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Several algorithms for constructing copulas via ⁎-product decompositions
A study of topological conjugacies between alternate representation systems
Extensions of subcopulas
A Salem generalised function
Pisot numbers and strong negations
A family of singular functions and its relation to harmonic fractal analysis and fuzzy logic
Characterization of copulas with given diagonal and opposite diagonal sections
A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative on a dense set with Hausdorff dimension one
Functions with unusual differentiability properties
A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative on a dense set
Harmonic analysis on the Sierpiński gasket and singular functions
Demostraciones de la infinidad de los números primos
PCF self-similar sets and fractal interpolation
Some results on homeomorphisms between fractal supports of copulas
The hausdorff dimension of the generalized level sets of takagi's function
Absolutely continuous copulas with given sub-diagonal section
Copulae, Self-Affine Functions, and Fractal Dimensions
Discontinuity sets of some interval bijections
A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative
Singular functions with applications to fractal dimensions and generalized Takagi functions
Moments and associated measures of copulas with fractal support
Characterization of all copulas associated with non-continuous random variables
Copulas and associated fractal sets
Measure-Preserving Functions and the Independence Copula
On the duality of aggregation operators and k-negations
The Hausdorff dimension of the level sets of Takagi's function
Another proof of euler's formula for ζ(2κ)
A Radon-Nikodym derivative for positive linear functionals
Abstract Riemann integrability and measurability
Absolute continuity theorems for abstract Riemann integration
Finitely additive integration and local integration with respect to upper integrals
Local and improper Daniell-Loomis integrals
A new approximation procedure for fractals
An exact functional Radon-Nikodym theorem for Daniell integrals
An approximate functional Radon-Nikodym theorem
Fubini-integral metrics
Daniell-loomis integrals
Abstract Daniell-Loomis spaces
Fubini-Tonelli theorems with local integrals
Local integral metrics and Daniell-Loomis integrals
On the summability of certain μ-integrable functions
Summable and integrable functions with respect to any Loomis system
Books, chapters, theses All / None
Copulas and self-affine functions
On concordance measures and copulas with fractal support
Sistemas producto y teoremas de Fubini para la integración de Riemann-Loomis
Medibilidad para sistemas integrales no monótonamente continuos
Reports and other All / None
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