Álvarez Cazorla, Dolores Author

Open Access

Inhibition and working memory capacity modulate the mental space-time association

  • Isabel Carmona
  • Jose Rodriguez-Rodriguez
  • Dolores Alvarez
  • Carmen Noguera

Psychonomic Bulletin and Review - 1/1/2024


Cite count:
Open Access

Cognitive inhibition abilities explain inter-individual variability in gender-space associations

  • Calvente A.
  • Noguera C.
  • Álvarez D.
  • Fernández S.
  • Carmona I.

Frontiers in Psychology - 1/1/2023


Cite count:
Open Access

The implementation of expectancy-based strategic processes is delayed in normal aging

  • Noguera C.
  • Fernández S.
  • Álvarez D.
  • Carmona E.
  • Marí-Beffa P.
  • Ortells J.

PLoS One - 1/3/2019


Cite count: 10 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus)

Ten years younger: Practice of chronic aerobic exercise improves attention and spatial memory functions in ageing

  • Noguera C.
  • Sánchez-Horcajo R.
  • Álvarez-Cazorla D.
  • Cimadevilla J.

Experimental Gerontology - 1/03/2019


Cite count: 8 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

The influence of working memory load on expectancy-based strategic processes in the stroop-priming task

  • Ortells J.
  • Álvarez D.
  • Noguera C.
  • Carmona E.
  • de Fockert J.

Frontiers in Psychology - 1/2/2017


Cite count: 7 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Individual differences in working memory capacity modulates semantic negative priming from single prime words

  • Ortells J.
  • Noguera C.
  • Álvarez D.
  • Carmona E.
  • Houghton G.

Frontiers in Psychology - 29/8/2016


Cite count: 15 (Web of Science) 12 (Scopus)

Temperament and negative semantic priming in children 7 to 12 years old

  • Noguera C.
  • Álvarez D.
  • Carmona E.
  • Parra L.

Child Neuropsychology - 4/5/2015


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

High and low schizotypal female subjects do not differ in spatial memory abilities in a virtual reality task

  • García-Montes J.
  • Noguera C.
  • Álvarez D.
  • Ruiz M.
  • Cimadevilla Redondo J.

Cognitive Neuropsychiatry - 3/9/2014


Cite count: 4 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Itinéraires romans

  • Dolores Álvarez
  • Manuel A. Tost

Langues modernes - 2008

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Sensibilidad al funcionamiento de la atención ejecutiva de algunos tests estandarizados en niños de siete años

  • Luis J. Fuentes
  • Carmen González González de Mesa
  • Angeles F. Estévez
  • José Antonio Carranza Carnicero
  • María Teresa Daza
  • María Dolores Galián Conesa
  • Dolores Álvarez
... View more Collapse

Electronic journal of research in educational psychology - 2003

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Explorando la red semántica a través del efecto de "priming" directo e indirecto mediante una tarea de elección forzada en el proceso de envejecimiento

  • Dolores Álvarez


Cite count:
  • Dialnet

La educación artística como disciplina: desarrollo de un modelo curricular para la educación artística en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación primaria

  • Dolores Álvarez
  • Asunción Jódar Miñarro


Cite count: 2 (Dialnet)
  • Dialnet

This author has no conferences.

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This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 3

Web of Science: 5

Scopus: 3

Web of Science: 3

Last data update: 9/28/24 8:31 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM