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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
The i-extended zero-divisor graphs of idealizations
Relative Gorenstein flat modules and Foxby classes and their model structures
(n, d)-X<inf>R</inf>-PHANTOM AND (n, d)-<inf>R</inf> X-COPHANTOM MORPHISMS
Categorical properties of generalized σ-derivations on modules
On Local (like) Derivations on Path Algebras
n-gr-coherent rings and Gorenstein graded modules
A new approach to projectivity in the categories of complexes
A simplified algorithm for identifying abnormal changes in dynamic networks
Flat-precover completing domains
On global defensive k-Alliances in zero-divisor graphs of finite commutative rings
Coherent quivers
Relative Gorenstein flat modules and dimension
Zero-divisor super- λ graphs
Precover completing domains and approximations
A New Approach to Projectivity in the Categories of Complexes, II
Relative Gorenstein n-weak injective and n-weak flat modules
Gorenstein n -X-Injective and n -X-Flat modules with respect to a special finitely presented module
The i -extended zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings
Relative Gorenstein Dimensions over Triangular Matrix Rings
Category of n-weak injective and n-weak flat modules with respect to special super presented modules
On relative counterpart of Auslander's conditions
Subprojectivity in Abelian Categories
On Crossed Product Algebras over Henselian Valued Fields
Dhara–Rehman–Raza’s identities on left ideals of prime rings
Lie generalized derivations on bound quiver algebras
Relative coherent modules
On 1 -semiregular and 2 -semiregular rings
More on the Generalized (m,n)-Jordan Derivations and Centralizers on Certain Semiprime Rings
The Category of Modules on an <i>n</i>-Trivial Extension: the Basic Properties
On Proper and Exact Relative Homological Dimensions
f-Biderivations and Jordan biderivations of unital algebras with idempotents
Lie generalized derivations on trivial extension algebras
A note on p-extensions
On generalized Lie derivations
On generalized graded crossed products and kummer subfields of simple algebras
On two extensions of the classical zero-divisor graph
Rings in which every 2-absorbing ideal is prime
Jordan generalized derivations on trivial extension algebras
Corrigendum: "Jordan generalized derivations on trivial extension algebras" [Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 33, 3 (721-739) (2018)] doi: 10.4134/CKMS.c170284
On S-coherence
Derivations and the First Cohomology Group of Trivial Extension Algebras
On the Stability Question of Gorenstein Categories
Extended zero-divisor graphs of idealizations
On Jordan ideals in prime rings with generalized derivations
On n-trivial extensions of rings
Relative Gorenstein Dimensions
Relative Gorenstein global dimension
When do Foxby classes coincide with the classes of modules of finite Gorenstein dimensions?
On the extended zero divisor graph of commutative rings
Relative Projective and Injective Dimensions
On 2-SG-semisimple rings
Gorenstein Analogue of Auslander's Theorem on the Global Dimension
A note on gorenstein flat dimension
Rings over which all modules are strongly gorenstein projective
First, second, and third change of rings theorems for gorenstein homological dimensions
(n, m)-SG rings
A genaralization of strongly Gorenstein projective modules
On n-perfect rings and cotorsion dimension
Gorenstein global dimensions and cotorsion dimension of rings
Rings over which the class of gorenstein flat modules is closed under extensions
Global gorenstein dimensions of polynomial rings and of direct products of rings
Strongly Gorenstein projective, injective, and flat modules
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
On PI-Net deep learning model for classification of images
Persistent Homology applied to location problems
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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