Calvo Cases, Adolfo Author

Open Access

Rainfall timing and runoff: The influence of the criterion for rain event separation

  • Molina-Sanchis I.
  • Lázaro R.
  • Arnau-Rosalén E.
  • Calvo-Cases A.

Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics - 1/9/2016


Cite count: 34 (Web of Science) 18 (Scopus)
Open Access

Analysis of the consequences of the European Union criteria on slope gradient for the delimitation of “areas facing natural constraints” with agricultural terraces

  • Asins-Velis S.
  • Arnau-Rosalén E.
  • Romero-González J.
  • Calvo-Cases A.

Annales-Anali za Istrske in Mediteranske Studije - Series Historia et Sociologia - 1/1/2016


Cite count: 6 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)

Effective run-off flow length over biological soil crusts on silty loam soils in drylands

  • Lazaro, Roberto
  • Calvo-Cases, Adolfo
  • Lazaro, Amparo
  • Molina, Isabel


10.1002/hyp.10345 View source

Cite count: 25 (Web of Science) 20 (Scopus)

Interacción de procesos geomórficos y distribución de componentes de la superficie del suelo en relación a la evolución de los abarrancamientos de tabernas (Almería)

  • Adolfo Calvo Cases
  • R.W. Alexander
  • E. Arnau Rosalén
  • J. Bevan
  • Yolanda Cantón Castilla
  • R. Lázaro
  • Juan Puigdefábregas Tomás
  • A. Solé Benet
... View more Collapse

Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica - 3/06/2013


Cite count: 5 (Web of Science) 2 (Dialnet)

Tectonic beheading of fluvial valleys in the Maestrat grabens (eastern Spain): Insights into slip rates of Pleistocene extensional faults

  • Simon, Jose L.
  • Perez-Cueva, Alejandro J.
  • Calvo-Cases, Adolfo


10.1016/j.tecto.2013.02.026 View source

Cite count: 17 (Web of Science) 15 (Scopus)

Cárcavas y regueros generados en suelos sódicos: Petrer (Alicante, España)

  • Adolfo Calvo Cases
  • Carolina Boix Fayos
  • E. Arnau Rosalén
  • María J. Roxo

Cuadernos de investigación geográfica / Geographical Research Letters - 2011


Cite count: 7 (Web of Science) 1 (Dialnet)
Open Access

Gullies and rills on sodic soils. Petrer (Alicante, Spain)

  • Calvo-Cases A.
  • Boix-Fayos C.
  • Arnau-Rosalen E.
  • Roxo M.

Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica - 1/12/2011


Cite count: 8 (Scopus)

A review of runoff generation and soil erosion across scales in semiarid south-eastern Spain

  • Canton, Y.
  • Sole-Benet, A.
  • de Vente, J.
  • Boix-Fayos, C.
  • Calvo-Cases, A.
  • Asensio, C.
  • Puigdefabregas, J.
... View more Collapse


10.1016/j.jaridenv.2011.03.004 View source

Cite count: 206 (Web of Science) 170 (Scopus)
Open Access

Characteristics of physical and biological soil crusts with high influence in infiltration and erosion in Mediterranean ecosystems | Características de las costras físicas y biológicas del suelo con mayor influencia sobre la infiltración y la erosión en ecosistemas semiáridos

  • S. Chamizo
  • E. Rodríguez Caballero
  • I. Miralles-Mellado
  • R. Lázaro
  • F. Domingo
  • Adolfo Calvo Cases
  • Yolanda Cantón Castilla
  • A. Solé Benet
  • A. Afana
... View more Collapse

Pirineos - 30/12/2010


Cite count: 14 (Scopus)
Open Access

Interaction between geomorphic processes and soil surface components distribution in the evolution of the Tabernas badlands (Almeria),Interacción de procesos geomórficos y distribución de componentes de la superficie del suelo en relación a la evolución de los abarrancamientos de tabernas (Almería)

  • Calvo-Cases A.
  • Alexander R.
  • Arnau-Rosalén E.
  • Bevan J.
  • Cantón Y.
  • Lázaro R.
  • Puigdefábregas J.
  • Solé-Benet A.
... View more Collapse

Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica - 1/12/2009


Cite count: 8 (Scopus)

Runoff generation in badlands

  • Cantón Y.
  • Rodríguez-Caballero E.
  • Chamizo S.
  • Le Bouteiller C.
  • Solé-Benet A.
  • Calvo-Cases A.

Badlands Dynamics in a Context of Global Change - 1/1/2018


Cite count: 4 (Scopus)

Badlands in the Tabernas Basin, Betic Chain

  • Calvo-Cases A.
  • Harvey A.
  • Alexander R.
  • Cantón Y.
  • Lázaro R.
  • Solé-Benet A.
  • Puigdefábregas J.
... View more Collapse

World Geomorphological Landscapes - 1/1/2014


Cite count: 13 (Web of Science) 14 (Scopus)

Runoff Supply Is a Key Resource for Vegetation Performance: Evidence from a Runoff Exclusion Experiment

  • Calvo-Cases A.
  • Grima C.A.
  • Caballero E.R.
  • de la Piedra S.C.
  • Lozano B.R.
  • Maggioli L.
  • Urueta C.
  • Castilla Y.C.
... View more Collapse

Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation - 1/1/2024


Cite count:

Concise review of interrill erosion studies in SE Spain (Alicante and Murcia): Erosion rates and progress of knowledge from the 1980s

  • Boix-Fayos, C
  • Martinez-Mena, M
  • Calvo-Cases, A
  • Castillo, V
  • Albaladejo, J


10.1002/ldr.706 View source

Cite count: 51 (Web of Science) 49 (Scopus)
Open Access

A landuse change and land degradation study in Spain and Greece using remote sensing and GIS

  • Symeonakis E.
  • Koukoulas S.
  • Calvo-Cases A.
  • Arnau-Rosalen E.
  • Makris I.

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives - 1/1/2004

Cite count: 6 (Scopus)

Influence of soil properties on the aggregation of some Mediterranean soils and the use of aggregate size and stability as land degradation indicators

  • Boix-Fayos, C
  • Calvo-Cases, A
  • Imeson, AC
  • Soriano-Soto, MD

CATENA - 18/05/2001

10.1016/s0341-8162(00)00176-4 View source

Cite count: 293 (Web of Science) 293 (Scopus)

Vulnerability of Mediterranean ecosystems to Climatic Change, study of soil degradation under different climatological conditions in an altitudinal transect in the south east of Spain

  • Boix C.
  • Calvo A.
  • Cerdá A.
  • Imeson A.
  • Soriano M.
  • Tiemessen I.

Studies in Environmental Science - 1/12/1995


Cite count: 2 (Scopus)

The impact of Climatic Change and land use on the hydrological response of Mediterranean soils; A study along a climatological gradient in Crete (Greece)

  • Boix C.
  • Calvo A.
  • Imeson A.
  • Schoorl J.
  • Soriano M.
  • Tiemessen I.

Studies in Environmental Science - 1/12/1995


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Effect of climate on some soil properties and related thresholds controlling the erosional response of soils in a limestone area

  • SorianoSoto, MD
  • CalvoCases, A
  • BoixFayos, C
  • Imeson, AC
  • Hall, M
  • Heun, J
  • Musy, A
  • Savenije, H
  • Spaans, W
  • GarciaRuiz, JM
  • Llamas, R
  • White, SM
  • Bromley, J
... View more Collapse


10.1016/0079-1946(95)00038-0 View source

Cite count: 4 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)

This author has no patents.

Erratum: Spatial and short-term temporal variations in runoff, soil aggregation and other soil properties along a mediterranean climatological gradient [Catena (1998) 33 (123-138) (PIIS0341-8162(98)00094-0)

  • Boix-Fayos C.
  • Calvo-Cases A.
  • Soriano-Soto A.
  • Tiemessen I.

Catena - 1/1/1999


Cite count:

Scopus: 22

Web of Science: 18

Scopus: 28

Web of Science: 20

Last data update: 7/3/24 8:25 PM
Next scheduled update: 7/6/24 3:00 AM