Alonso Fernández, María Yolanda Author
Síndrome de Asperger en la edad adulta. A propósito de un caso
- Yolanda Alonso
Actas españolas de psiquiatría - 2007
- SJR Quartile: Q3
- SJR Categories: Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
- Dialnet
Apego y bienestar en mujeres en proceso de tratamiento de cáncer de mama
- Yolanda Alonso
- Yolanda Fontanil Gómez
- Esteban Ezama Coto
Anales de Psicologia - 2016
- SJR Quartile: Q2
- JCR Impact Factor: 0.871 (2016)
- JCR 5-year Impact Factor: 0.92
- SJR Categories: Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Dialnet
Attachment and wellbeing in women undergoing breast cancer treatment.
- Alonso, Y.
- Fontanil, Y.
- Ezama, E.
- JCR Quartile: Q3 (2016)
- SJR Quartile: Q2
- JCR Impact Factor: 0.871 (2022)
- Category normalized Impact: 0.212 (2016)
- CiteScore: 3.3 (2020)
- SJR: 0.448 (2016
- SNIP: 0.996 (2016
- JCR 5-year Impact Factor: 0.92
- JCR Categories: PSYCHOLOGY
- SJR Categories: Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Lateralization of visual guided behaviour during feeding in zebra finches (<i>Taeniopygia guttata</i>)
- Alonso, Y.
- CiteScore: 3.6 (2020)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Lateralization of behaviour in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
- Alonso, Y.
Etologia - 1/12/1997
- Scopus
Los animales y la salud de los humanos
- Yolanda Alonso
Etologuía: boletín de la Sociedad Española de Etología - 1998
- Dialnet
Human health and interaction with pets: Is there a relationship? | Der Einfluß von Haustieren auf die menschliche Gesundheit: Gibt es einen Zusammenhang?
- Alonso Y.
Gesundheitswesen - 1/12/1999
- SJR Quartile: Q2
- CiteScore: 1.5 (2020)
- SJR: 0.212 (1999
- SNIP: 0.547 (1999
- SJR Categories: Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
- Scopus
Calidad de la sesión, ajuste en las tareas y efectividad de las sesiones psicoterapéuticas
- Esteban Ezama Coto
- Yolanda Fontanil Gómez
- Yolanda Alonso
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy - 2012
- SJR Quartile: Q2
- SJR Categories: Clinical Psychology (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
- Dialnet
Las constelaciones familiares de Bert Hellinguer: un procedimiento psicoterapéutico en busca de identidad
- Yolanda Alonso
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy - 2005
- SJR Quartile: Q3
- SJR Categories: Clinical Psychology (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4)
- Dialnet
Pacientes, síntomas, trastornos, organicidad y psicopatología
- Esteban Ezama Coto
- Yolanda Alonso
- Yolanda Fontanil Gómez
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy - 2010
- SJR Quartile: Q2
- SJR Categories: Clinical Psychology (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
- Dialnet
Psicología clínica y psicoterapias: cómo orientarse en la jungla clínica
- Yolanda Alonso
- Dialnet
Asimetrías en el comportamiento y en la función cerebral del pinzón cebra (taeniopygia guttata)
- Yolanda Alonso
- Héctor Rifá Burrull
- Dialnet
Apego y disfunciones psíquicas: relación de los vínculos afectivos con el estado clínico de los consultantes y la efectividad de la psicoterapia
- Javier Fernández Méndez
- Yolanda Fontanil Gómez
- Yolanda Alonso
- Dialnet
Deconstrucción de las tipologías de agresores
- Yolanda Alonso
Análisis interdisciplinar de la violencia de género - 2013
- Dialnet
Involvement and well-being: A micro school experience
- Alonso Y.
Positive Psychology for Positive Pedagogical Actions - 1/1/2016
Psicología clínica y psicoterapias
This author has no conferences.
This author has no patents.
This author has no reports or other types of publications.
h index
Scopus: 6
Web of Science: 5
i10 index
Scopus: 5
Web of Science: 4
Research groups
Psicología, salud y educación
Role: Miembro
Author profiles
Scopus Author ID
Dialnet id
Other identifiers
Research projects at UAL
Acronym SEJ2005-05844Since: June 14, 2006Until: December 31, 2008Funded by: MECFunding / grant amount: 21,420.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym PM96-0102Since: May 1, 1997Until: May 1, 2000Funded by: MECFunding / grant amount: 54,487.77 EURRole: Investigador