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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Comparison of Methods to Determine Nutrient Uptake of Tomato Grown in Free-Draining Perlite Substrate—Key Information for Optimal Fertigation Management
Reducing nutrient loss in drainage from tomato grown in free-draining substrate in greenhouses using dynamic nutrient management
Use of the VegSyst model to simulate seasonal dry matter production, N and K uptake and evapotranspiration in greenhouse soil-grown tomato in Uruguay
Adaptation of VegSyst-DSS for macronutrient recommendations of fertigated, soil-grown, greenhouse vegetable crops
Responses of yield, fruit quality and water relations of sweet pepper in Mediterranean greenhouses to increasing salinity
Prescriptive-Corrective Irrigation and Macronutrient Management in Greenhouse Soil-Grown Tomato Using the VegSyst-DSS v2 Decision Support Tool
Effect of cultivar on measurements of nitrate concentration in petiole sap and leaf N content in greenhouse soil-grown cucumber, melon, and sweet pepper crops
Influence of organic matter management on the activity and structure of soil microbial community in intensive tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) greenhouse farming
Evaluation of Absolute Measurements and Normalized Indices of Proximal Optical Sensors as Estimators of Yield in Muskmelon and Sweet Pepper
Sample Temperature Affects Measurement of Nitrate with a Rapid Analysis Ion Selective Electrode System Used for N Management of Vegetable Crops
Use of fluorescence indices as predictors of crop N status and yield for greenhouse sweet pepper crops
Nitrogen Effect on Fruit Quality and Yield of Muskmelon and Sweet Pepper Cultivars
Effects of soil microbial communities associated to different soil fertilization practices on tomato growth in intensive greenhouse agriculture
Tillage effects on soil properties, crop responses and root density of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Petiole sap nitrate concentration to assess crop nitrogen status of greenhouse sweet pepper
Use of a Portable Rapid Analysis System to Measure Nitrate Concentration of Nutrient and Soil Solution, and Plant Sap in Greenhouse Vegetable Production
Modelling nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium uptake, and uptake concentration, of greenhouse tomato with the VegSyst model
Crop response of greenhouse soil-grown cucumber to total available N in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone
Assessing performance of vegetation indices to estimate nitrogen nutrition index in pepper
Irrigation management of European greenhouse vegetable crops
Soil Monitoring Methods to Assess Immediately Available Soil N for Fertigated Sweet Pepper
Root and crop responses of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) to increasing N fertilization
Effect of cultivar on chlorophyll meter and canopy reflectance measurements in cucumber
Decision support systems and models for aiding irrigation and nutrient management of vegetable crops
Reducing nitrate leaching losses from vegetable production in Mediterranean greenhouses
Sweet pepper and nitrogen supply in greenhouse production: Critical nitrogen curve, agronomic responses and risk of nitrogen loss
Recovery of 15N Labeled Nitrogen Fertilizer by Fertigated and Drip Irrigated Greenhouse Vegetable Crops
Assessing Performance of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Nitrogen Nutrition Index in Pepper
Modelling greenhouse-grown vegetable crops for optimisation of irrigation and nitrogen management
Effect of Cultivar on Chlorophyll Meter and Canopy Reflectance Measurements in Cucumber
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in agro-hydrological modelling of drip fertigated lettuce crops under Mediterranean conditions
The use of chlorophyll meters to assess crop N status and derivation of sufficiency values for sweet pepper
Yield, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen leaching of tunnel greenhouse grown cucumber in a shallow groundwater region
Influence of time of day on measurement with chlorophyll meters and canopy reflectance sensors of different crop N status
Six collective challenges for sustainability of Almería greenhouse horticulture
Six Collective Challenges for Sustainability of Almería Greenhouse Horticulture
Showcasing a fertigation management strategy for increasing water and nitrogen use efficiency in soil-grown vegetable crops in the FERTINNOWA project
The Use of Chlorophyll Meters to Assess Crop N Status and Derivation of Sufficiency Values for Sweet Pepper
Adaptation of the VegSyst model to outdoor conditions for leafy vegetables and processing tomato
Proximal optical sensors for nitrogen management of vegetable crops: A review
Simulation of agronomic and nitrate pollution related parameters in vegetable cropping sequences in Mediterranean greenhouses using the EU-Rotate_N model
Global trends in nitrate leaching research in the 1960–2017 period
Water and fertilization management of vegetables: state of the art and future challenges
Different responses of various chlorophyll meters to increasing nitrogen supply in sweet pepper
