Ragon, Pierre Author

Juan Palafox and Mendoza in New Spain (1640-1649): Prelate, good minister or autonomous actor?

  • Ragon P.

Librosdelacorte.es - 1/1/2019


Cite count:
Open Access

Nicolas Terrien, « Des patriotes sans patrie»: Histoire des corsaires insurgés de l’Amérique espagnole (1810-1825)

  • Ragon P.

Cahiers des Ameriques Latines - 1/1/2018


Cite count:
Open Access

Christian death, as conceptualized by missionaries, as opposed to native practice: A comparative study (central mexico versus central and southern andes, xvith - beginning of the xviith century)

  • Ragon P.

Chungara-Revista de Antropologia Chilena - 1/12/2012


Cite count: 3 (Scopus)
Open Access

The patron saints of the cities of central Mexico (XVI and XVII centuries)

  • Ragon P.

Historia Mexicana - 1/12/2002

Cite count: 10 (Scopus)

La Couronne, L’éGlise Et Les EnquêTes Ethnographiques Dans La Vice Royauté De La Nouvelle-Espagne Au Xviè SièCle

  • Ragon P.

Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies - 1/1/1984


Cite count:

This author has no books, chapters or theses.

This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 2

Scopus: 1

Web of Science: 0

Last data update: 7/20/24 7:19 AM
Next scheduled update: 7/27/24 3:00 AM