Valenzuela Gutiérrez, Loreto Autor

Assessing system-level synergies between photovoltaic and proton exchange membrane electrolyzers for solar-powered hydrogen production

  • Ignacio Arias
  • Felipe G. Battisti
  • J.A. Romero-Ramos
  • Manuel Pérez
  • Loreto Valenzuela
  • José Cardemil
  • Rodrigo Escobar
... Ver más Contraer

Applied Energy - 15/8/2024


Número de citas:

Modelling of Solar Thermal Electricity Plants in the POSYTYF Research Project for an Extensive Integration of Renewable Energy Sources

  • Lourdes González
  • Mario Biencinto
  • Loreto Valenzuela
  • Luis Arribas
  • Jesús Polo

SolarPACES Conference Proceedings - 28/03/2024



Device for Measuring Forces and Torques in Flexible Connection Joints for Parabolic Trough Collector

  • Rafael Antonio López-Martín
  • Loreto Valenzuela
  • Carmen María Amador-Cortés

SolarPACES Conference Proceedings - 15/03/2024



Thermo-Mechanical Cycling of the ROTAJOINT Flexible Interconnection Installed in a Parabolic Trough Test Facility

  • Rafael Antonio López Martín
  • Javier Hernáiz
  • Jorge González
  • Juan Arana
  • Goizalde Mendizabal

SolarPACES Conference Proceedings - 3/01/2024



Coupling of 3D thermal with 1D thermohydraulic model for single-phase flows of direct steam generation in parabolic-trough solar collectors

  • Sandá A.
  • Moya S.L.
  • Valenzuela L.
  • Cundapí R.



Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Study of parameters influence on the measurement of vacuum level in parabolic trough collectors’ receivers using infrared thermography

  • María Elena Carra
  • Eneko Setién
  • Loreto Valenzuela
  • Rafael López-Martín
  • Carmen Amador
  • Simon Caron
  • Jesús Ballestrín
  • Jesús Fernández-Reche
  • José A. Carballo
  • Antonio Ávila-Marín
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas:

Simulation and economic analysis of an innovative compact linear Fresnel collector coupled to two industrial processes with low and medium temperatures

  • Mario Biencinto
  • Lourdes González
  • Loreto Valenzuela

AIP Conference Proceedings - 6/10/2023


Número de citas:
Open Access

Heat losses in a trapezoidal cavity receiver of a linear Fresnel collector: A CFD approach

  • Sergio Alcalde-Morales
  • Loreto Valenzuela
  • J.J. Serrano-Aguilera

Heliyon - 1/07/2023


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Editorial: Advances in Solar Central Receiver Technology

  • Behar O.
  • Valenzuela L.
  • Mohammedi K.

Frontiers in Energy Research - 31/5/2022


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Thermal Performance Analysis of a Double-Pass Solar Air Collector: A CFD Approach

  • Chávez-Bermúdez I.A.
  • Rodríguez-Muñoz N.A.
  • Venegas-Reyes E.
  • Valenzuela L.
  • Ortega-Avila N.

Applied Sciences - 1/11/2022


Número de citas:

Advanced mirror concepts for concentrating solar thermal systems

  • Fernández-García A.
  • Sutter F.
  • Martínez-Arcos L.
  • Valenzuela L.
  • Sansom C.

Advances in Concentrating Solar Thermal Research and Technology - 1/1/2017


Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Thermal energy storage concepts for direct steam generation (DSG) solar plants

  • Valenzuela, L.
  • Blanco, MJ
  • Santigosa, LR


10.1016/b978-0-08-100516-3.00012-5 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 9 (Web of Science) 6 (Scopus)

Contribución al modelado termo-hidráulico de captadores solares cilindricoparabolicos para la generación directa de vapor

  • David Hernández Lobón
  • Loreto Valenzuela
  • Manuel Pérez García


Número de citas:
  • Dialnet
Open Access

Explanatory analysis of data from a distributed solar collector field

  • Berenguel M.
  • Klempous R.
  • Maciejewski H.
  • Nikodem J.
  • Nikodem M.
  • Valenzuela L.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/12/2005

10.1007/11556985_83 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)
Open Access

Hierarchical control of a distributed solar collector field

  • Berenguel M.
  • Cirre C.
  • Klempous R.
  • Maciejewski H.
  • Nikodem M.
  • Nikodem J.
  • Rudas I.
  • Valenzuela L.
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/12/2005

10.1007/11556985_82 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 17 (Web of Science) 13 (Scopus)
Open Access

Geometrical assessment of solar concentrators using close-range photogrammetry

  • Fernández-Reche, J.
  • Valenzuela, L.