Proximal Optical Sensors for Nitrogen Management of Vegetable Crops: A Review
Derivation of sufficiency values of a chlorophyll meter to estimate cucumber nitrogen status and yield
Determination of sufficiency values of canopy reflectance vegetation indices for maximum growth and yield of cucumber
Responses of soil properties, crop yield and root growth to improved irrigation and N fertilization, soil tillage and compost addition in a pepper crop
Revised VegSyst model to calculate dry matter production, critical N uptake and ETc of several vegetable species grown in Mediterranean greenhouses
Crop yields and N losses tradeoffs in a garlic-wheat rotation in southern Spain
Proximal optical sensing of cucumber crop N status using chlorophyll fluorescence indices
Use of EU-Rotate_N and CropSyst models to predict yield, growth and water and N dynamics of fertigated leafy vegetables in a Mediterranean climate and to determine N fertilizer requirements
Clodinafop + Pyroxulam: nuevo herbicida de post emergencia para el control de Bromus spp en cereal de invierno
Consideration of total available N supply reduces N fertilizer requirement and potential for nitrate leaching loss in tomato production
Threshold values of canopy reflectance indices and chlorophyll meter readings for optimal nitrogen nutrition of tomato
Assessing crop N status of fertigated vegetable crops using plant and soil monitoring techniques
Prototype decision support system based on the VegSyst simulation model to calculate crop N and water requirements for tomato under plastic cover
Evaluation of optical sensor measurements of canopy reflectance and of leaf flavonols and chlorophyll contents to assess crop nitrogen status of muskmelon
Simulation of tomato growth, water and N dynamics using the EU-Rotate_N model in Mediterranean greenhouses with drip irrigation and fertigation
Prescriptive-corrective nitrogen and irrigation management of fertigated and drip-irrigated vegetable crops using modeling and monitoring approaches
Effect of N uptake concentration on nitrate leaching from tomato grown in free-draining soilless culture under Mediterranean conditions
VegSyst, a simulation model of daily crop growth, nitrogen uptake and evapotranspiration for pepper crops for use in an on-farm decision support system
Using Augmented Reality in Remote Laboratories
Uso del agua de riego en los cultivos en invernadero
Evaluation of the VegSyst model with muskmelon to simulate crop growth, nitrogen uptake and evapotranspiration
AFFIRM (Emamectina), una nueva arma contra la Tuta absoluta y otras orugas de lepidópteros
Erratum to: Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate(Irrig Sci, 10.1007/s00271-010-0210-z)
Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate
Simulation of transpiration, drainage, N uptake, nitrate leaching, and N uptake concentration in tomato grown in open substrate
Evaluation of rapid analysis systems for on-farm nitrate analysis in vegetable cropping
La salinidad exagera la humedad al medirla con un sensor de capacitancia
Effects of salinity on fruit yield and quality of tomato grown in soil-less culture in greenhouses in Mediterranean climatic conditions
Productividad del agua en cultivos bajo invernadero en la costa mediterránea
Pérdida de nitratos por lixiviación de un cultivo de tomate en suelo bajo condiciones de invernadero
Respuesta del tomate a la salinidad en el cultivo sin suelo recirculante
Salinity effects on soil moisture measurement made with a capacitance sensor
Determination of lower limits for irrigation management using in situ assessments of apparent crop water uptake made with volumetric soil water content sensors
Identification of irrigation and N management practices that contribute to nitrate leaching loss from an intensive vegetable production system by use of a comprehensive survey
Using plant water status to define threshold values for irrigation management of vegetable crops using soil moisture sensors
Use of stem diameter variations to detect plant water stress in tomato
Evaluation of the Watermark sensor for use with drip irrigated vegetable crops
Response of stem diameter variations to water stress in greenhouse-grown vegetable crops
Management factors contributing to nitrate leaching loss from a greenhouse-based intensive vegetable production system
Métodos de control de riego en cultivos en sustrato
Water use and production of a greenhouse pepper crop under optimum and limited water supply
Evapotranspiration of horticultural crops in an unheated plastic greenhouse
Efecto de la salinidad de la solución nutritiva sobre la producción de un cultivo de tomate en sustrato
Response of tomato transplant to nitrate phosphate conditioning: Effects on development, growth and early yield
Detección de malas prácticas de elaboración de productos alimenticios
A comparison of plant hydraulic conductances in wheat and lupins
Production and water use in lettuces under variable water supply
Crop growth and water use model for lettuce
Production and water use in lettuces under variable water supply
Shoot and root physiological responses to localized zones of soil moisture in cultivated and wild lettuce (Lactuca spp.)
