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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Plant Growth, Yield, and Fruit Size Improvements in ‘Alicia’ Papaya Multiplied by Grafting
Determining Optimal Levels of Pruning in Hylocereus undatus [(Haw.) Britton and Rose] in Trellis Systems
Pollination Effectiveness of the Hoverfly Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) in Diploid and Triploid Associated Watermelon Crop
Hoverfly pollination enhances yield and fruit quality in mango under protected cultivation
Long preharvest deficit irrigation as a tool to reduce purple spot incidence in ‘Algerie’ loquat
Determination of the Best Planting Season for the Protected Cultivation of Papaya
Comparing Different Methods for Pruning Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus)
Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Sustainable and Profitable Farming in Europe
Activity and foraging behaviour of the hoverfly Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) in protected cultivation of mango (Mangifera indica L.)
Seed paternity analysis using ssr markers to assess successful pollen donors in mixed olive orchards
Heat Unit Requirements of “Flame Seedless” Table Grape: A Tool to Predict Its Harvest Period in Protected Cultivation
Active Control of Greenhouse Climate Enhances Papaya Growth and Yield at an Affordable Cost
The Effects of Combined Pre and Postharvest Deficit Irrigation on Loquat Yield, Fruit Quality and Handling Aptitude
Postveraison Deficit Irrigation Effects on Fruit Quality and Yield of “Flame Seedless” Table Grape Cultivated under Greenhouse and Net
Protected cultivation of ‘BH-65’, ‘Siluet’, ‘Sensation’,‘Intenzza’ and ‘Red Lady’ papaya cultivars in South East Spain
Leaf age does not justify its early removal in Carica papaya L
Profitability of Artificial Pollination in ‘Manzanillo’ Olive Orchards
Pollination designs in "Manzanillo" olive orchards
Incidencia de la araña roja Tetranychus urticae Koch en plantaciones de papaya del sureste de España y sus enemigos naturales
Light, photosynthetic capacity and growth of papaya (Carica papaya L.): A short review
Fruit growth model, thermal requirements and fruit size determinants in papaya cultivars grown under subtropical conditions
A review of soil-improving cropping systems for soil salinization
Photosynthetic capacity, leaf respiration and growth in two papaya (Carica papaya) genotypes with different leaf chlorophyll concentrations
Pollen-pistil interaction in ‘Manzanillo’ olive (Olea europaea L.) under self-, free- And cross-pollination,Interacción polen-pistilo en olivo (Olea europaea L.) ‘Manzanillo de Sevilla’ bajo autopolinización, polinización libre y cruzada
Fruit quality characterization and harvest maturity index of three papaya cultivars grown in greenhouses in south-east Spain
Flower development in ‘BH-65’ papaya grown in plastic greenhouses in south-east Spain
Fruit thinning in ‘BH-65’ and ‘Intenzza’ papaya grown in greenhouses
Papaya greenhouse cultivation in south-east Spain
A Review of Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Soil Salinization
Pollination strategies to improve fruit set in orchards of 'Manzanillo' Olive in a nontraditional producing country, Mexico
Sample size for the evaluation of ‘BH-65’ papaya fruits under protected cultivation
Sírfidos (Diptera: Syrphidae): aliados en la polinización del cultivo protegido del mango ("Mangifera indica" L.)
Determination of compatibility relationships between olive cultivars: an overview of available methods
Assessment of two sex-determining procedures in ‘BH-65’ papaya from an economical and developmental point of view
The sex-determining gene CitACS4 is a pleiotropic regulator of flower and fruit development in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
‘Arbequina’ olive is self-incompatible
Flower initiation and development in endemic iranian lily (Lilium ledebourii boiss.)
Water-Stressed Loquat Trees Need More Time and Heat to Ripen Their Fruits
Water-stressed loquat trees need more time and heat to ripen their fruits
Gas exchange and water relations of young potted loquat cv. Algerie under progressive drought conditions
Efecto del estado de maduración y la época de recolección en la calidad de la papaya cultivada en invernadero en el Sureste español
Comparación de los sistemas productivos de la papaya en España y Brasil
Regulators of growth and substrates in the vegetative propagation of nance (Malpighia mexicana A. Juss. and Byrsonima crassifolia (L) H.B.K.),Reguladores do crescimento e substratos na propagação vegetativa de nanche (Malpighia mexicana A. Juss. E Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) H.B.K.),Reguladores del crecimiento y sustratos en la propagación vegetativa de nanche (Malpighia mexicana a. Juss. y Byrsonima crassifolia (L) H. B. K.)
