De la Puente González, Cristina Autor

Islamic Law, Slavery, and Feelings A Fourth/Tenth-Century Andalusi Notarial Model on the Manumission of an Unruly and Bad-Tempered Female Slave

  • de la Puente, Cristina

HAWWA - 11/2021


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Prophetic Veneration in the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada through the Creation and Transmission of Hadith Musalsal Works (7th-9th H./13th-15th C.E.)

  • de la Puente, Cristina

AL-QANTARA - 01/2021


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Última actualización de los datos: 1/06/24 9:36
Próxima recolección programada: 8/06/24 3:00