Normey Rico, Julio Elías Author

Robust PID tuning. Application to a mobile robot path tracking problem

  • Normey-Rico, JE
  • Alcala, I
  • Gomez-Ortega, J
  • Camacho, EF
  • Quevedo, J
  • Escobet, T

Digital Control: Past, Present and Future of Pid Control - 2000

10.1016/s1474-6670(17)38302-7 View source

Integrated design & control of a buck boost converter

  • Pomar Garcia M.
  • Gutierrez G.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • De Prada C.

Controle y Automacao - 1/7/2009


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Approach for non-linear predictive control based on the local model ideas,Controle de plantas não lineares utilizando controle preditivo linear baseado em modelos locais

  • Bravo C.
  • Normey-Rico J.

Controle y Automacao - 1/1/2009


Cite count: 6 (Scopus)

Implementation and test of a new autotuning method for PID controllers of TITO processes

  • Pereira R.
  • Veronesi M.
  • Visioli A.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Torrico B.



Cite count: 16 (Web of Science) 17 (Scopus)

Modelling, identification and control of a calorimeter used for performance evaluation of refrigerant compressors

  • Flesch R.
  • Normey-Rico J.



Cite count: 14 (Web of Science) 13 (Scopus)

An automatic tuning methodology for a unified dead-time compensator

  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Sartori R.
  • Veronesi M.
  • Visioli A.



Cite count: 24 (Web of Science) 25 (Scopus)

Robust constrained predictive feedback linearization controller in a solar desalination plant collector field

  • Roca L.
  • Guzman J.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Berenguel M.
  • Yebra L.

Control Engineering Practice - 1/9/2009


Cite count: 46 (Web of Science) 48 (Scopus)

An unified approach for DTC design using interactive tools

  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Guzman J.
  • Dormido S.
  • Berenguel M.
  • Camacho E.

Control Engineering Practice - 1/10/2009


Cite count: 23 (Web of Science) 28 (Scopus)

Dead-time compensators: A survey

  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Camacho E.

Control Engineering Practice - 1/4/2008


Cite count: 189 (Web of Science) 200 (Scopus)

Hierarchical control for the start-up procedure of solar thermal fields with direct storage

  • Gil J.
  • Roca L.
  • Zaragoza G.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Berenguel M.

Control Engineering Practice - 1/2/2020


Cite count: 12 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)

Modelling and predictive congestion control of TCP protocols

  • Melo R.
  • Farines J.
  • Normey-Rico J.

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences - 21/5/2012


Cite count:

Control of dead-time processes

  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Camacho E.

Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing - 1/1/2007

Cite count: 319 (Scopus)


  • Normey-Rico, J.E.
  • Camacho, E.F.

Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing - 2007


A software tool for automatic identification of dynamic models

  • Gianni B.
  • Hatem J.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Flesch R.
  • Plucênio A.

Advanced Materials Research - 1/1/2014


Cite count:

Ruled-based control of off-grid electrolysis

  • Serna A.
  • Tadeo F.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Agersted K.

WHEC 2016 - 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016, Proceedings - 1/1/2016

Cite count:

Nonlinear predictive control applied to load oscillations damping in a three phase separator

  • Mendes P.
  • Carvalho R.
  • Normey-Rico J.

Rio Pipeline Conference and Exposition, Technical Papers - 1/1/2011

Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Hybrid CSP-PV advanced control, integration and real-time optimization: Review and future line of research

  • da Costa Mendes P.R.
  • de Araújo Elias T.
  • Normey-Rico J.E.

Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019 - 1/1/2020


Cite count:

Overheating prevention in solar collectors using a hybrid predictive controller

  • Brandão A.S.M.
  • da Costa Mendes P.R.
  • de Araújo Elias T.
  • Normey-Rico J.E.

Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019 - 1/1/2020


Cite count:

A 2DOF thermosolar concentrator proposal: Solar tracking and disturbance rejection using proportional defocus

  • Machado D.O.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • de Andrade G.A.

Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019 - 1/1/2020


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)

First principles mathematical model and control of a solar thermal power plant

  • Branco A.F.
  • Andrade G.A.
  • Normey-Rico J.E.

Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019 - 1/1/2020


Cite count:

Automation and renewable energy: Outreach efforts in brazilian public schools

  • Morato M.M.
  • Hoepers A.M.
  • Branco A.F.
  • Mendes P.R.C.
  • Normey-Rico J.E.

Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019 - 1/1/2020


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)

Sub-optimal linear parameter varying model predictive control for solar collectors

  • Morato M.M.
  • Pipino H.A.
  • Bernardi E.
  • Ferreyra D.M.
  • Adam E.J.
  • Normey-Rico J.E.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - 1/2/2020


Cite count: 4 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

A robust predictor for nonlinear systems with dead time

  • Lima D.
  • Santos T.
  • Normey-Rico J.

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - 8/2/2015


Cite count:
Open Access

Robust design of dead-time compensator controllers for constrained non-linear systems

  • Limon D.
  • Pomar M.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Santos T.
  • Camacho E.

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - 1/12/2011


Cite count: 6 (Web of Science) 6 (Scopus)

This author has no patents.

An input-to-state stable model predictive control framework for Lipschitz nonlinear parameter varying systems

  • Menezes Morato, Marcelo
  • Elias Normey-Rico, Julio
  • Sename, Olivier



Cite count: 4 (Web of Science)

The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) uncertainty tripod in Brazil: Assessments on model-based predictions with large under-reporting

  • Bastos, S.B.
  • Morato, M.M.
  • Cajueiro, D.O.
  • Normey-Rico, J.E.

arXiv - 2020


Nonlinear Temperature Regulation of Solar Collectors with a Fast Adaptive Polytopic LPV MPC Formulation

  • Pipino, H.A.
  • Morato, M.M.
  • Bernardi, E.
  • Adam, E.J.
  • Normey-Rico, J.E.

arXiv - 2020


Optimal control concerns regarding the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic in bahia and santa catarina, Brazil

  • Morato, M.M.
  • Pataro, I.M.L.
  • Americano da Costa, M.V.
  • Normey-Rico, J.E.

arXiv - 7/12/2020



An optimal predictive control strategy for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) social distancing policies in Brazil

  • Morato, M.M.
  • Bastos, S.B.
  • Cajueiro, D.O.
  • Normey-Rico, J.E.

arXiv - 2020


A Parametrized Nonlinear Predictive Control Strategy for Relaxing COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures in Brazil

  • Morato, M.M.
  • Pataro, I.M.L.
  • Americano da Costa, M.V.
  • Normey-Rico, J.E.

arXiv - 19/07/2020


Characterizing Quality of Experience for Demand Management in South Brazil

  • Diogo Forte de Oliveira Luna, J.
  • Nascimento Gouvêa dos Reis, G.
  • Renato da Costa Mendes, P.
  • Normey-Rico, J.E.

arXiv - 2020


Scopus: 30

Web of Science: 31

Scopus: 76

Web of Science: 79

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