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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Reappraising personal values in cancer: Meaning‐in‐life adaptation, meaningfulness, and quality of life
Positivity and coping as key to well-being and psychological adjustment during the pandemic of COVID-19: A follow-up study in Portugal
Cross-Cultural Psychometric Analysis of the Mature Happiness Scale-Revised: Mature Happiness, Psychological Inflexibility, and the PERMA Model
The COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the Brief-COPE structure
Coping styles mediate the association between psychological inflexibility and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A crucial role of meaning-centered coping
Spanish Version of the Death Attitude Profile-Revised. Translation and Validation Into Spanish
Existential Insights in Cancer: Meaning in Life Adaptability
Experiential appreciation as a pathway to meaning in life
Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19: The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries
Dealing With the Pandemic of COVID-19 in Portugal: On the Important Role of Positivity, Experiential Avoidance, and Coping Strategies
How Having a Clear Why Can Help Us Cope With Almost Anything: Meaningful Well-Being and the COVID-19 Pandemic in México
Trait Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing During the Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Meaning-Centered Coping
Seconeolitsine, the novel inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase I, protects against invasive pneumococcal disease caused by fluoroquinolone-resistant strains
Inner Harmony as an Essential Facet of Well-Being: A Multinational Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Meaning-Centered Coping in the Era of COVID-19: Direct and Moderating Effects on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress
Perceived Impact of Quarantine on Loneliness, Death Obsession, and Preoccupation With God: Predictors of Increased Fear of COVID-19
Mental health inequalities increase as a function of COVID-19 pandemic severity levels
An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style
Corrigendum: Meaning-Centered Coping in the Era of COVID-19: Direct and Moderating Effects on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress.
Ecstasy (MDMA): A rebellion coherent with the system
Spanish adaptation of the Personal Meaning Profile-Brief: Meaning in life, psychological well-being, and distress
Conceptuation on fibromyalgia: consensus or discrepancy among healthcare providers from Spain?
Conceptuación de la fibromialgia: ¿Consenso o discrepancia entre profesionales clínicos de España?
Learning to live through death
German version of the Death Attitudes Profile- Revised (DAP-GR) - Translation and validation of a multidimensional measurement of attitudes towards death
From psychological distress to academic procrastination: Exploring the role of psychological inflexibility
Estudio de caso único con depresión, clarificación del sentido de la vida y toma de responsabilidad con los valores personales
Addiction in existential positive psychology (EPP, PP2.0): from a critique of the brain disease model towards a meaning-centered approach
Boldine-derived Alkaloids inhibit the activity of DNA topoisomerase I and growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
HU of Streptococcus pneumoniae is essential for the preservation of DNA supercoiling
Dataset study From Psychological Distress to Academic Procrastination: Exploring the Role of Psychological Inflexibility
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Meaning in life and psychological well-being in addiction, cancer, and university students
Resumen tesis doctoral "Meaning in life and psychological well-being in addiction, cancer, and university students"
Death acceptance and the meaning-centred approach to end-of-life care
Impacto Existencial de un Diagnóstico de Cáncer. Cambio en Valores Personales
Disposición de la población general para acudir a un profesional de la psicología y la psiquiatría. Un estudio preliminar.
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Scientific report Proyect PSICOV20-652016-P
Dataset study "Sexual and mental health in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: Exploring the role of meaning-centered coping"
Metodología Proyecto "Psychological Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic"-PSICOV20-652016-P
Dataset Spanish validation PMP-B
Dataset study Reappraisal of Personal Values in Cancer: The Clinical Benefits of Meaning-in-Life Adaptability
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