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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
The Development of the Internalization of Sociocultural Body Ideals Scale Using Items From the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire: Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Invariance Testing
Sociocultural pressures towards the thin and mesomorphic body ideals and their impact on the eating and exercise-related body change strategies of early adolescents: a longitudinal study
Can sport education improve attitudes towards physical education in secondary school?
Development and Initial Validation of the Sport Education Scale
Is the instructional style of teacher educators related to the teaching intention of pre-service teachers? A Self-Determination Theory perspective-based analysis
Psychometric properties of the teachers’, parents’ and peers’ versions of the Perceived Autonomy Support Scale for Active Commuting to and from School (PASS-ACS) in children and adolescents
Validation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Active Commuting to and from School (BPNS-ACS) Scale in Spanish young people
Sport education and sportsmanship orientations: An intervention in high school students
Analysis of motivational profiles on sportspersonship orientations in secondary school physical education students: A self-determination theory-based perspective
Efectos del contenido de meta docente y la regulación motivacional académica sobre la creencia de eficacia docente del profesorado en formación inicial
Psychometry of the Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale in Physical Education With Spanish Secondary School Students
Effects of the “MAMI Deporte®” Family Sports Program on Parents’ Motivation towards Sport Participation: A Randomized Controlled Intervention
Validity and Reliability of the Interpersonal Behaviors Questionnaire in Physical Education With Spanish Secondary School Students
Sport Education and Sportsmanship Orientations: An Intervention in High School Students
Evaluación psicométrica de la leadership scale for physical education con estudiantes españoles de educación secundaria
Understanding the motivational processes involved in adolescents’ active commuting behaviour: Development and validation of the Behavioural Regulation in Active Commuting to and from School (BR-ACS) Questionnaire
Examining Maladaptive Functioning in Physical Education: A Psychometric Analysis of the Psychological Need Thwarting Scale Among Spanish Secondary Students
Psychometry of the Teacher's Sense of Efficacy Scale in Spanish Teachers' Education
Psychometric assessment of the leadership scale for physical education with Spanish secondary school students,Evaluación psicométrica de la leadership scale for physical education con estudiantes españoles de educación secundaria
Influence of sport education on high school students' motivational response: A gender perspective,Influencia de la educación deportiva sobre la respuesta motivacional del alumnado de bachillerato: Una perspectiva de género
Adaptación de la multidimensional sportspersonship orientations scale al contexto español de la educación física
Clarifying the influence of sport education on basic psychological need satisfaction in high school students
Autonomy support and perception of the sport education features in compulsory secondary students. influence of a sport education season
Análisis psicométrico de la Physical Education Season Survey en estudiantes españoles de educación secundaria
Psychometric analysis of the physical education season survey in Spanish secondary education students,Análisis psicométrico de la physical education season survey en estudiantes españoles de educación secundaria
Adaptation of the multidimensional sportspersonship orientations scale to the spanish physical education context
Analysis of Sociocultural Stereotypes Towards Thin Body and Muscular Body: Differences According to Gender and Weight Discrepancy
Analysis of Sociocultural Stereotypes Towards Thin Body and Muscular Body: Differences According to Gender and Weight Discrepancy
Influence of a Sport Education season on motivational strategies in High School students: A Self-Determination Theory-based perspective
The Threshold Distance Associated With Walking From Home to School
Academic motivation scale revised. Inclusion of integrated regulation to measure motivation in initial teacher education
Educación Deportiva versus Enseñanza Tradicional: Influencia sobre la regulación motivacional en alumnado de Bachillerato
Distance from home to school: A main correlate on the mode of commuting to school
The Spanish odontological research in Science Citation Index database: A scientometric study (1974-2006)
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Capacidad predictiva de la educación deportiva sobre las metas de logro 2x2 en alumnado de secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato.
¿Disminuye el modelo de educación deportiva el nivel de desmotivación en las clases de educación física? un estudio preliminar
Diversión del alumnado de Secundaria en clase de Educación Física. ¿Modelo de enseñanza tradicional o Modelo de Educación Deportiva?: Un estudio preliminar
Influencia de un entrenamiento docente basado en el trabajo en grupo durante la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física: un estudio preliminar
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Delimiting the Measurement for the Internalization of Body Ideals From the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire and Examining its Invariance Across Sex
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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