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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Sequential customers’ decisions in facility location with comparison-shopping
On the Existence and Computation of Nash Equilibrium in Network Competitive Location Under Delivered Pricing and Price Sensitive Demand
Pareto efficiency as alternative to Nash equilibrium in competitive discrete location under delivered pricing
A discrete competitive facility location model with proportional and binary rules sequentially applied
Exact and heuristic solutions of a discrete competitive location model with Pareto-Huff customer choice rule
A Discrete Competitive Facility Location Model with Minimal Market Share Constraints and Equity-Based Ties Breaking Rule
Solution of asymmetric discrete competitive facility location problems using ranking of candidate locations
Exact equilibrium quantities in spatially separated markets under production constraints
Threshold distance versus side payment to reduce the cannibalization effect in retail chain expansion
Computation of Multi-facility Location Nash Equilibria on a Network Under Quantity Competition
New heuristic algorithms for discrete competitive location problems with binary and partially binary customer behavior
Improving solution of discrete competitive facility location problems
Nash equilibria in location games on a network
Profit maximization and reduction of the cannibalization effect in chain expansion
Solution of Discrete Competitive Facility Location Problem for Firm Expansion
Estimating the pareto front of a hard Bi-criterion competitive facility location problem
On the location of new routes to a destination for airline expansion
On tie breaking in competitive location under binary customer behavior
Effect of production and transportation costs on the optimal locations of distribution centers
Sobre la localización de centros de una firma entrante con patrón binario de elección del consumidor
Isodistant points in competitive network facility location
On the location of new facilities for chain expansion under delivered pricing
On Nash equilibria of a competitive location-design problem
Finding multiple global optima for unconstrained discrete location problems
Finding all pure strategy Nash equilibria in a planar location game
Location strategy for a firm under competitive delivered prices
Finding location equilibria for competing firms under delivered pricing
On a branch-and-bound approach for a Huff-like Stackelberg location problem
On the impact of spatial pattern, aggregation, and model parameters in planar Huff-type competitive location and design problems
Sequential versus simultaneous approach in the location and design of two new facilities using planar Huff-like models
Selected papers presented at the tenth International Symposium on Locational Decisions (ISOLDE X) Foreword
New trends in locational analysis
The 1-center problem in the plane with independent random weights
A practical algorithm for decomposing polygonal domains into convex polygons by diagonals
Solving a Huff-like competitive location and design model for profit maximization in the plane
GASUB: Finding global optima to discrete location problems by a genetic-like algorithm
Planar location and design of a new facility with inner and outer competition: An interval lexicographical-like solution procedure
A discrete long-term location-price problem under the assumption of discriminatory pricing: Formulations and parametric analysis
Single facility location on a network under mill and delivered pricing
All Stackelberg location equilibria in the Hotelling's duopoly model on a tree with parametric prices
Estimating actual distances by norm functions: a comparison between the lk,p,theta-norm and the lb1,b2,theta-norm and a study about the selection of the data set
The Maximum Capacity Shortest Path problem: Generation of efficient solution sets
Using interval analysis for solving planar single-facility location problems: New discarding tests
A continuous location model for siting a non-noxious undesirable facility within a geographical region
Algorithms for the decomposition of a polygon into convex polygons
On the sum-max bicriterion path problem
The minimum covering l(pb)-hypersphere problem
DECOPOL - Codes for decomposing a polygon into convex subpolygons
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the transportation problem with location of p transshipment points
Multiobjective routing problems
Heuristicas de descomposicion lagrangiana para algunos problemas de localizacion discreta
Asignacion de recuerdos max-min: Propiedades y algoritmos
Determination of efficient solutions for point-objective locational decision problems
El critrio del valor esperado en un modelo de localizacion industrial
Un algoritmo para determinar las medianas absolutas generales sobre una red tipo arbol
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Discrete Competitive Facility Location by Ranking Candidate Locations
Nash Equilibria in Network Facility Location Under Delivered Prices
Reconciling franchisor and franchisee: A planar biobjective competitive location and design model
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Ranking-based discrete optimization algorithm for asymmetric competitive facility location
Ranking-based algorithm for facility location with constraints
The huff versus the pareto-huff customer choice rules in a discrete competitive location model
Applying Lagrangian relaxation to the resolution of two-stage location problems
A new assignment rule to improve seed points algorithms for the continuous k-center problem
The return plant location problem: Modelling and resolution
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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