Parraga Martínez, Jesús Francisco Author

X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy in the polymorphism study of ondansetron hydrochloride

  • Llacer, JM
  • Gallardo, V
  • Delgado, R
  • Parraga, J
  • Martin, D
  • Ruiz, MA

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy - 2001

10.1081/ddc-100107670 View source

Cite count: 5 (Web of Science)

The nature and tropospheric formation of iberulites: Pinkish mineral microspherulites

  • Diaz-Hernandez, Jose L.
  • Parraga, Jesus


10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.037 View source

Cite count: 28 (Web of Science)
Open Access

The classification of 'red soils' from the massif of Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain),LA CLASIFICACION DE LOS 'SUELOS ROJOS' DEL MACIZO DE SIERRA NEVADA (GRANADA, ESPANA)

  • Martin Garcia J.
  • Mondini C.
  • Parraga Martinez J.
  • Delgado Calvo-Flores G.
  • Delgado Calvo-Flores R.

Ars Pharmaceutica - 1/12/1992

Cite count:

Study of talc for pharmaceutical use. Trials of pharmacopoeias,Etude de talcs à usage pharmaceutique. Essais des pharmacopées.

  • Gamiz, E.
  • Delgado Calvo-Flores, G.
  • Parraga, J.
  • Delgado Calvo-Flores, R.

Annales pharmaceutiques francaises - 1989


Study of biomineral formation by bacteria from soil solution equilibria

  • Párraga, J.
  • Rivadeneyra, M.A.
  • Delgado, R.
  • Iñiguez, J.
  • Soriano, M.
  • Delgado, G.

Reactive and Functional Polymers - 1/1/1998


Cite count: 20 (Web of Science) 17 (Scopus)
Open Access

Short-term effects of spent coffee grounds on the physical properties of two Mediterranean agricultural soils

  • Cervera-Mata A.
  • Martín-García J.M.
  • Delgado R.
  • Párraga J.
  • Sánchez-Marañón M.
  • Delgado G.

International Agrophysics - 1/1/2019


Cite count: 13 (Web of Science) 7 (Scopus)
Open Access

Protein crystallization practice by gels counter-diffusion techniques for pharmacy students,Práctica de cristalización de proteínas por técnicas de contradifusión en geles, para estudiantes de farmacia

  • Párraga Martínez J.
  • Delgado Calvo-Flores G.
  • Delgado Calvo-Flores R.
  • Martín García J.
  • García-Ruíz J.

Ars Pharmaceutica - 1/1/2010

Cite count:

Precipitation of minerals by 22 species of moderately halophilic bacteria in artificial marine salts media: Influence of salt concentration

  • Rivadeneyra, M. A.
  • Delgado, R.
  • Parraga, J.
  • Ramos-Cormenzana, A.
  • Delgado, G.

Folia Microbiologica - 2006

10.1007/bf02931589 View source

Cite count: 36 (Web of Science)

Precipitation of carbonates by bacteria from a saline soil, in natural and artificial soil extracts

  • Parraga, J
  • Rivadeneyra, MA
  • Martin-Garcia, JM
  • Delgado, R
  • Delgado, G


10.1080/01490450490253464 View source

Cite count: 23 (Web of Science) 23 (Scopus)

Precipitation of carbonates and phosphates by bacteria in extract solutions from a semi-arid saline soil. Influence of Ca<sup>2+</sup> and Mg<sup>2+</sup> concentrations and Mg<sup>2+</sup>/Ca<sup>2+</sup> molar ratio in biomineralization

  • Delgado, Gabriel
  • Delgado, Rafael
  • Parraga, Jesus
  • Angustias Rivadeneyra, Maria
  • Aranda, Victor

Geomicrobiology Journal - 2008

10.1080/01490450701828974 View source

Cite count: 21 (Web of Science)

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Scopus: 9

Web of Science: 14

Scopus: 8

Web of Science: 16

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Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM