López Martínez, Manuel Francisco Author

Interactive transmission of JPEG2000 images using web proxy caching

  • Ortiz J.
  • Ruiz V.
  • Lopez M.
  • García I.

Ieee Transactions on Multimedia - 1/6/2008


Cite count: 10 (Web of Science) 14 (Scopus)

Progressive image transmission in telemicroscopy: A quantitative approach for electron microscopy images of biological specimens

  • Ruiz, VG
  • Fernandez, JJ
  • Lopez, MF
  • Garcia, I


10.1006/rtim.2002.0293 View source

Cite count: 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

Efficiency of closed and open-loop scalable wavelet based video coding

  • López M.
  • Ruiz V.
  • García I.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/12/2007


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

FSVC: A new Fully Scalable Video Codec

  • López M.
  • Rodríguez S.
  • Ortiz J.
  • Dana J.
  • Ruiz V.
  • García I.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/12/2005


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

An empirical measurement of the coding efficiency in scalable video coding

  • López M.
  • Ruiz V.
  • García I.

Geometric Modelling and Imaging, GMAI 2007, Proceedings - 16/10/2007


Cite count:
Open Access

Fully scalable video coding with packed stream

  • López M.
  • Rodríguez S.
  • Ortiz J.
  • Dana J.
  • Ruiz V.
  • García I.

Image and Video Communications and Processing 2005, Pts 1 and 2 - 21/7/2005


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

This author has no patents.

This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 2

Web of Science: 2

Scopus: 1

Web of Science: 1

Last data update: 9/28/24 4:47 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM