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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
A Machine Learning Paradigm for Studying Pictorial Realism: How Accurate are Constable's Clouds?
Robust deep neural network surrogate models with uncertainty quantification via adversarial training
Multi-view clustering by CPS-merge analysis with application to multimodal single-cell data
Statistical and machine learning methods for immunoprofiling based on single-cell data
Applications of the Geometry-Sensitive Ensemble Mean for Lake-Effect Snowbands and Other Weather Phenomena
Multisource single-cell data integration by MAW barycenter for Gaussian mixture models
Optimal Transport With Relaxed Marginal Constraints
Block-Wise Variable Selection for Clustering Via Latent States of Mixture Models
A fast globally linearly convergent algorithm for the computation of wasserstein barycenters
CPS analysis: Self-contained validation of biomedical data clustering
Aggregated Wasserstein Distance and State Registration for Hidden Markov Models
Detecting Comma-Shaped Clouds for Severe Weather Forecasting Using Shape and Motion
Optimal transport, mean partition, and uncertainty assessment in cluster analysis
Probabilistic Multigraph Modeling for Improving the Quality of Crowdsourced Affective Data
ARBEE: Towards Automated Recognition of Bodily Expression of Emotion in the Wild
Advancing science and technology with big data analytics
Development and validation of Image Stimuli for Emotion Elicitation (ISEE): A novel affective pictorial system with test-retest repeatability
Geometry-Sensitive Ensemble Mean Based on Wasserstein Barycenters: Proof-of-Concept on Cloud Simulations
Fast discrete distribution clustering using wasserstein barycenter with sparse support
Severe Thunderstorm Detection by Visual Learning Using Satellite Images
Clustering with Hidden Markov Model on Variable Blocks
Baum-Welch algorithm on directed acyclic graph for mixtures with latent Bayesian networks
Distance-based mixture modeling for classification via hypothetical local mapping
Parallel massive clustering of discrete distributions
Enhancing training collections for image annotation: An instance-weighted mixture modeling approach
Mapping shape quantitative trait loci using a radius-centroid-contour model
Variable selection for clustering by separability based on ridgelines
Rhythmic brushstrokes distinguish van gogh from his contemporaries: Findings via automated brushstroke extraction
OSCAR: On-site composition and aesthetics feedback through exemplars for photographers
Agglomerative connectivity constrained clustering for image segmentation
Aesthetics and emotions in images
Automatic image semantic interpretation using social action and tagging data
Two-way Gaussian mixture models for high dimensional classification
Large-scale image and video search: Challenges, technologies, and trends
Exploiting the humanmachine gap in image recognition for designing CAPTCHAs
Real-time computerized annotation of pictures
Image retrieval: Ideas, influences, and trends of the new age
Forecasting Web page views: Methods and observations
Image processing for artist identification: Computerized analysis of Vincent van Gogh's painting brushstrokes
“CAT: A Graphical User Interface for Visualization and Level-of-Detail Control for Large Scale Image Collections”
A nonparametric statistical approach to clustering via mode identification
Generative models for name disambiguation
A computationally efficient approach to the estimation of two- and three-dimensional hidden Markov models
Machine annotation and retrieval for digital imagery of historical materials
Two-way Poisson mixture models for simultaneous document classification and word clustering
The story picturing engine - A system for automatic text illustration
Clustering based on a multilayer mixture model
Regulatory potential scores from genome-wide three-way alignments of human, mouse, and rat
Studying digital imagery of ancient paintings by mixtures of stochastic models
Automatic linguistic indexing of pictures by a statistical modeling approach
Distinguishing regulatory DNA from neutral sites.
Covariation in frequencies of substitution, deletion, transposition, and recombination during eutherian evolution.
