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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Non-existence of Hopf orders for a twist of the alternating and symmetric groups
Finite dimensional hopf actions on central division algebras
Orders of Nikshych's Hopf algebra
On the existence of orders in semisimple hopf algebras
Finite dimensional Hopf actions on Weyl algebras
Semisimple Hopf actions on Weyl algebras
On two finiteness conditions for Hopf algebras with nonzero integral
On the structure of (co-Frobenius) Hopf algebras
A sequence to compute the Brauer group of certain quasi-triangular Hopf algebras
On the subgroup structure of the full Brauer group of Sweedler Hopf algebra
Determining all indecomposable codes over some Hopf algebras
On the Hopf-Schur group of a field
A hopf algebra having a separable galois extension is finite dimensional
Extending lazy 2-cocycles on Hopf algebras and lifting projective representations afforded by them
Galois corings and a Jacobson-Bourbaki type correspondence
Flat comodules and perfect coalgebras
On Hopf algebras with nonzero integral
When does the rational submodule split off?
Serial coalgebras
The Brauer group of the dihedral group
Cocycle twisting of E(n)-module algebras and applications to the Brauer group
Extensions of rational modules
The Brauer group of some quasitriangular Hopf algebras
The strong Brauer group of a cocommutative coalgebra
Graded almost noetherian rings and applications to coalgebras
Idempotents and Morita-Takeuchi theory
The Brauer group of irreducible coalgebras
Picard groups and strongly graded coalgebras
On the Brauer group of A cocommutative coalgebra
Subgroups of the Brauer Group of a Cocommutative Coalgebra: To the memory of M. M. Marqués Escámez
Picard groups for graded coalgebras
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Una revista online como herramienta de conexión académica entre etapas educativas
El grupo de Brauer de coálgebras irreducibles
Anillos y módulos multiplicación
Invariants of coalgebras
Anillos y módulos multiplicación Juan Cuadra Díaz, José Escoriza López
Grupos de Brauer y Picard de coálgebras
Grupos de Braver y pícaro de coálgebras
Grupos de Brauer y Picard de coálgebras Juan Cuadra Díaz
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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