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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Retos en la Agricultura de Precisión para una agricultura sostenible
Multi-sensor imagery rectification and registration for herbicide testing
Spray and economics assessment of a UAV-based ultra-low-volume application in olive and citrus orchards
A cost-effective canopy temperature measurement system for precision agriculture: a case study on sugar beet
Autonomous systems for precise spraying - Evaluation of a robotised patch sprayer
Influence of liquid-volume and airflow rates on spray application quality and homogeneity in super-intensive olive tree canopies
Analysis of fruit and oil quantity and quality distribution in high-density olive trees in order to improve the mechanical harvesting process
An Approach to Precise Nitrogen Management Using Hand-Held Crop Sensor Measurements and Winter Wheat Yield Mapping in a Mediterranean Environment
Development of a Telemetry and Yield-Mapping System of Olive Harvester
Highlights and preliminary results for autonomous crop protection
Wi-Fi and Satellite-Based Location Techniques for Intelligent Agricultural Machinery Controlled by a Human Operator
University spin-off creation by Spanish researchers in agricultural engineering
Estimation of soil coverage of chopped pruning residues in olive orchards by image analysis
Field sprayer for inter and intra-row weed control: performance and labor savings
Fruit pit hardening: physical measurement during olive fruit growth
Design of a soil cutting resistance sensor for application in site-specific tillage.
Development and evaluation of a combined cultivator and band sprayer with a row-centering RTK-GPS guidance system
Non-destructive determination of impact bruising on table olives using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
Design of a new sensor for determination of the effects of tractor field usage in Southern Spain: Soil sinkage and alterations in the cone index and dry bulk density
Development and assessment of a prototype as an innovative method for teaching Agricultural Machinery
Assessing GNSS correction signals for assisted guidance systems in agricultural vehicles
Optimization of agrochemical application in olive groves based on positioning sensor
Fundamentos de agricultura de precisión
Dynamic analysis of olive trees in intensive orchards under forced vibration
Mode shapes evaluation of trunk shakers used in oil olive harvesting
Evaluation of a capacitance-based soil moisture sensor for real-time applications
Hyperspectral indices and model simulation for chlorophyll estimation in open-canopy tree crops
Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas del suelo en la locomoción extraviaria
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Diseño y aplicación de un penetrómetro registrador de precisión para la determinación de la compactación en suelos agrícolas Juan Agüera Vega
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Understanding hand-held crop sensor measurements and winter wheat yield mapping
A cost-effective canopy temperature measurement system for precision agriculture decision support - first-year status update
Determination of field capacity and yield mapping in olive harvesting using remote data acquisition
Soil compaction sensor for site-specific tillage: Design and assessment
Patentes Todos / Ninguno
Máquina para medir la rugosidad de suelos agrícolas
Máquina para medir la resistencia a la penetración de suelos
Sistema móvil para la determinación "in situ" de las propiedades mecánicas de los suelos acoplable a tractores agrícolas
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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