Fernández Sevilla, José María Author

A simple equation to quantify the effect of frequency of light/dark cycles on the photosynthetic response of microalgae under intermittent light

  • Fernández-Sevilla J.
  • Brindley C.
  • Jiménez-Ruíz N.
  • Acién F.

Algal Research - 1/11/2018


Cite count: 16 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus)

The influence of culture conditions on biomass and high value product generation by Nannochloropsis gaditana in aquaculture

  • Camacho-Rodríguez J.
  • Cerón-García M.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.
  • Molina-Grima E.

Algal Research - 1/1/2015


Cite count: 28 (Web of Science) 24 (Scopus)

Light regime optimization in photobioreactors using a dynamic photosynthesis model

  • Brindley C.
  • Jiménez-Ruíz N.
  • Acién F.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.

Algal Research - 1/6/2016


Cite count: 34 (Web of Science) 23 (Scopus)

Year-long assessment of a pilot-scale thin-layer reactor for microalgae wastewater treatment. Variation in the microalgae-bacteria consortium and the impact of environmental conditions

  • Sánchez Zurano A.
  • Garrido Cárdenas J.A.
  • Gómez Serrano C.
  • Morales Amaral M.
  • Acién-Fernández F.G.
  • Fernández Sevilla J.M.
  • Molina Grima E.
... View more Collapse

Algal Research - 1/9/2020


Cite count: 44 (Web of Science) 57 (Scopus)
Open Access

A novel photo-respirometry method to characterize consortia in microalgae-related wastewater treatment processes

  • Sánchez-Zurano A.
  • Gómez-Serrano C.
  • Acién-Fernández F.G.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.M.
  • Molina-Grima E.

Algal Research - 1/5/2020


Cite count: 22 (Web of Science) 29 (Scopus)

Outdoor production of Scenedesmus sp. in thin-layer and raceway reactors using centrate from anaerobic digestion as the sole nutrient source

  • Morales-Amaral M.
  • Gómez-Serrano C.
  • Acién F.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.
  • Molina-Grima E.

Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts - 1/11/2015


Cite count: 94 (Web of Science) 71 (Scopus)

Improvement of real-scale raceway bioreactors for microalgae production using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

  • Inostroza C.
  • Solimeno A.
  • García J.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.M.
  • Acién F.G.

Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts - 1/4/2021


Cite count: 11 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Production of microalgae using centrate from anaerobic digestion as the nutrient source

  • Morales-Amaral M.
  • Gómez-Serrano C.
  • Acién F.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.
  • Molina-Grima E.

Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts - 1/1/2015


Cite count: 98 (Web of Science) 88 (Scopus)
Open Access

Optimisation of Scenedesmus almeriensis production using pig slurry as the sole nutrient source

  • Ciardi M.
  • Gómez-Serrano C.
  • Morales-Amaral M.d.M.
  • Acién G.
  • Lafarga T.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.M.

Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts - 1/1/2022


Cite count: 16 (Web of Science) 21 (Scopus)

Direct supercritical methanolysis of wet and dry unwashed marine microalgae (Nannochloropsis gaditana) to biodiesel

  • Jazzar S.
  • Olivares-Carrillo P.
  • Pérez de los Ríos A.
  • Marzouki M.
  • Acién-Fernández F.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.
  • Molina-Grima E.
  • Smaali I.
  • Quesada-Medina J.
... View more Collapse



Cite count: 63 (Web of Science) 52 (Scopus)

This author has no books, chapters or theses.

Modeling of biomass productivity in dense microalgal culture using computational fluid dynamics

  • Fernández-Del Olmo P.
  • Fernández-Sevilla J.
  • Acién F.
  • González-Céspedes A.
  • López-Hernández J.
  • Magán J.

Acta Horticulturae - 31/7/2017


Cite count: 4 (Scopus)

Effects of pellet morphology on broth rheology in fermentations of Aspergillus terreus

  • Porcel, EMR
  • Lopez, JLC
  • Perez, JAS
  • Sevilla, JMF
  • Chisti, Y


10.1016/j.bej.2005.04.011 View source

Cite count: 79 (Web of Science) 78 (Scopus)

Viable biomass probe for a life support system bioreactor

  • Bragós R.
  • Mas J.
  • Sevilla J.
  • López T.
  • Riu P.
  • Rosell J.

IFMBE Proceedings - 1/12/2007


Cite count:

Outdoor continuous culture of Porphyridium cruentum in a tubular photobioreactor: Quantitative analysis of the daily cyclic variation of culture parameters

  • Rebolloso Fuentes M.
  • García Sánchez J.
  • Fernández Sevilla J.
  • Acién Fernández F.
  • Sánchez Pérez J.
  • Molina Grima E.

Journal of Biotechnology - 30/4/1999


Cite count: 78 (Scopus)

Tubular photobioreactor design for algal cultures

  • Molina, E
  • Fernandez, J
  • Acien, FG
  • Chisti, Y


10.1016/s0168-1656(01)00353-4 View source

Cite count: 372 (Web of Science) 420 (Scopus)
Open Access

Extracción de carotenoides mediante el uso de mezclas ternarias

  • Fernández Sevilla, José María
  • Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel
  • Molina Grima, Emilio
  • Cerón García, María del Carmen


Open Access

Fotobiorreactor de doble lazo con desgasificador plano

  • Sánchez Pérez, José Antonio
  • Sánchez Martín, Cristobal
  • Fernández Sevilla, José María
  • Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel
  • Molina Grima, Emilio


Open Access

Nueva especie de microalga y su aplicación para consumo animal, humano y en la obtención de carotenoides

  • Fernández Sevilla, José María
  • Molina Grima, Emilio
  • Pérez Parra, Jerónimo
  • Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel
  • Magán Cañadas, Juan José
  • Friedl, Thomas


Open Access

Proceso para la producción en continuo de lovastatina

  • Sánchez Pérez, José Antonio
  • Casas López, José Luis
  • Rodríguez Porcel, Elisa María
  • Fernández Sevilla, José María


Open Access

Sistema combinado de calefacción y enriquecimiento carbónico a partir de biomasa

  • Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel
  • Fernández Sevilla, José María
  • López Hernández, Juan Carlos
  • Fernández Fernández, María Dolores
  • Rodríguez Díaz, Francisco de Asís
  • Sánchez Molina, Jorge Antonio


Open Access

Sistema de eliminación de metales pesados en aguas mediante microalgas

  • Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel
  • Fernández Sevilla, Jose María
  • Molina Grima, Emilio
  • Gómez Serrano, Cintia


Costs analysis of microalgae production

  • F.G. Acién Fernández
  • José María Fernández Sevilla
  • Emilio Molina Grima

Biofuels from Algae - 2019


Cite count: 59 (Web of Science)

Scopus: 52

Web of Science: 55

Scopus: 113

Web of Science: 113

Last data update: 9/14/24 7:19 AM
Next scheduled update: 9/21/24 3:00 AM