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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Impact of Direct Transport to Thrombectomy-Capable Center vs. Nearby/Distant Local Stroke Centers on Stroke Outcome in Patients Undergoing Thrombectomy: A Real-Life Study
Management of cerebral venous thrombosis in Spain: MOTIVATE descriptive study
Pure menstrual tension-type headache: demonstration of its existence
Are Cervical Webs Found Only in the Carotid Arteries? A Case of Vertebral Web
N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide Levels Are Associated with Post-Stroke In-Hospital Complications
Complete remission of a migraine after treatment with cisplatin,Remisión completa de una migraña tras tratamiento con cisplatino
Stroke in Young Adults in Spain: Epidemiology and Risk Factors by Age
Direct Mechanical Thrombectomy vs. Bridging Therapy in Stroke Patients in A “Stroke Belt” Region of Southern Europe
Development of a Score to Predict the Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Stroke Patients: The Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Scale
Brain infarction in a young patient associated to a vertebral artery fenestration
Effectiveness and safety of PCSK9 inhibitors in real-world clinical practice. An observational multicentre study. The IRIS-PCSK9I study
Neurosonological Findings Related to Non-Motor Features of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review
Autoimmune cerebellitis in Crohn's disease
José Ignacio Peralta Labrador
Frequency, symptoms, risk factors, and outcomes of autoimmune encephalitis after herpes simplex encephalitis: a prospective observational study and retrospective analysis
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome following smoking cessation and treatment with bupropion,Síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible tras abandono de hábito tabáquico y tratamiento con bupropión
Factores asociados al mal control de la anticoagulación con antivitamina K en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular atendidos en consultas de Medicina Interna y Neurología. Estudio ALADIN
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome after cessation of smoking and treatment with bupropion
Eslicarbazepine acetate and carotid intima-media thickness in epileptic patients
Clinical profile and satisfaction with anticoagulated treatment in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation attended in internal medicine and neurology departments of Spain,Perfil clínico y satisfacción con el tratamiento anticoagulante en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular atendidos en consultas de medicina interna y neurología de España
Cluster-tic syndrome as the first clinical manifestation of a dural carotid-cavernous fistula,Clúster-tic como comienzo clínico de una fístula dural carótido cavernosa
Utilidad de la tomografía por emisión de fotón simple con 123Ioflupano en el diagnóstico del parkinsonismo relacionado con fármacos. Estudio prospectivo
Utility of transcranial sonography in the diagnosis of drug-induced parkinsonism: A prospective study
[Hospital arrival times and delay before acute stroke patients receive neurological care. Analysis of a national multi-centre registry: EPICES registry (II)].
[Epidemiology of the subtypes of stroke in hospitalised patients attended by neurologists: results of the EPICES registry (I)].
Atypical migraine progressing from nummular headache to epicrania fugax,Un caso de cefalea atípica con evolución de cefalea numular a epicrania fugax
Cortical infarction mimicking paralysis of the accessory nerve,Infarto cortical que simula una parálisis del nervio accesorio
Transient topographical amnesia: A description of a series of eight cases,Amnesia topográfica transitoria: Descripción de una serie de ocho casos
Neurological attention to the immigrant population in Almería,Atención neurológica de la población inmigrante en Almería
Prevalence of asymptomatic peripheral artery disease in patients with non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke,Prevalencia de enfermedad arterial periférica asintomática en pacientes con ictus isquémico no cardioembólico
Use of ecograph of black substancs in the differential diagnosis in Parkinson's disease
Usefulness of echography of substantia nigra in the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease,Utilidad de la ecografía de la sustancia negra en el diagnóstico diferencial de la enfermedad de Parkinson
[Prevalence of asymptomatic peripheral artery disease in patients with non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke].