Energy Procedia - 1/1/2012

10.1016/j.egypro.2012.11.011 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 20 (Web of Science) 18 (Scopus)
Open Access

Sensitivity analysis of saturated steam production in parabolic trough collectors

  • Valenzuela, L.
  • Hernández-Lobón, D.
  • Zarza, E.

Energy Procedia - 1/1/2012

10.1016/j.egypro.2012.11.087 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 10 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus)
Open Access

Dimensioning a small-sized PTC solar field for heating and cooling of a hotel in Almería (Spain)

  • Quirante, M.
  • Valenzuela, L.

Energy Procedia - 1/1/2012

10.1016/j.egypro.2012.11.109 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 7 (Web of Science) 8 (Scopus)

Modelling of a small-sized parabolic-trough solar collector field for process heat in the cork industry

  • Guerrero-Quijano, Á.
  • Fernández-García, A.
  • Pérez, M.
  • Zarza, E.
  • Valenzuela, L.

30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011, SWC 2011 - 1/12/2011


Número de citas: 2 (Scopus)

Pressure losses in small-sized parabolic-trough solar fields for industrial process heat

  • Valenzuela, L.
  • Hernández-Lobón, D.
  • Zarza, E.
  • Pérez, M.

30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011, SWC 2011 - 1/12/2011


Número de citas: 2 (Scopus)

Development of a small-sized parabolic-trough collector. Final capsol project results

  • Fernández-García, A.
  • Zarza, E.
  • Valenzuela, L.
  • Pérez, M.
  • Valcárcel, E.
  • Rojas, E.
  • León, J.
... Ver más Contraer

30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011, SWC 2011 - 1/12/2011


Número de citas: 5 (Scopus)

Data driven methods and data analysis of a distributed solar collector field

  • Klempous, Ryszard
  • Maciejewski, Henryk
  • Nikodem, Maciej
  • Nikodem, Jan
  • Berenguel, Manuel
  • Valenzuela, Loreto
  • Kovacova, M
... Ver más Contraer

4th International Conference APLIMAT 2005 - 1/1/2005

Número de citas: 3 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Solar thermal power plants with parabolic-trough collectors

  • Zarza, E.
  • Valenzuela, L.
  • León, J.

European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP - 1/12/2004

Número de citas: 7 (Scopus)

Direct steam generation in parabolic troughs: Final results and conclusions of the DISS project

  • Zarza, E
  • Valenzuela, L
  • Leon, J
  • Hennecke, K
  • Eck, M
  • Weyers, HD
  • Eickhoff, M
... Ver más Contraer

ENERGY - 1/04/2004

10.1016/s0360-5442(03)00172-5 Ver en origen

Número de citas: 188 (Web of Science) 213 (Scopus)

The DISS project: Direct steam generation in parabolic troughs operation and maintenance experience update on project status

  • Zarza E.
  • Valenzuela L.
  • León J.
  • Eck M.
  • Weyers H.
  • Eickhoff M.
  • Hennecke K.
... Ver más Contraer

International Solar Energy Conference - 1/12/2001


Número de citas: 7 (Scopus)
Open Access

Concentrador solar multi-modo

  • Parreira da Silva, Ricardo Manuel
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • Berenguel Soria, Manuel
  • Fernández García, Aránzazu
  • Valenzuela Gutiérrez, Loreto
  • Zarza Moya, Eduardo


Yield Analysis of a Power Plant with Parabolic-Trough Collectors and Direct Steam Generation (DSG) using a Quasi-Dynamic Simulation Model in TRNSYS

  • Biencinto, Mario
  • Gonzalez, Lourdes
  • Valenzuela, Loreto
  • Martinez, V
  • Gonzalez, J

EuroSun 2016 International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings - 2016

10.18086/eurosun.2016.02.05 Ver en origen

Optimizing design of a Linear Fresnel Reflector for process heat  supply  

  • Pulido Iparraguirre, Diego
  • Serrano-Aguilera, Juan José
  • Valenzuela, Loreto
  • Fernández-García, Aránzazu

EuroSun 2016 International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings - 2016



Scopus: 23

Web of Science: 26

Scopus: 43

Web of Science: 47

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 8:05
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00