M. J.
  • Stewart, G.
... Ver más Contraer


10.2134/agronj2009.0021 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 92 (Web of Science) 90 (Scopus)

Nitrous oxide fluxes from corn fields: on-farm assessment of the amount and timing of nitrogen fertilizer

  • Ma, B.L.
  • Wu, T.Y.
  • Tremblay, N.
  • Deen, W.
  • Morrison, M.J.
  • Mclaughlin, N.B.
  • Gregorich, E.G.
  • Stewart, G.
... Ver más Contraer


10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01932.x Ver en origen

Número de citas: 168 (Web of Science) 155 (Scopus)

Strategies to Make Use of Plant Sensors-Based Diagnostic Information for Nitrogen Recommendations

  • Samborski, Stanislaw Marek
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Fallon, Edith


10.2134/agronj2008.0162rx Ver en origen

Número de citas: 224 (Web of Science) 208 (Scopus)

Leaf nitrogen concentration as an indicator of corn nitrogen status

  • Ziadi, Noura
  • Belanger, Gilles
  • Gastal, Francois
  • Claessens, Annie
  • Lemaire, Gilles
  • Tremblay, Nicolas

Agronomy Journal - 1/07/2009

10.2134/agronj2008.0172x Ver en origen

Número de citas: 41 (Web of Science) 39 (Scopus)

A comparison of crop data measured by two commercial sensors for variable-rate nitrogen application

  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Wang, Zhijie
  • Ma, Bao-Luo
  • Belec, Carl
  • Vigneault, Philippe


10.1007/s11119-008-9080-2 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 87 (Web of Science) 82 (Scopus)

Opportunities for improved fertilizer nitrogen management in production of arable crops in eastern Canada: A review

  • Zebarth, B. J.
  • Drury, C. F.
  • Tremblay, N.
  • Cambouris, A. N.


10.4141/cjss07102 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 153 (Web of Science) 145 (Scopus)

Relationship between phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in spring wheat (Agronomy Journal (200) 100, (80-86)

  • Ziadi N.
  • Bélanger G.
  • Cambouris A.
  • Tremblay N.
  • Nolin M.
  • Claessens A.

Agronomy Journal - 1/4/2008


Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)
Open Access

Incidence and population density of plant-parasitic nematodes on golf courses in Ontario and Québec, Canada

  • Simard, Louis
  • Belair, Guy
  • Powers, Tom
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Dionne, Julie

Journal of Nematology - 1/12/2008

Número de citas: 9 (Web of Science) 7 (Scopus)

Chlorophyll measurements and nitrogen nutrition index for the evaluation of corn nitrogen status

  • Ziadi, Noura
  • Brassard, Marianne
  • Belanger, Gilles
  • Claessens, Annie
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Cambouris, Athyna N.
  • Nolin, Michel C.
  • Parent, Leon-Etienne
... Ver más Contraer


10.2134/agronj2008.0016 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 128 (Web of Science) 111 (Scopus)
Open Access

Eye-on-hand calibration method for cable-driven parallel robots

  • Tremblay N.
  • Kamali K.
  • Cardou P.
  • Desrosiers C.
  • Gouttefarde M.
  • Otis M.J.D.

Mechanisms and Machine Science - 1/1/2019


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Proximal soil and plant sensing

  • Adamchuk V.
  • Ji W.
  • Rossel R.V.
  • Gebbers R.
  • Tremblay N.

Precision Agriculture Basics - 8/6/2018


Número de citas: 14 (Scopus)
Open Access

Fuzzy logic approach for spatially variable nitrogen fertilization of corn based on soil, crop and precipitation information

  • Bouroubi Y.
  • Tremblay N.
  • Vigneault P.
  • Bélec C.
  • Panneton B.
  • Guillaume S.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 19/7/2011

10.1007/978-3-642-21928-3_25 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 6 (Web of Science)

Space, time, remote sensing, and optimal nitrogen fertilization rates: A fuzzy logic approach

  • Tremblay N.
  • Bouroubi Y.M.
  • Panneton B.
  • Vigneault P.
  • Guillaume S.

