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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Event Quality: The Intention to Take Part in a Popular Race Again
Development and validation of a scale to assess Psychological Well-being in physical activity and sports: The PWBPA Scale
Assessment of Volleyball Technical Learning Using Peer Observational Methodology in University Students
The Influence of Small-Scale Sporting Events on Participants’ Intentions to Recommend the Host City
Propiedades psicométricas de la escala WP-FootballTeams sobre motivos de uso de páginas web (Psychometric properties of the WP-FootballTeams scale on websites use reasons)
Customer Loyalty in Recreational Long-Distance Races: Differences Between Novice and Experienced Runners
The management of major sporting events as an antecedent to having the city recommended
Consolidation, Stages of Change, and Loyalty among Users of Public Sports and Health Services Aged 12–16
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing
Psychological Wellbeing in Physical Education and School Sports: A Systematic Review
Implementing Service-Learning Programs in Physical Education; Teacher Education as Teaching and Learning Models for All the Agents Involved: A Systematic Review
Sports technicians' organizational culture and its relationship with extracurricular sports activities users' satisfaction and perceived value,Cultura organizativa del técnico deportivo y su relación con la Satisfacción y Valor percibido de usuarios de actividades deportivas extraescolares
Validation of the scale of the process of teaching sports technique by peers in higher education (ETEPES),Validación de la escala del proceso enseñanza de la técnica deportiva por pares en la educación superior (ETEPES)
Associations between weight status and situational motivation toward fitness testing in physical education: The mediator role of physical fitness
Exercise Addiction and Satisfaction of Fitness Center Users as Precursors to the Intention of Continuing to Engage in Physical Activity
Stages of change and regulation in users of sports services. Relationship with satisfaction and Loyalty
Design and validation of a scale to assess the responsible use of fitness testing in physical education teachers (Fitpet)
Sports technicians' organizational culture and its relationship with extracurricular sports activities users' satisfaction and perceived value
Validation of the scale of the process of teaching sports technique by peers in higher education (ETEPES)
The Mediation of Emotions in Sport Events: A Case Study in Badminton
Women and Physical Activity in Fitness Centres. Analysis of Future Intentions and Their Relationship with Age
Communication as a Strategy to Promote Sports and Health Activities Designed for Adolescents
Evaluation of extracurricular sports activities as an educational element for sustainable development in educational institutions
Effectiveness of a school-based doping prevention programme in Spanish adolescents
Groups of users in the women sports market,Grupos de usuarias del mercado deportivo femenino
Behavioral intentions of sports services consumers according to the social and demographic variables,Intenciones de comportamiento de los usuarios de servicios deportivos en función de las variables sociodemográficas
Female users of unisex fitness centres and of fitness centres exclusive for women: satisfaction
Behavioral intentions of sports services consumers according to the social and demographic variables
Groups of users in the women sports market
Validation of the scale of assessment for the prevention of doping in school (CUPIAD),Validación de la escala de evaluación para la prevención del dopaje en escolares (CUPIAD)
Adaptación y validación del cuestionario Epod 2.1 a usuarios libres de centros deportivos (Adaptation and validation of the Epod 2.1 questionnaire in free customers of sport centers)
Validation of the scale of assessment for the prevention of doping in school (CUPIAD)
Asociación entre condición física y autoconcepto físico en estudiantes españoles de 12-16 años
Validez de constructo de la escala motivos de abandono de centros deportivos
Intention to be Physically Active is Influenced by Physical Activity and Fitness, Sedentary Behaviours, and Life Satisfaction in Adolescents
Asociación entre calidad del servicio deportivo, valor y satisfacción de usuarios en España
Relationship of physical activity and sedentarism with tobacco and alcohol consumption, and Mediterranean diet in Spanish teenagers
Los factores socioculturales, teleformación y Tecnoloǵıa de la Información y Comunicación
Users attrition in a spanish sport center: Segmentation,Abandono de usuarios en un centro deportivo español: Segmentación