Allometric models for determining leaf area of 'Fino de Jete' cherimoya grown in greenhouse and in the open field
Mejora del color en uva de mesa ‘Crimson Seedless’ mediante estrategias de riego deficitario controlado
Effects of indol butyric acid concentration on propagation from cuttings of papaya cultivars 'Golden' and 'Uenf/Caliman 01'
Riego deficitario controlado en níspero japonés cv. Algerie
Deficit Irrigation in 'Golden Nugget' Loquat
Más con menos. Adelanto de las fechas de floración y cosecha en níspero japonés mediante estrategias de riego deficitario
Post-veraison regulated deficit irrigation in 'Crimson Seedless' tablegrape saves water and improves berry skin color
Ripening degree at harvest affects bruising susceptibility and fruit sensorial traits of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)
Crecimiento y fenología de cultivares de papaya en invernaderos en el Sureste español
Preflowering and Preharvest Deficit Irrigation Effects on Loquat Phenology
Pollen tube performance in assessment of compatibility in olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars
Assessment of effective pollination period in olive (Olea europaea) by means of fluorescence microscopy and plant response to sequential pollinations: limitations and drawbacks of current methodologies
The effect of temperature on the duration of the effective pollination period in 'Oblica' olive (Olea europaea) cultivar
No need for further fruit thinning in water-deprived loquat trees at preharvest
Cultivo protegido de especies frutales
Optimal duration of irrigation withholding to promote early bloom and harvest in 'Algerie' loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)
Changes in fruit maturity indices along the harvest season in 'Algerie' loquat
Reproductive barriers in Annona cherimola (Mill.) outside of its native area
Ten consecutive years of regulated deficit irrigation probe the sustainability and profitability of this water saving strategy in loquat
Early flower initiation allows ample manipulation of flowering time in cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.)
Open-pollination provides sufficient levels of cross-pollen in spanish monovarietal olive orchards
Effective pollination period for 'Manzanillo' and Picual' olive trees
Optimal levels of postharvest deficit irrigation for promoting early flowering and harvest dates in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)
Water stress integral for successful modification of flowering dates in 'Algerie' loquat
Artificial Pollination in Tree Crop Production
Development of a new technique to produce winter cherimoyas
Standardization of the flourochromatic reaction test to assess pollen viability
Loquat as a crop model for successful deficit irrigation
Optimal crop load and positioning of fruit in cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) trees
Harvest prediction in 'Algerie' loquat
Optimal dates for regulated deficit irrigation in 'Algerie' loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) cultivated in Southeast Spain
Polinización artificial en olivo: recolección de polen
Pollen load affects fruit set, size, and shape in cherimoya
Conservación del polen de olivo ("olea europaea" L.) a largo plazo. Métodos "in vivo" e "in vitro" para la estimación de su viabilidad
Aclareo manual de frutos en caqui ("Disopyros kaki" L. f.) cv. Triumph
Maternal and paternal effects on the incidence of double kernelled fruits in 'Guara' almond
Efectos de la cobertura plástica sobre precocidad del cultivo de uva apirena
Chemical fruit thinning in loquat with NAAm: Dosage, timing, and wetting agent effects
The role of staminate flowers in the breeding system of Olea europaea (Oleaceae): An andromonoecious, wind-pollinated taxon
Conducción del cultivo: polinización, fructificación y potencial partenocárpico en níspero japones (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) cv. Algerie
Pollen from different olive tree cultivars contains varying amounts of the major allergen ole e 1
Loquat fruit sink strength and growth pattern
Pollination requirements of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.), cv. ‘Algerie’ | La pollinisation du néflier du Japon (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.), cv. 'Algérie
La mancha morada del níspero japonés: efecto del aclareo de frutos y el anillado de ramos
Respuesta a la polinización cruzada y elección de polinizadores en los cultivares de olivo (Olea europaea L.) "Manzanilla de Sevilla", "Hojiblanca" y "Picual"
Processes affecting fruit distribution and its quality in the canopy of olive trees
Inactivación del BHV-1 en semen de bovino destinado a la inseminación artificial.