A Lagrangian formulation of Zador's entropy-constrained quantization theorem
Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
SIMPLIcity: Semantics-sensitive integrated Matching for Picture Libraries
Unsupervised multiresolution on segmentation for images with low depth of field
Context-based multiscale classification of document images using wavelet coefficient distributions
Image classification by a two-dimensional hidden Markov model
Multiresolution image classification by hierarchical modeling with two-dimensional hidden Markov models
Semantics-sensitive retrieval for digital picture libraries
Asymptotic performance of vector quantizers with a perceptual distortion measure
Image classification by a two dimensional hidden Markov model
Joint image compression and classification with vector quantization and a two dimensional hidden Markov model
System for screening objectionable images
Image quality in lossy compressed digital mammograms
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Photo composition feedback and enhancement exploiting spatial design categories and the notan dark-light principle
On aesthetics and emotions in scene images: A computational perspective
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Learning Performance Maximizing Ensembles with Explainability Guarantees
An investigation into three visual characteristics of complex scenes that evoke human emotion
Beyond saliency: Assessing visual balance with high-level cues
A simulated annealing based inexact oracle for wasserstein loss minimization
Determining gains acquired from word embedding quantitatively using discrete distribution clustering
AutoScaler: Scale-attention networks for visual correspondence
Identifying emotions aroused from paintings
A distance for HMMS based on aggregated wasserstein metric and state registration
Opportunities and challenges of industry-Academic collaborations in multimedia research
Modeling perspective effects in photographic composition
Scaling up discrete distribution clustering using ADMM
Locating visual storm signatures from satellite images
On shape and the computability of emotions
Work-centered visual analytics to support multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization
A work-centered visual analytics model to support engineering design with interactive visualization and data-mining
LIVE: A work-centered approach to support visual analytics of multi-dimensional engineering design data with Interactive Visualization and data-mining
Quest for relevant tags using local interaction networks and visual content
Characterizing elegance of curves computationally for distinguishing Morrisseau paintings and the imitations
CAT: A hierarchical image browser using a rectangle packing technique
Collaboration over time: Characterizing and modeling network evolution
Real-time automatic tag recommendation
Algorithmic inferencing of aesthetics and emotion in natural images: An exposition
Toward bridging the annotation-retrieval gap in image search
New challenges in multimedia research for the increasingly connected and fast growing digital society
Learning the consensus on visual quality for next-generation image management
Extracting author meta-data from web using visual features
Learning user clicks in web search
Tagging over time: Real-world image annotation by lightweight meta-learning
Efficient topic-based unsupervised name disambiguation
Studying aesthetics in photographic images using a computational approach
A stochastic approach to 3-D image modeling
Real-time computerized annotation of pictures
Toward bridging the annotation-retrieval gap in image search by a generative modeling approach
Probabilistic models for discovering e-communities
Two-scale image retrieval with significant meta-information feedback
IMAGINATION: A robust image-based CAPTCHA generation system
Parameter estimation of multi-dimensional hidden Markov models - A scalable approach
A new mallows distance based metric for comparing clusterings
A mutual semantic endorsement approach to image retrieval and context provision
ALIP: The Automatic Linguistic Indexing of Pictures system
Content-based image retrieval - Approaches and trends of the new age
The story picturing engine: Finding elite images to illustrate a story using mutual reinforcement
Stochastic modeling of volume images with a 3-D hidden Markov model
Evaluation strategies for automatic linguistic indexing of pictures
Significance of Interspecies Matches when Evolutionary Rate Varies
Learning-based linguistic indexing of pictures with 2-D MHMMs
Simultaneous classification and feature clustering using discriminant vector quantization with applications to microarray data analysis
Significance of inter-species matches when evolutionary rate varies
A source coding approach to classification by vector quantization and the principle of minimum description length
FIRM: Fuzzily integrated region matching for content-based image retrieval
On Zador's entropy-constrained quantization theorem
SIMPLIcity: Semantics-sensitive integrated matching for picture libraries?
Image classification based on a multiresolution two dimensional hidden Markov model
Multiresolution object-of-interest detection for images with low depth of field
Text and picture segmentation by the distribution analysis of wavelet coefficients
Context based multiscale classification of images
Classifying objectionable websites based on image content
Asymptotic performance of vector quantizers with the perceptual distortion measure
Multiresolution tree structured vector quantization
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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