Association of physical self-concept with physical activity, life satisfaction and mediterranean diet in adolescents,Povezanost slike o vlastitu tijelu s tjelesnom aktivnošću, zadovoljstvom životom i mediteranskom prehranom Španjolskih adolescenata
Users attrition in a spanish sport center: Segmentation
Association of physical self-concept with physical activity, life satisfaction and mediterranean diet in adolescents
Adaptation and validation of the scale of future intentions of behaviour in customers of sport services,Adaptación y validación de la Escala de Intenciones Futuras de Comportamiento en usuarios de servicios deportivos
Association of Fitness With Life Satisfaction, Health Risk Behaviors, and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Spanish Adolescents
Design and analysis of the sport services assessment questionnaire (EPOD2),Diseño y análisis del cuestionario de valoración de servicios deportivos (EPOD2)
Design and analysis of the sport services assessment questionnaire (EPOD2)
Adherence to mediterranean diet in rural urban adolescents of southern Spain, life satisfaction, anthropometry, and physical and sedentary activities
Duration of membership at sports centers and reasons for quitting
Perfiles motivacionales de usuarios de servicios deportivos públicos y privados
Perceived quality of the school sport as predictor of sports dropout in teenagers,Calidad percibida del deporte escolar como predictor del abandono deportivo en adolescentes
Quality, satisfaction and perceived value of users of public service sports,Calidad, satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios de un servicio deportivo público
Prediction of drop-out in teenagers through the study of perceived quality,Predicción del abandono deportivo en la adolescencia a través del estudio de la calidad percibida
Perceived quality of the school sport as predictor of sports dropout in teenagers
Prediction of drop-out in teenagers through the study of perceived quality
Perceived service quality,perceived value and satisfaction in groups of users of sports organizations in Spain
Validity, reliability and exploratory factor analysis of the dropout scale in sport centres
Quality, satisfaction and perceived value of users of public service sports
Sport service quality at school age from a double perspective,Calidad del servicio deportivo en la edad escolar desde una doble perspectiva
School-age involvement in sport and perceived quality of sport services,Uključenost adolescenata u sport i procjena kvalitete sportskih usluga
Sport service quality at school age from a double perspective
Lifestyle and physical education
School-age involvement in sport and perceived quality of sport services
Measuring degrees of satisfaction with sports technicians working with schoolchildren
Relationship between incidence of injuries and planning training in futsal (indoor soccer),Incidencia lesional y su repercusión en la planificación del entrenamiento en fútbol sala
Health self-perception, lifestyle and organized physical activity,Autopercepción de la salud, estilo de vida y actividad física organizada
Relationship between incidence of injuries and planning training in futsal (indoor soccer)
Health self-perception, lifestyle and organized physical activity
Average VO2 max as a function of running performances on different distances
Macroinvertebrates colonising leaf litter of contrasting quality in a travertine mediterranean stream
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Las escuelas deportivas en un entorno rural aragonés Alberto Nuviala Nuviala
Innovation in Sport Centres: Accessibility and Adapted Sports Programmes
Los oŕigenes de este trabajo aunando inquietudes
Los inmigrados marroquíes en Andalucía.
Los republicanos en la política almeriense del siglo XIX Fernando Martínez López
Actividad física y salud
Los materiales plásticos Ángel Carreño Ortega, Eduardo Garzón Garzón
Los invernaderos de Almería: tipología y mecanización de la gestión del clima Diego-Luís Valera Martínez, Francisco Domingo Molina Aiz, Jesús Antonio Gil Ribes
Los fondos de garantía de depósitos Juana F. Rosario Díaz
Los nombres de color en la naturaleza tesis doctoral presentada por ... Mª del Mar Espejo Muriel ...
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Los pilares de las poĺıticas de inmigración en los planes de integración de las Comunidades Autónomas
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validity of the Sexual Harassment Scale in Football Refereeing
Measuring degrees of satisfaction with sports technicians working with schoolchildren,Satisfacción con los técnicos deportivos en la edad escolar
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H