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Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Editorial: Executive functions, self-regulation and external-regulation: relations and new evidence
Reducing aggression by developing emotional and inhibitory control
Executive Functions and Problematic Internet Use among University Students: The Mediator Role of Self-Esteem
Aligning personal and collective interests in emerging adults during the COVID-19 emergency in Italy
Problematic Internet Use among University Students and Its Relationship with Social Skills
Can We Manage Behavioral Problems through the Development of Children’s Social-Emotional Regulated Behavior? Longitudinal Study of a Preschool Program
Promoting social competence in preschool with an executive functions program conducted by teachers
An integrated test of multidimensionality, convergent, discriminant and criterion validity of the course experience questionnaire: an exploratory structural equation modelling
Effect of the EFE-P program on the improvement of executive functions in early childhood education,Efecto del programa EFE-P en la mejora de las funciones ejecutivas en Educación Infantil
Neurophysiological maturity and the use of ICT in teaching English
Program assessment of "Learning to Live Together at Home": A pilot study for parents of Early Childhood Education
Neuropsychological maturity and use of ICT in the learning of English
Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) in Spanish adolescents: Factor structure and rasch analysis
The role of executive function in social competence and behavioural problems in childhood education
Validation of the Spanish Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SSSRQ) through Rasch analysis
Psychological treatment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A systematic review
Effect of the “Aprender a Convivir” program on social competence and behavioral problems in three-year-old children,Efecto del programa Aprender a Convivir en la competencia social y en los problemas de conducta del alumnado de 3 años
Longitudinal study of the effects of the aprender a convivir program on children’s social competence,Estudio longitudinal de los efectos del programa Aprender a Convivir en la competencia social infantil
The longitudinal effect of the Aprender a Convivir (learning to live together) programme in childhood: The development of social competence,Efecto longitudinal del programa Aprender a Convivir en la infancia: Desarrollo de la competencia social
The effects of question-generation training on metacognitive knowledge, self regulation and learning approaches in science
Factor structure of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) at spanish universities
"Aprender a convivir". A prevention program for improving social competence in 3 to 12 year olds
Enseñanza reguladora, y aprendizaje autorregulado en universitarios: estudio de validez confirmatorio de las escalas EIPEA
Regulatory teaching and self-regulated learning in college students: Confirmatory validation study of the IATLP Scales
Attitudes of nursing professionals towards suicidal behavior: influence of emotional intelligence
Factor structure analysis of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale scores in Spanish population,Análisis de la estructura factorial de las puntuaciones de la «Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale» en población española
Factor structure analysis of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale scores in Spanish population
Confirmatory factor analysis of the PKBS-2 subscales for assessing social skills and behavioral problems in preschool education,Análisis factorial confirmatorio de las subescalas del PKBS-2 para la evaluación de las habilidades sociales y los problemas de conducta en educación infantil
Estudio de validación de la Escala para la Evaluación del Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, Versión del estudiantes (EEPEA-E)
Validation study of the scale for Assessment of the Teaching-Learning Process, Student Version (ATLP-S),Estudio de validación de la Escala para la Evaluación del Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, Versión del estudiantes (EEPEA-E)
Improving the quality of higher education throughout psycho-pedagogical intervention,Mejora de la calidad en la educación superior a través de la intervención psicopedagógica
Validation study of the scale for Assessment of the Teaching-Learning Process, Student Version (ATLP-S) | Estudio de validación de la Escala para la Evaluación del Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, Versión del estudiantes (EEPEA-E)
Improving the quality of higher education throughout psycho-pedagogical intervention
Confirmatory factor analysis of the PKBS-2 subscales for assessing social skills and behavioral problems in preschool education.
Effects of an intervention program for improving social competence among Primary Education students from Bolivia,Efectos de un programa de intervención para la mejora de la competencia social en niños de educación primaria en Bolivia
Learning approaches, self-regulation and achievement in three European universities,Enfoques de aprendizaje, autorregulación y rendimiento en tres universidades Europeas
Learning approaches, self-regulation and achievement in three European universities
Effects of an intervention program for improving social competence among Primary Education students from Bolivia
The Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F): Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses at item level
Efectos de usar herramientas electrónicas en la mejora de la regulación del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje
The study of the expectations at the University: Analysis of empirical projects and future lines of investigation,El estudio de las expectativas en la universidad: Análisis de trabajos empíricos y futuras líneas de investigación
The study of the expectations at the University: Analysis of empirical projects and future lines of investigation | El estudio de las expectativas en la universidad: Análisis de trabajos empíricos y futuras líneas de investigación
Relaciones entre preferencias de la enseñanza y enfoques de aprendizaje de los universitarios
Effects of using electronic tools in the improvement of regulation of the teaching-learning process
Effects of using online tools in improving regulation of the teaching-learning process: TLPA<sup>TM</sup> &amp; pleyadetm
Towards a new explicative model of antisocial behaviour
Approximation to a new explanatory model of anti-social behavior
Self-concept in Low-vision Children and Their Peers Without Visual Problems
Design, implementation and evaluation of a bullying prevention pilot program,Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de un programa piloto para la prevención del maltrato entre compañeros
Analysis of trainee teachers' learning: are their learning approaches in a continuum?
Design, implementation and evaluation of a bullying prevention pilot program
Self-concept and gender in Spanish low-vision adolescents
The self-concepts of Spanish children and adolescents with low vision and their sighted peers
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje en educación superior
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H