Sanz Rus, Ana Author

Adaptive branchial mechanisms in the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii during acclimation to saltwater

  • Martínez-Álvarez R.M.
  • Sanz A.
  • García-Gallego M.
  • Domezain A.
  • Domezain J.
  • Carmona R.
  • Del Valle Ostos-Garrido M.
  • Morales A.E.
... View more Collapse

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology - 1/1/2005


Cite count: 39 (Scopus)

Age-size influences on tissue-lipid quality of the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii from intensive culture

  • García-Gallego M.
  • Sanz A.
  • Domezain A.
  • De La Higuera M.

Journal of Applied Ichthyology - 1/1/1999


Cite count: 17 (Scopus)

Antioxidant defences in the first life phases of the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii

  • Elena Diaz, M.
  • Furne, Miriam
  • Trenzado, Cristina E.
  • Garcia-Gallego, Manuel
  • Domezain, Alberto
  • Sanz, Ana

AQUACULTURE - 1/09/2010

10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.06.026 View source

Cite count: 32 (Web of Science) 30 (Scopus)

Antioxidant defenses in fish: Biotic and abiotic factors

  • Martínez-Álvarez R.M.
  • Morales A.E.
  • Sanz A.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - 1/2/2005


Cite count: 738 (Scopus)

Antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in sturgeon Acipenser naccarii and trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A comparative study

  • Trenzado, Cristina
  • Hidalgo, M. Carmen
  • Garcia-Gallego, Manuel
  • Morales, Amalia E.
  • Furne, Miriam
  • Domezain, Alberto
  • Domezain, Julio
  • Sanz, Ana
... View more Collapse

AQUACULTURE - 28/04/2006

10.1016/j.aquaculture.2005.11.020 View source

Cite count: 145 (Web of Science) 142 (Scopus)
Open Access

Are antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage related to biological and autecological characteristics in aquatic insects?

  • Sanz A.
  • López-Rodríguez M.
  • García-Mesa S.
  • Trenzado C.
  • Ferrer R.
  • Tierno De Figueroa J.



Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Chloride cells and pavement cells in gill epithelia of Acipenser naccarii: Ultrastructural modifications in seawater-acclimated specimens

  • Carmona R.
  • García-Gallego M.
  • Sanz A.
  • Domezaín A.
  • Ostos-Garrido M.

Journal of Fish Biology - 1/2/2004


Cite count: 72 (Scopus)

Comparative study of digestive enzymes in fish with different nutritional habits. Proteolytic and amylase activities

  • Hidalgo M.C.
  • Urea E.
  • Sanz A.

Aquaculture - 15/1/1999


Cite count: 427 (Scopus)

Description of a facility for studying energy metabolism in fish: Application to aquaculture

  • Sanz Rus A.
  • Enjuto C.
  • Morales A.
  • Hidalgo M.
  • García-Gallego M.

Aquacultural Engineering - 1/1/2000


Cite count: 3 (Scopus)

Digestive enzyme activities in Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A comparative study

  • Furné M.
  • Hidalgo M.
  • López A.
  • García-Gallego M.
  • Morales A.
  • Domezain A.
  • Domezainé J.
  • Sanz A.
... View more Collapse

Aquaculture - 14/11/2005


Cite count: 223 (Scopus)

Morphology, histology, and functional structure of the alimentary canal of sturgeon

  • Martos R.
  • Trenzado Romero C.
  • Sanz Rus A.

Phylogeny, Anatomy and Physiology of Ancient Fishes - 1/1/2015

Cite count:

Physiological changes during starvation in Fish

  • Furné M.
  • Sanz A.

Biology of Starvation in Humans and Other Organisms - 1/12/2011

Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Starvation in fish: Sturgeon and rainbow trout as examples

  • Furne M.
  • Sanz A.

Handbook of Famine, Starvation, and Nutrient Deprivation: From Biology to Policy - 6/3/2019

Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

This author has no conferences.

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This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 23

Web of Science: 18

Scopus: 43

Web of Science: 28

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