Lauritzen, Stein-Erik Autor

Vertebrate remains in Holocene limestone cave sediments: Faunal succession in the Sirijorda Cave, northern Norway

  • Østbye E.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Moe D.
  • Østbye K.

Boreas - 1/2/2006


Número de citas: 5 (Scopus)

Vertebrate remains in Holocene limestone cave sediments: faunal succession in the Sirijorda Cave, northern Norway

  • Østbye E.
  • Lauritzen S.E.
  • Moe D.
  • Østbye K.

Boreas - 1/2/2006


Número de citas:

Variability in luminescent lamination and initial Th-230/Th-212 activity ratios in a late Holocene stalagmite from northern Norway

  • Linge H.
  • Baker A.
  • Andersson C.
  • Lauritzen S.

Quaternary Geochronology - 1/6/2009


Número de citas: 16 (Scopus)

U-Th ages constraining the Neanderthal footprint at Vârtop Cave, Romania

  • Onac B.
  • Viehmann I.
  • Lundberg J.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Stringer C.
  • Popi?? V.

Quaternary Science Reviews - 1/1/2005


Número de citas: 29 (Scopus)

Uranium series dating of speleothems: a glacial chronology for Nordland, Norway, for the last 600 ka

  • Lauritzen S.

Striae - 1/1/1991

Número de citas: 27 (Scopus)
Open Access

Uranium-series dating of gypsum speleothems: Methodology and examples

  • Sanna L.
  • Saez F.
  • Simonsen D.
  • Constantin S.
  • Calaforra J.
  • Forti P.
  • Lauritzen S.
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas: 28 (Web of Science) 24 (Scopus)

Uranium series dates from Qesem Cave, Israel, and the end of the Lower Palaeolithic

  • Barkai R.
  • Gopher A.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Frumkin A.

Nature - 26/6/2003


Número de citas: 116 (Scopus)

Two-step deglaciation at the oxygen isotope stage 6/5E transition: The Zeifen-Kattegat climate oscillation

  • Seidenkrantz M.
  • Bornmalm L.
  • Johnsen S.
  • Knudsen K.
  • Kuijpers A.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Leroy S.
  • Mergeai I.
  • Schweger C.
  • Van Vliet-Lanoë B.
... Ver más Contraer

Quaternary Science Reviews - 1/1/1996


Número de citas: 84 (Scopus)

Tropical climates at the Last Glacial Maximum: A new synthesis of terrestrial palaeoclimate data. I. Vegetation, lake-levels and geochemistry

  • Farrera I.
  • Harrison S.
  • Prentice I.
  • Ramstein G.
  • Guiot J.
  • Bartlein P.
  • Bonnefille R.
  • Bush M.
  • Cramer W.
  • Von Grafenstein U.
  • Holmgren K.
  • Hooghiemstra H.
  • Hope G.
  • Jolly D.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Ono Y.
  • Pinot S.
  • Stute M.
  • Yu G.
... Ver más Contraer

Climate Dynamics - 1/11/1999


Número de citas: 264 (Scopus)

The paleocurrents and morphology of Pikhaggrottene, Svartisen, North Norway

  • Lauritzen S.

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - 1/1/1982


Número de citas: 15 (Scopus)

Reconstructing holocene climate records from speleothems

  • Lauritzen S.

Global Change in the Holocene - 1/1/2014


Número de citas: 20 (Scopus)

Paleokarst of Norway

  • Lauritzen S.

Developments in Earth Surface Processes - 1/1/1989


Número de citas:

Isotope stage 11, the 'Super-Interglacial', from a North norwegian speleothem

  • Lauritzen S.
  • Lundberg J.

Studies of Cave Sediments: Physical and Chemical Records of Paleoclimate - 1/12/2007


Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)


  • Per?oiu A.
  • Lauritzen S.

Ice Caves - 30/11/2017


Número de citas:

Ice Caves in Norway, Fennoscandia and the Arctic

  • Lauritzen S.
  • Baastad L.
  • Engelien J.

Ice Caves - 1/1/2018


Número de citas: 2 (Scopus)

Ice Caves

  • Per?oiu A.
  • Lauritzen S.

Ice Caves - 30/11/2017

Número de citas: 3 (Scopus)

Holocene Climate Variability in the Northern North Atlantic Region: A Review of Terrestrial and Marine Evidence

  • Nesje A.
  • Jansen E.
  • Birks H.
  • Bjune A.
  • Bakke J.
  • Andersson C.
  • Dahl S.
  • Kristensen D.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Lie Ø.
  • Risebrobakken B.
  • Svendsen J.
... Ver más Contraer

The Nordic Seas: An Integrated Perspective: Oceanography, Climatology, Biogeochemistry, and Modeling - 19/3/2013


Número de citas: 14 (Scopus)

Glacier Ice-Contact Speleogenesis in Marble Stripe Karst

  • Lauritzen S.
  • Skoglund R.

Treatise on Geomorphology - 1/3/2013


Número de citas: 8 (Scopus)

Monitoring water quality in Nordland County, Norway

  • Misund A.
  • de Caritat P.
  • Bakke S.
  • Lauritzen S.

National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia - 1/12/1994

Número de citas:

Challenges in identifying karst porosity in a caledonian nappe setting using gravimetric mapping

  • Solbakk T.
  • Fichler C.
  • Wheeler W.
  • Lauritzen S.
  • Ringrose P.

23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - 1/1/2017

Número de citas:

Este autor no tiene patentes.

Stable isotope variations in stalagmites from northwestern Sweden document changes in temperature and vegetation during the early Holocene: A reply to Hammarlund and Edwards

  • Sundqvist H.
  • Holmgren K.
  • Lauritzen S.

Holocene - 1/9/2008


Número de citas:

Late Quaternary climatic histories from the Hermes Cave, Corinth Rift, Greece

  • Christos Pennos
  • Sofia Pechlivanidou
  • Sevasti Modestou
  • Aurel Persoiu
  • Ulysses Ninnemann
  • Robert Gawthorpe
  • Jenny Maccali
  • Stein-Erik Lauritzen
  • Thomas Thuesen
... Ver más Contraer




Erratum: Highly variable Northern Hemisphere temperatures reconstructed from low- and high-resolution proxy data (Nature (2005) 437 (336-342))

  • Moberg A.
  • Sonechkin D.
  • Holmgren K.
  • Datsenko N.
  • Karlén W.
  • Lauritzen S.

Nature - 23/2/2006


Número de citas: 17 (Scopus)

Scopus: 26

Web of Science: 2

Scopus: 61

Web of Science: 2

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 6:53
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00