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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Docosahexaenoic Acid Reduces Cerebral Damage and Ameliorates Long-Term Cognitive Impairments Caused by Neonatal Hypoxia–Ischemia in Rats
Anosmin-1 over-expression increases adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and neuroblast migration to the olfactory bulb.
Search for magnetite nanoparticles in the rats' brain
Functional and morphological characterization of glutamate transporters in the rat locus coeruleus
Somatosensory cross-modal plasticity in the superior colliculus of visually deafferented rats
NMDA-receptor blockade enhances cell apoptosis in the developing retina of the postnatal rat
Expression pattern of calcitonin gene-related peptide in the superior colliculus during postnatal development: Demonstration of its intrinsic nature and possible roles
Organization and origin of the connection from the inferior to the superior colliculi in the rat
Connection from the Dorsal Column Nuclei to the Superior Colliculus in the Rat: Topographical Organization and Somatotopic Specific Plasticity in Response to Neonatal Enucleation
Quantifying presynaptic terminals at the light microscope level in intact and deafferented central nervous structures
Plastic reaction of the rat visual corticocollicular connection after contralateral retinal deafferentiation at the neonatal or adult stage: Axonal growth versus reactive synaptogenesis
Rat retinal ganglion cells co-express brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor TrkB
Plastic response of the retrospleniocollicular connection after removal of retinal inputs in neonatal rats: An anterograde tracing study
Changes of the cholinergic input to the superior colliculus following enucleation in neonatal and adult rats
Morphology and topographical organization of the retrospleniocollicular connection: A pathway to relay contextual information from the environment to the superior colliculus
Ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits are differentially regulated in the motoneuronal pools of the rat hypoglossal nucleus in response to axotomy
Expression of the genes for alpha-type and beta-type calcitonin gene-related peptide during rat embryogenesis
Ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit distribution on hypoglossal motoneuronal pools in the rat
Postnatal development of perisomatic GABAergic axon terminals on neurons projecting from area 17 to area 18 of the cat visual cortex
The two mature transcripts of the chick calcitonin gene are expressed within the central nervous system during embryogenesis
Glutamate receptor-mediated toxicity in optic nerve oligodendrocytes
Expression of the genes for alpha-type and beta-type calcitonin gene-related peptide during postnatal rat brain development
Sprouting of the visual corticocollicular terminal field after removal of contralateral retinal inputs in neonatal rabbits
Anatomical evidence for glutamate and/or aspartate as neurotransmitters in the geniculo-, claustro-, and cortico-cortical pathways to the cat striate cortex
Changes in the postnatal expression of calcium binding proteins in neurons of the superior colliculus after neonatal enucleation.
Effects of Acute Xylene Exposure on the Enkephalinergic Neuromodulatory System in Rats
Morphology of visual cortical neurons projecting to the pons. A study with intracellular injection of lucifer yellow in the cat.
Morphological characteristics of neurons in the superficial layers of the rabbit's superior colliculus projecting to the ipsilateral dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus.
Vimentin-positive rosary-bead-like formations in the rabbit superior colliculus during postnatal development
Brain met-enkephalin immunostaining after subacute and subchronic exposure to benzene
Postnatal development of vimentin-positive cells in the rabbit superior colliculus
Pyramidal and nonpyramidal callosal cells in the striate cortex of the adult rat
Developmental changes of aminopeptidase activity in the cortex of the cat brain
An easy method for impaling cells using the micromanipulation technique
Horizontal Interactions in Cat Striate Cortex: I. Anatomical Substrate and Postnatal Development
Gap-like junctions between neurons and glia in the superior colliculus of mammals
Postnatal development of VIP-neurons in rabbit's visual cortex: A quantitative and morphological study
The distribution of VIP-immunoreactive neurons in the visual cortex of adult rabbits and during postnatal development
The distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the visual cortex of adult rabbits and during postnatal development
Selective retrograde labeling in some afferents to the rabbit lateral geniculate nucleus following injections of tritiated neurotransmitter-related compounds
Intrinsic Protein Phosphorylation in Synaptosomal Plasma Membrane Fragments: A Comparison of Cerebral Cortex Tissue from Several Species, Including Human Biopsy Specimens
Efferent connections of the rabbit's temporal cortex
Retinal ganglion cells projecting to the lateral geniculate body and to the superior colliculus: Experimental study of their distribution in the rabbit
Subependimal areas with a vital meaning after infiltration of horseradish peroxidase or tritiated leucine
Homolateral and contralateral connections in the rabbit's pons studied with the H.R.P.-method
Pontocerebellar connections in the cat examined with the aid of methionine-S(35)
Morphological aspects of the lesions caused by kainic acid in the rat neostriatum (study by the Golgi-Cox method)
Cerebellar-pontine projection in the rat: A study with H.R.P.
Systems of neurotransmitters in the striate isocortex
Experimental study of the cortical afferent connections to the limbic cortex
Specific behavior of certain neurotransmitters in relationship with allocortical neurons; the origin of intrinsic and extrinsic connections in the formation of the hippocampus
Uptake and transport of labeled neurotransmitters following injection in the cerebral cortex
Bilaterality of retinal efferents in rabbit as studied with degeneration and autoradiography
Lesions of synaptic terminals and retrograde axonal transport as studied with peroxidase
Subcortical afferent connections to the limbic cortex in rabbit
Absorption and retrograde transport of peroxidase in the parietal cortex at increasing periods of time after injection
Peroxidase absorption and distribution at the site of injection: chronological study
Specificity of the cortical neurons in relation to some neurotransmitters
Cortical aspects of neuronal labelling
Optic projections of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. An autoradiographic study
Retinal projections to the nuclei of the rabbit's accessory visual system: an autoradiographic study
Visual cortical neurons of thalamic projection: types and distribution
Peroxidase labeling in the cerebral cortex
Terminal fibers and areas in the visual system. (Autoradiographic study by cortical injection of tritiated protein precursors)
Iontophoresis and microinjection of H3aminoacids in the cerebral cortex
Cortico cortical connections in the frontal pole
Photochemical modification of silver impregnation in the visual cortex
Relationships between experimental lesions of the cat brain and subsequent vegetative disorders
Organization of the reticular formation between the striopallidum and the diagonal band in relation to experimental dyskenesia
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Guanosine-induced synaptogenesis in the adult brain in vivo
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Building Bridges through Science
Erratum to: Anosmin-1 over-expression increases adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and neuroblast migration to the olfactory bulb (Brain Struct Funct, (2016), 221, (239-260), 10.1007/s00429-014-0904-8)
Erratum to Rat retinal ganglion cells co-express brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor TrkB [Vision Res. 42, 2, (2002), 151-157]
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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