Aguilar Garduño, Clemente Author

Indirect lead exposure among children of radiator repair workers

  • Aguilar-Garduno, C
  • Lacasana, M
  • Tellez-Rojo, MM
  • Aguilar-Madrid, G
  • Sanin-Aguirre, LH
  • Romieu, I
  • Hernandez-Avila, M
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American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 1/06/2003

10.1002/ajim.10204 View source

Cite count: 9 (Web of Science) 9 (Scopus)

Assessment of the total effective xenoestrogen burden in extracts of human placentas

  • Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose
  • Silva, Elisabete
  • Granada, Alicia
  • Molina-Molina, Jose-Manuel
  • Fernandez, Mariana F.
  • Aguilar-Garduno, Clemente
  • Olea-Serrano, Fatima
  • Kortenkamp, Andreas
  • Olea, Nicolas
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10.1080/13547500902893744 View source

Cite count: 24 (Web of Science)

Polymorphisms of pesticide-metabolizing genes in children living in intensive farming communities

  • Gomez-Martin, Antonio
  • Hernandez, Antonio F.
  • Javier Martinez-Gonzalez, Luis
  • Gonzalez-Alzaga, Beatriz
  • Rodriguez-Barranco, Miguel
  • Lopez-Flores, Inmaculada
  • Aguilar-Garduno, Clemente
  • Lacasana, Marina
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CHEMOSPHERE - 1/11/2015

10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.07.079 View source

Cite count: 24 (Web of Science) 16 (Scopus)

Biomonitoring of arsenic, cadmium, lead, manganese and mercury in urine and hair of children living near mining and industrial areas

  • Molina-Villalba, Isabel
  • Lacasana, Marina
  • Rodriguez-Barranco, Miguel
  • Hernandez, Antonio F.
  • Gonzalez-Alzaga, Beatriz
  • Aguilar-Garduno, Clemente
  • Gil, Fernando
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CHEMOSPHERE - 1/04/2015

10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.11.016 View source

Cite count: 120 (Web of Science) 99 (Scopus)
Open Access

Postnatal arsenic exposure and attention impairment in school children

  • Rodriguez-Barranco, Miguel
  • Gil, Fernando
  • Hernandez, Antonio F.
  • Alguacil, Juan
  • Lorca, Andres
  • Mendoza, Ramon
  • Gomez, Inmaculada
  • Molina-Villalba, Isabel
  • Gonzalez-Alzaga, Beatriz
  • Aguilar-Garduno, Clemente
  • Rohlman, Diane S.
  • Lacasana, Marina
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CORTEX - 1/01/2016

10.1016/j.cortex.2014.12.018 View source

Cite count: 45 (Web of Science) 32 (Scopus)

Serum concentrations of organochlorine compounds and predictors of exposure in children living in agricultural communities from South-Eastern Spain

  • Gonzalez-Alzaga, B.
  • Lacasana, M.
  • Hernandez, A. F.
  • Arrebola, J. P.
  • Lopez-Flores, I.
  • Artacho-Cordon, F.
  • Bonde, J. P.
  • Olea, N.
  • Aguilar-Garduno, C.
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10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.109 View source

Cite count: 18 (Web of Science) 13 (Scopus)

Childhood chromium exposure and neuropsychological development in children living in two polluted areas in southern Spain

  • Caparros-Gonzalez R.
  • Giménez-Asensio M.
  • González-Alzaga B.
  • Aguilar-Carduño C.
  • Lorca-Marín J.
  • Alguacil J.
  • Gómez-Becerra I.
  • Gómez-Ariza J.
  • García-Barrera T.
  • Hernandez A.
  • López-Flores I.
  • Rohlman D.
  • Romero-Molina D.
  • Ruiz-Pérez I.
  • Lacasaña M.
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Cite count: 28 (Web of Science) 13 (Scopus)

Cadmium exposure and neuropsychological development in school children in southwestern Spain

  • Rodriguez-Barranco, Miguel
  • Lacasana, Marina
  • Gil, Fernando
  • Lorca, Andres
  • Alguacil, Juan
  • Rohlman, Diane S.
  • Gonzalez-Alzaga, Beatriz
  • Molina-Villalba, Isabel
  • Mendoza, Ramon
  • Aguilar-Garduno, Clemente
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10.1016/j.envres.2014.06.026 View source

Cite count: 79 (Web of Science) 64 (Scopus)

Association between organochlorine pesticide exposure and thyroid hormones in floriculture workers

  • Blanco-Munoz, Julia
  • Lacasana, Marina
  • Lopez-Flores, Inmaculada
  • Rodriguez-Barranco, Miguel
  • Gonzalez-Alzaga, Beatriz
  • Bassol, Susana
  • Cebrian, Mariano E.
  • Lopez-Carrillo, Lizbeth
  • Aguilar-Garduno, Clemente
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10.1016/j.envres.2016.05.054 View source

Cite count: 28 (Web of Science) 25 (Scopus)

Effect of prenatal exposure to organophosphates and pyrethroid pesticides on neonatal anthropometric measures and gestational age

  • María José Gimenez-Asensio
  • Antonio F. Hernandez
  • Desire Romero-Molina
  • Beatriz Gonzalez-Alzaga
  • Octavio Pérez-Luzardo
  • Luis Alberto Henríquez-Hernández
  • Luis D. Boada
  • Helena García-Cortés
  • Inmaculada Lopez-Flores
  • María Dolores Sanchez-Piedra
  • Clemente Aguilar-Garduño
  • Marina Lacasaña
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Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

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Scopus: 18

Web of Science: 20

Scopus: 26

Web of Science: 28

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