Elegir campos a generar del autor María Oliva

Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Long-term human impact and forest management in the Phoenician and Roman city of Utica (Tunisia) (900 BC−500 AD)
Builders of Megaliths: Society, monumentality and environment in 4th millennium cal BC Antequera
El origen del olivo y la antropización del entorno de Cástulo a partir de la antracología.
Mid-Holocene local vegetation dynamics and human impact at Los Castillejos, Andalusia, Spain: evidence from charcoal analysis
Use, management and spatial analysis of wood resources in the Iberian Oppidum of Puente Tablas (JaÉn, Spain)
Distribution and chronological framework for Iberian variscite mining and consumption at Pico Centeno, Encinasola, Spain
Astronomy, metrics, and proportionality in the iberian necropolis of tútugi (Galera, Granada, Spain)
El poblado calcolítico “Venta del Rapa” (finales III milenio Cal. BC.), Mancha Real, Jaén. Un recinto de fosos entre las estribaciones de Sierra Mágina y el Alto Guadalquivir
Landscape and management of plant resources at the Roman excavations in Gabia (Granada) by means of archaeobotany,Paisaje y gestión de los recursos vegetales en el yacimiento Romano de Gabia (Granada) a través de la arqueobotánica
Tumulus 20 of the Iberian Necropolis of Tútugi (Galera, Granada),El Túmulo 20 de la Necrópolis Ibérica de Tútugi (Galera, Granada)
La sepultura 121 del yacimiento argárico de El Castellón Alto (Galera, Granada)
Changes in carbon isotope discrimination in grain cereals from different regions of the western Mediterranean Basin during the past seven millennia. Palaeoenvironmental evidence of a differential change in aridity during the late Holocene
Identification of ancient irrigation practices based on the carbon isotope discrimination of plant seeds: A case study from the South-East Iberian Peninsula
The environment in the ronda basin (Málaga, spain) during recent prehistory based on an anthracological study of old ronda
Humanplant relationships during the copper and bronze ages in the baza and guadix basins (Granada, spain)
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Puesta en valor de la necrópolis de Tútugi
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and quality traits of fossil cereal grains provide clues on sustainability at the beginnings of Mediterranean agriculture
On the origin and domestication of Olea europaea L. (olive) in Andalucía, Spain, based on the biogeographical distribution of its finds
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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