GIS Applications in Agriculture: Volume Two: Nutrient Management for Energy Efficiency - 1/1/2011

Número de citas:

The dualex - A new tool to determine nitrogen sufficiency in broccoli

  • Tremblay, N.
  • Belec, C.
  • Jenni, S.
  • Fortier, E.
  • Mellgren, R.
  • Albrigo, LG
  • Ehsani, R
... Ver más Contraer

Acta Horticulturae - 1/1/2009

10.17660/actahortic.2009.824.13 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 21 (Web of Science) 18 (Scopus)

Effects of temperature and fertigation on lettuce seedling production using peat blocks

  • Maltais, A.
  • Gosselin, A.
  • Tremblay, N.
  • Van Winden, D.
  • Leskovar, DI

Acta Horticulturae - 1/2/2008

10.17660/actahortic.2008.782.46 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 3 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Soil Nmin content and P2O5 export from vegetable crops in Quebec (Canada)

  • Tremblay, N.
  • Beaudet, P.
  • Tei, F
  • Benincasa, P
  • Guiducci, M

Acta Horticulturae - 1/1/2006

10.17660/actahortic.2006.700.30 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)


  • Tremblay, N.

Acta Horticulturae - 2003


A dehydrated organo-mineral fertilizer as a nitrogen source for broccoli

  • Belec, C
  • Dextraze, L
  • Tremblay, N
  • Coulombe, J
  • Lamy, P
  • Chabot, R

Acta Horticulturae - 1/11/2003

10.17660/actahortic.2003.627.8 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 3 (Web of Science) 5 (Scopus)

Extension of practical solutions for efficient nitrogen management of vegetable crops: A comprehensive guide developed using a unique approach

  • Owen, J.
  • Scharpf, H.C.
  • Weier, U.
  • Laurence, H.
  • Tremblay, N.

Acta Horticulturae - 1/11/2003

10.17660/actahortic.2003.627.20 Ver en origen

Número de citas:

The CMIC / CanmetMINES comminution energy recovery potential initiative – the agnico eagle goldex division case

  • Bouchard J.
  • LeBlanc G.
  • Germain Y.
  • Levesque M.
  • Tremblay N.
  • Légaré B.
  • Dallaire B.
  • Radziszewski P.
... Ver más Contraer

IMPC 2016 - 28th International Mineral Processing Congress - 1/1/2016

Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)

Linear spectral unmixing for crop and soil information extraction from a single worldview-2 image

  • Bouroubi, Yacine
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Vigneault, Philippe
  • Benoit, Mathieu
  • IEEE

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) - 1/1/2014

10.1109/igarss.2014.6947645 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Estimating nitrogen sufficiency index using a natural local reference approach

  • Bouroubi Y.
  • Tremblay N.
  • Vigneault P.
  • Bélec C.
  • Adamchuk V.

2013 2nd International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics: Information for Sustainable Agriculture, Agro-Geoinformatics 2013 - 6/12/2013


Número de citas: 3 (Scopus)

Water supply and soil texture influences on corn response to in-season nitrogen rates: A study using spatially variable irrigation

  • Bouroubi M.
  • Tremblay N.
  • Vigneault P.
  • Bélec C.

Precision Agriculture 2011 - Papers Presented at the 8th European Conference on Precision Agriculture 2011, ECPA 2011 - 1/1/2011

Número de citas:
Open Access

Sensing of Crop Nitrogen Status: Opportunities, Tools, Limitations, and Supporting Information Requirements

  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Fallon, Edith
  • Ziadi, Noura


10.21273/horttech.21.3.274 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 54 (Web of Science) 45 (Scopus)

Influence of Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization on Broccoli Polyphenolics Concentration

  • Fortier, E.
  • Desjardins, Y.
  • Tremblay, N.
  • Belec, C.
  • Cote, M.
  • He, HH
  • Liu, LW
... Ver más Contraer


10.17660/actahortic.2010.856.6 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 26 (Web of Science) 26 (Scopus)

Hyperspectral data segmentation and classification in precision agriculture: A multi-scale analysis

  • Lanthier Y.
  • Bannari A.
  • Haboudane D.
  • Miller J.
  • Tremblay N.

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) - 1/12/2008


Número de citas: 23 (Scopus)

Estimation of plant chlorophyll using hyperspectral observations and radiative transfer models: Spectral indices sensitivity and crop-type effects

  • Haboudane D.
  • Tremblay N.
  • Miller J.
  • Vigneault P.

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) - 1/12/2008


Número de citas: 3 (Scopus)

Remote estimation of crop chlorophyll content using spectral indices derived from hyperspectral data

  • Haboudane, Driss
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Miller, John R.
  • Vigneault, Philippe


10.1109/tgrs.2007.904836 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 236 (Web of Science) 202 (Scopus)

Indices-based approach for crop chlorophyll content retrieval from hyperspectral data

  • Haboudane, Driss
  • Tremblay, Nicolas
  • Vigneault, Philippe
  • Miller, John R.
  • IEEE

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) - 1/12/2007

10.1109/igarss.2007.4423549 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

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Web of Science: 33

Scopus: 69

Web of Science: 64

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 4:59
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00