Tomás García, Diego Miguel Author

Differential shape of geminivirus mutant spectra across cultivated and wild hosts with invariant viral consensus sequences

  • Sánchez-Campos S.
  • Domínguez-Huerta G.
  • Díaz-Martínez L.
  • Tomás D.
  • Navas-Castillo J.
  • Moriones E.
  • Grande-Pérez A.
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Frontiers in Plant Science - 2/7/2018


Cite count: 24 (Web of Science) 13 (Scopus)

Genotyping selection for resistance against tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) conferred by Ty-1 and Ty-3 genes in tomato

  • González-Cabezuelo J.
  • Capel J.
  • Abad J.
  • Tomás D.
  • Fernández-Muñoz R.
  • Moriones E.
  • Lozano R.
... View more Collapse

Molecular Breeding - 1/8/2012


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Uso de la resistencia genética para el control de la enfermedad del rizado amarillo del tomate causada por Begomovirus: importancia de la complejidad de las poblaciones virales

  • Jesús Navas Castillo
  • Enrique Moriones Alonso
  • Rafael Fernández Muñoz
  • Diego Miguel Tomás García
  • Sonia Sánchez Campos
  • Susana García Andrés
  • Elena García Cano
... View more Collapse

Agrícola vergel: Fruticultura, horticultura, floricultura - 2011

Cite count:
  • Dialnet
Open Access

Resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus accumulation in the tomato wild relative Solanum habrochaites associated with the C4 viral protein

  • Tomás D.
  • Carmen Cañizares M.
  • Abad J.
  • Fernández-Muñoz R.
  • Moriones E.



Cite count: 23 (Web of Science) 18 (Scopus)

Resistance-driven selection of begomoviruses associated with the tomato yellow leaf curl disease

  • García-Andrés S.
  • Tomás D.
  • Navas-Castillo J.
  • Moriones E.



Cite count: 37 (Web of Science) 30 (Scopus)
Open Access

Frequent occurrence of recombinants in mixed infections of tomato yellow leaf curl disease-associated begomoviruses

  • García-Andrés S.
  • Tomás D.
  • Sánchez-Campos S.
  • Navas-Castillo J.
  • Moriones E.

Virology - 15/8/2007


Cite count: 85 (Web of Science) 85 (Scopus)

Búsqueda y caracterización de resistencia genética a la enfermedad del rizado amarillo del tomate en salanum secc. Lycopersicon

  • Diego Miguel Tomás García
  • Rafael Fernández Muñoz
  • Enrique Moriones Alonso
  • Ana Grande Pérez


Cite count:
  • Dialnet

This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 4

Web of Science: 4

Scopus: 4

Web of Science: 4

Last data update: 9/28/24 8:04 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM