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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Association between formal social participation and cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults: a longitudinal study using SHARE data
Analysis of Mockery and Discrimination towards People with Disabilities in Cartoons: The Family Guy Case
The Contribution of the Internet to Reducing Social Isolation in Individuals Aged 50 Years and Older: Quantitative Study of Data From the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
A importância da internet para os adultos mais velhos que vivem sós: Um estudo sobre os países do Sul da Europa
The Protective Role of the Internet in Depression for Europeans Aged 50+ Living Alone
The role of the family in the use of the Internet by Portuguese aged 50 and over: A gender analysis.
Can the internet reduce the loneliness of 50+living alone?
Likes and problematic instagram use: The moderating role of self-esteem
I Love You but I Cyberbully You: The Role of Hostile Sexism
Confidant Network and Quality of Life of Individuals Aged 50+: The Positive Role of Internet Use
Tratamiento periodístico del ciberacoso adolescente en la prensa española
Cyber aggressors in dating relationships and its relation with psychological violence, sexism and jealousy
E-inclusion: Beyond individual socio-demographic characteristics
Ciberacoso mediante teléfono móvil e Internet en las relaciones de noviazgo entre jóvenes
A decade of health message in communication journals indexed in IN-RECS (2000-2011)
Social communication fears: Factor analysis and gender invariance of the short-form of the personal report of confidence as a speaker in Spain
Portuguese older people and the Internet: Interaction, uses, motivations, and obstacles
Active seniors and mobile phone interaction
Student perspectives on the university professor role
Effectiveness of mediation strategies in collective bargaining
Organizational conflict management by out-of-court means
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Intergenerational support: The role of gender and social networks
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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