Compatibility relationships in 'Manzanillo' olive
Relationships among reproductive processes and fruitlet abscission in Arbequina' olive
Crop load effects on floral quality in olive
Initial fruit set at high temperature in olive, Olea europaea L.
Theoretical daily variation patterns of airborne pollen in the south-west of Spain
Especies arvenses de interés en la provincia de Jaén
Grassy weeds in winter cereals in southern Spain
Seasonal and diurnal variation of pollen from Gramineae in the atmosphere of Córdoba Spain.
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
El cultivo del olivo y su industria en México, potencial y retos
Estrategias de polinización para el incremento de la calidad y la cosecha de frutos de olivo (olea europea l.)
Cultivo protegido de la papaya (carica papaya l.) en los invernaderos de almería
Effects of stage of harvest maturity and season on fruit quality of papaya cultivated in southeast Spain greenhouses
Paclobutrazol effects on flowering of Golden Nugget loquat: Preliminary results
Deficit irrigation in Golden Nugget loquat
Regulated deficit irrigation makes loquat more profitable
Preflowering and preharvest deficit irrigation effects on loquat phenology
Riego deficitario prefloración y precosecha en níspero japonés (eriobotrya japonica lindl).
Flowering pattern and fruitful capacity of 'Fino de Jete' cherimoya shoots
Cherimoya dormancy and base temperature determination in excised 'Fino de Jete' shoots
The combination of pre- and post-harvest deficit irrigation improves loquat fruits earliness and performance at packing houses
Foliar application of urea advances bud break, bloom and harvest cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.)
High density loquat orchards increase profits and shorten the time for investment returns
Cross-pollination response in 'Arbequina' olive
Preharvest irrigation cutoffs during stage II increases water savings and profits in 'Algerie' loquat
Pollen tube growth and ovule abortion in Olea Europaea (Oleaceae): A case of ovule selection?
Loquat response to experimental defoliation: Shoot growth, bud dormancy and flowering
Effects of bud break period on shoot length and fate in 'Algerie' loquat
Gas exchange in 'Algerie' loquat during its annual cycle in the Mediterranean Basin
Deficit irrigation as a tool for manipulating flowering date in loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica Lindl.)
High density loquat orchards: Plant selection and management
Sensory evaluation of the main loquat cultivars in Spain
Flower development in 'algerie' loquat under scanning electron microscopy
Tree size control by means of deficit irrigation in 'Algerie' loquat
Deficit irrigation schedules to promote early flowering in 'Algerie' loquat
Physiological response of 'Flame Seedless' table grape to three natural ventilation levels in a parral greenhouse
El fenómeno de latencia en el cv. de uva de mesa "Flame Seedless". Efectos compensatorios de la cinamida de hidrógeno en la producción bajo abrigo
Anticipación de la floración mediante poda temprana y defoliación manual en el cultivar de chirimoyo "Campas"
Aclareo químico en níspero japonés cv. "Algerie" con ANA y sus derivados
Efecto de la polinización cruzada sobre el cuajado y la calidad de los frutos en el cultivar de olivo (Olea europaea L.) "Manzanilla de Sevilla"
Eficiencia polinizadora del abejorro (Bombus terrestris L.) en el cultivar de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) "Hass"
Evaluación de cuatro variedades de níspero japonés (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) según parámetros de calidad de fruto
Polinización artificial en olivo
Riego deficitario controlado en nispero japones
Riego deficitario en níspero japonés: relaciones hídricas suelo-planta
Variación de la producción, en el cultivar Superior Seedless (“Vitis vinifera” L.), en función del rango que ocupa la yema en el sarmiento
Efectos de aplicaciones de potasio sobre la producción y la calidad de la uva de mesa “Superior seedless” cultivada en Almería
Aclareo de flores extraprecoz en níspero japonés
Intensidad y calidad de la floración en níspero japonés (“Eriobotrya japonica” Lindl.) cv. “Algerie” en condiciones de riego deficitario controlado
Presencia diferencial del alergeno "Ole e I" en el grano de polen de varios cultivares de Olivo ("Olea europaea" L.)
Flower differentiation, pistil development and pistil abortion in olive (Olea europaea L. 'manzanillo')
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Effective pollination distance in Spanish olive orchards
Olive Bud Fate Depends on Node Formation Date - Implications for Flower Induction Timing
Fruit development and maturation phenological stages of 'Algerie' loquat
Olive seed set and its impact on seed and fruit weight
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H