Water relations, gas exchange and abscisic acid content of Lupinus cosentinii leaves in response to drying different proportions of the root system
Grain protein and grain yield of tritordeum in comparison to wheat and triticale
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Influencia de diferentes técnicas de manejo en agricultura intensiva bajo plástico sobre las comunidades microbianas del suelo
Effect of N on fruit production and quality of greenhouse horticultural crops, and practices to improve the use of nutrients
Reference values for phenological phases of chlorophyll meter readings and reflectance indices for optimal N nutrition of fertigated tomato
Use of the VegSyst model to calculate crop N uptake and ETc of different vegetable species grown in Mediterranean greenhouses
Recent advances in water and nutrient management of soil-grown crops in Mediterranean greenhouses
Use of the VegSyst model to calculate crop N uptake and crop evapotranspiration of autumn- and spring-grown cucumber in Mediterranean greenhouses
Veg Syst-DSS software to calculate N and irrigation requirements for seven vegetable species grown with fertigation in greenhouses in SE Spain
Adaptation of VegSyst model to open air lettuce crops to be used in a decision support system
Optimizing nitrogen and water inputs for greenhouse vegetable production
Herramientas para mejorar el manejo del nitrógeno y del riego en cultivos hortícolas en invernadero
Evaluación de la productividad y la dinámica del agua y el nitrógeno en cultivos hortícolas bajo invernadero con el modelo eu-rotate_n
Lixiviación de nitratos desde cultivo de invernadero en suelo en las condiciones de almería: magnitud, factores determinantes y desarrollo de un sistema de manejo optimizado
Efecto de la salinidad sobre la productividad del tomate en cultivo sin suelo en el sureste español
Cuantificacion de las perdidas de nitratos por lixiviacion en cultivos sin suelo en el sureste español
Use of CropSyst to simulate growth, ETc and N uptake for the development of irrigation and N fertiliser programs in intensive vegetable crop production
Reducing nitrate leaching with a simple model for nitrogen and irrigation management of fertigated vegetable crops
Nitrate leaching loss from an intensive vegetable production system on the Mediterranean coast
Effect of applied N concentration in a fertigated vegetable crop on soil solution nitrate and nitrate leaching loss
Medidas continual del estado hidrico de la planta y del suelo para la programación de riego en cultivo
Respuestas a la salinidad del tomate larga vida en cultivo sin suelo recirculante en el sureste español
Uptake concentrations of a tomato crop in different salinity conditions
Greenhouses using continuous soil moisture monitoring
Response of stem diameter to water stress in greenhouse-grown vegetable crops
Effects of N-form and saline priming on germination and vegetative growth of galia-type melon (Cucumis melo L. cv. Primal) under salinity
Plant-Water Relations
Efecto de tensioactivos iónicos sobre el proceso de agregación del péptido B amiloide
Effects of increasing salinity on fruit development and growth of tomato grown in soilless culture
Las semillas heterogéneas de Brassica rapa L. cv. Rapa tienen afectada la transformación del SAM y la expresión de la ACC-oxidasa
Assessing risk of nitrate leaching from the horticultural industry of Almeria, Spain
Monitorización del estado hídrico y salino y salino del suelo enarenado en cultivo intensivoo de melón bajo plástico
Irrigation scheduling for plastic greenhouse melon crops based on historical reference evapotranspiration data
Nutritional aspects affecting tomato quality in soilless culture
Crop coefficients of a pepper crop grown in plastic greenhouses in Almeria, Spain
Productividad y resistencia a la sequía del tritordeo (hordeum chilense x triticum ssp.) en relación a la de los cereales cultivados
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Uncertainty analyses of the VegSyst model applied to greenhouse crops
Management factors contributing to nitrate leaching loss from a greenhouse-based intensive vegetable production system
Management factors contributing to nitrate leaching loss from a greenhouse-based intensive vegetable production system
Irrigation scheduling of drip-irrigated vegetable crops grown in greenhouses using continuous soil moisture monitoring
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Erratum to: Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate (Irrig Sci, (2010), 28, (497-509), 10.1007/s00271-010-0210-z)
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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