Neurological attention to the immigrant population in Almeria
Ultrasound of the substantia nigra in dementia with Lewy bodies,Ultrasonografía de la sustancia negra en demencia por cuerpos de Lewy
Trigeminal-autonomic cephalalgias: International Headache Society diagnostic criteria does not allow for a correct classification,Cefaleas trigeminoautonómicas: Los criterios diagnósticos de la International Headache Society no permiten su clasificación correctamente
Trigeminal-autonomic cephalalgias: International Headache Society diagnostic criteria does not allow for a correct classification
Possible case of peripheral osmotic demyelination syndrome
Possible case of peripheral osmotic demyelination syndrome
A transcranial Doppler study in interictal migraine and tension-type headache
Stiff person syndrome (SPS), a basal ganglia disease? Striatal MRI lesions in a patient with SPS [6]
Acardiac syndrome coexisting with complex skeletal dysplasia in the co-twin: 3D sonographic findings
Bladder ultrasound in the evaluation of the efficacy of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid injection for treatment of vesicoureteral reflux
Menstrual tension-type headache: Evidence for its existence
Vasomotor reactivity and Alzheimer's disease,Reactividad vasomotora y enfermedad de Alzheimer
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis due to hymenoptera stings,Encefalomielitis aguda diseminada por picadura de himenóptero
Advances in our knowledge of the causation and pathophysiology of reflex epilepsies,Avances en el conocimiento de la etiología y la fisiopatologí a de las epilepsias reflejas
Vasomotor reactivity through the voluntary apnea test can be measured without calculating the apnea index,La reactividad vasomotora mediante el test de la apnea voluntaria puede determinarse sin calcular el índice de apnea
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula [3],Doppler transcraneal en el diagnóstico de fístula arteriovenosa pulmonar
The red ear syndrome: Five new cases
[Vasomotor reactivity throught the voluntary apnea test can be measured without calculating the apnea index].
Isolated cortical vein thrombosis and the cord sign
Descriptive analysis of the e-mail list «Neurología- RedIRIS» (http://listserv.rediris.es/neurologia.html): An active, plural instrument having scientific quality at the reach of the Spanish speaking neurology sector,Análisis descriptivo de la lista de correo electrónica «Neurología-RedIRIS» (http://listserv.rediris.es/neurologia. html): Un instrumento activo, plural y de calidad científica al alcance de la neurología hispanohablante
Requiem for young neurologists [2] (multiple letters),Réquiem por los neurólogos jóvenes
Multiple cerebral haemorrhages and antiplatelet drugs (multiple letters),Hemorragia cerebral múltiple y antiagregantes plaquetarios
Requiem for young neurologists [2] (multiple letters)
Migraine prophylaxis with calcium antagonists: A haemodynamic study using transcranial doppler ultrasound,Profilaxis de la migraña con antagonistas del calcio: Estudio hemodinámico mediante Doppler transcraneal
'Marina' strawberry
[Descriptive analysis of the e-mail list "Neurología-RedIRIS" (http://listserv.rediris.es/neurologia.html): an active, plural instrument having scientific quality at the reach of the Spanish speaking neurology sector].
Malignant middle cerebral artery infarction: Medical or surgical treatment?,Infarto maligno de la arteria cerebral media: ¿Tratamiento médico o quirúrgico?
Septo-optic dysplasia plus
Intracranial hypertension secondary to giant arachnoid granulations
Room tilt illusion. Report of two cases and terminological review,Ilusión de inclinación de la imagen visual. Descripción de dos casos y revisión de la terminología
Room tilt illusion. Report of two cases and terminological review
Mean velocity and pulsatility index in primary headaches,Velocidad media e índice de pulsatibilidad en las cefaleas primarias
West's syndrome associated with calcified frontal dysplasia and favorable treatment response,Síndrome de west asociado a displasia frontal calcificada. Evolución favorable
Cerebrovascular reactivity by means of the breath holding index - Reply
Chronic reflex cough in ross’s syndrome,Tos crónica refleja en el síndrome de Ross
Red ear syndrome: A new case,Síndrome de la oreja roja: Un nuevo caso
Cerebrovascular reactivity by means of the breath holding index (voluntary apnea): The reliability of early repetition,Reactividad cerebrovascular mediante el indice breath holding (apnea voluntaria): Fiabilidad de la repeticion precoz
[West's syndrome associated with calcified frontal dysplasia. Favorable treatment response]
Varicela zoster virus and prednisone [4],Virus varicela zoster y prednisona
Varicela zoster virus and prednisone [4]
Fronto-temporal dementia: Findings on transcranial Doppler,Demencia frontotemporal: Hallazgos por Doppler transcraneal
Paroxystic anarthria in the multiple sclerosis,Anartria paroxistica en la esclerosis multiple
Cerebral intracranial hemorrhage with fluid level. One case without a coagulation alteration,Hemorragia intracerebral con nivel liquido. A proposito de un caso sin alteracion de la coagulacion
Wallenberg syndrome secondary to cardiac catheterization,Síndrome de Wallenberg secundario a cateterismo cardíaco.
Steroid-dependent anti-Hu negative paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis and small cell lung carcinoma [2]
Cerebral intracranial hemorrhage with fluid level. One case without a coagulation alteration
The prophylaxis and treatment of headache due to intracranial hypotension,Profilaxis y tratamiento de la cefalea por hipotension intracraneal
Intracerebral hemorrhage and platelet antiaggregants: A study of 21 cases,Hemorragia intracerebral y tratamiento con antiagregantes plaquetarios: Estudio de 21 casos
Wallenberg syndrome secondary to cardiac catheterization
Orthostatic headache
Hyperkinetic motor behavior contralateral to hemiparesis caused by hemispheric stroke,Conductas motoras hipercinéticas contralaterales al hemicuerpo parético en el ictus hemisférico.
Cerebrovascular stroke caused the death of the caliph al-Hakam II,Un accidente cerebrovascular, causa de la muerte del califa al-Hakam II
Auditory changes in spontaneous intracranial hypotension,Síntomas auditivos en la hipotensión intracraneal espontánea.
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Radiological findings,Hipotension intracraneal espontanea. Hallazgos radiologicos
Idiopathic multiple cerebral hemorrhage: are platelet anti-aggregation agents a risk factor?,Hemorragia cerebral múltiple idiopática: son los antiagregantes plaquetarios un factor de riesgo?
Hyperkinetic motor behavior contralateral to hemiparesis caused by hemispheric stroke
Diagnosis of chronic manganese intoxication by magnetic resonance imaging [7]
Cerebrovascular stroke caused the death of the caliph al-Hakam II
Idiopathic multiple cerebral haemorrhages: Are platelet anti-aggregation agents a risk factor?
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Radiological findings
Intracranial hypotension
Auditory changes in spontaneous intracranial hypotension
Paralysis of the 6th cranial nerve secondary to spontaneous intracranial hypotension,Parálisis del sexto par craneal secundaria a hipotensión intracraneal espontánea.
Brain miliary metastases secondary to a renal adenocarcinoma,Metástasis cerebral miliar secundaria a adenocarcinoma renal.
Primary hemorrhage of medulla oblongata. Letter,Hemorragia primaria del bulbo raquídeo.
Mujer de 25 años con crisis epilépticas
Primary hemorrhage of medulla oblongata. Letter
Paralysis of the 6th cranial nerve secondary to spontaneous intracranial hypotension
Fenómeno y síndrome del robo de la subclavia. A propósito de dos casos
Global transient amnesia and subclavian steal syndrome [24]
Stevens-Johnson syndrome in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung with etoposide and carboplatin,SINDROME DE STEVENS-JOHNSON EN PACIENTE CON CARCINOMA PULMONAR DE CELULAS PEQUENAS TRATADO CON ETOPOSIDO Y CARBOPLATINO
A solitary pulmonary nodule in an alcoholic patient,Nódulo pulmonar solitario en paciente alcohólico.
Lhermitte's sign and cancer,Signo de Lhermitte y cáncer.
A solitary pulmonary nodule in an alcoholic patient
Stevens-Johnson syndrome in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung with etoposide and carboplatin
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Brain miliary metastases secondary to a renal adenocarcinoma
Lhermitte's sign and cancer
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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