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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Multidomain interventions for sarcopenia and cognitive flexibility in older adults for promoting healthy aging: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Sarcopenic obesity does not impair lower limb strength and physical performance in sufficiently active older adults: a cross-sectional study
The Power of Resistance Training: Evidence-based Recommendations for Middle-aged and Older Women's Health
The Effect of Resistance Training with Outdoor Fitness Equipment on the Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Physical Health of Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Effect of combat sports on physical fitness and activities of daily living of older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Physical and psychological effects of outdoor fitness equipment training on middle-aged and older adults: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Jigsaw Puzzle technique vs. traditional group work: academic performance and satisfaction of the university students
Optimizing outdoor fitness equipment training for older adults: Benefits and future directions for healthy aging
Editorial: Aging, personal autonomy and independence
Editorial: Psychological factors in physical activity for healthy life and healthy aging
Characteristics of resistance training-based protocols in older adults with sarcopenic obesity: a scoping review of training procedure recommendations
Effects of a Pilates programme in spinal curvatures and hamstring extensibility in adolescents with thoracic hyperkyphosis: a randomised controlled trial
Electromyographic Activity of the Pectoralis Major Muscle during Traditional Bench Press and Other Variants of Pectoral Exercises: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Cross-validation of 20 anthropometric prediction equations for appendicular muscle mass in older Brazilian women: a cross-sectional study
Dolor de espalda en adolescentes: factores asociados desde un enfoque multifactorial.
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on health parameters and muscle strength of older women: A longitudinal study
GDLAM and SPPB batteries for screening sarcopenia in community-dwelling Spanish older adults: Healthy-age network study
Design and validation of a scale for the aquatic competence assessment instrument in lifeguards
Effect of aquatic resistance interval training and dietary education program on physical and psychological health in older women: Randomized controlled trial
Personalised Nutritional Plan and Resistance Exercise Program to Improve Health Parameters in Celiac Women
Bodyweight and Combined Training Reduce Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation and Improve Functional Fitness of Postmenopausal Women
Effects of taekwondo on health in older people: A systematic review
Changes in life satisfaction, depression, general health and sleep quality of Spanish older women during COVID-19 lockdown and their relationship with lifestyle: an observational follow-up study
Resistance Circuit Training or Walking Training: Which Program Improves Muscle Strength and Functional Autonomy More in Older Women?
Psychological, Physiological, and Physical Effects of Resistance Training and Personalized Diet in Celiac Women
Gender Mediation in Adolescents’ Back Pain and Physical Fitness: A Cross-Sectional Study
Dolor de espalda en adolescentes: factores asociados desde un enfoque multifactorial (Back pain in adolescents: associated factors with a multifactorial approach)
Benefits of adding an aquatic resistance interval training to a nutritional education on body composition, body image perception and adherence to the mediterranean diet in older women
Influence of an Educational Innovation Program and Digitally Supported Tasks on Psychological Aspects, Motivational Climate, and Academic Performance
Sagittal spine disposition and pelvic tilt during outdoor fitness equipment use and their associations with kinanthropometry proportions in middle-aged and older adults
Influence of an educational innovation programme based on the jigsaw cooperative learning technique and digital supported tasks on psychological aspects and academic performance in university students
Psychological Effects of Motivational Aquatic Resistance Interval Training and Nutritional Education in Older Women
Effects of 12 Weeks of Strength Training and Gluten-Free Diet on Quality of Life, Body Composition and Strength in Women with Celiac Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sarcopenia, diet, physical activity and obesity in european middle-aged and older adults: The lifeage study
Multidomain healthy-age programme. Recomendations for healthy ageing: On behalf of the healthy-age network
Acute Effects of Work Rest Interval Duration of 3 HIIT Protocols on Cycling Power in Trained Young Adults
Manual gripping force and fall prevention in people with dementia
Strength training and blood pressure in normotensive women: The effects of the conjugate method,Entrenamiento de fuerza y presión arterial en mujeres normotensas: Efectos del método conjugado
Entrenamiento de fuerza y presión arterial en mujeres normotensas: efectos del método conjugado
Proyecto biofit-park. Fabricación maquinaria biosaludable. Un análisis del efecto del entrenamiento sobre la salud en parques biosaludables
Fall prevention: Relationship of timed up and go and cmj test in people with dementia
Study of the effect of 14 weeks resistance acuatic training on body composition and aerobic capacity
Relación entre la resistencia al ejercicio y la actividad física en mujeres celiacas. Intervención de 12 semanas: Intervención de 12 semanas
Acute Response In Lower Body Power In Diferent Protoet Al Hiit In Active Men
Strength training and blood pressure in normotensive women: The effects of the conjugate method
Biomechanical Adaptations in Kayakers of Different Competitive Levels and the Relationship with the Kayak Elements
Functional Autonomy Evaluation Levels in Middle-Aged and Older Spanish Women: On Behalf of the Healthy-Age Network
Effect of an injury prevention program on the lower limb stability in young volleyball players
Back Pain Related with Age, Anthropometric Variables, Sagittal Spinal Curvatures, Hamstring Extensibility, Physical Activity and Health Related Quality of Life in Male and Female High School Students
Sarcopenia as a Mediator of the Effect of a Gerontogymnastics Program on Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Overweight and Obese Older Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Association among Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cardiovascular, Obesity, and Anthropometric Variables of Overweight and Obese Middle-Aged and Older Adults
COVID-19 and Social Isolation: A Case for Why Home-Based Resistance Training Is Needed to Maintain Musculoskeletal and Psychosocial Health for Older Adults
Relationship Between the Practice of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in Physical Education Students: The Integrated Regulation As a Mediating Variable
Effect of 9-month Pilates program on sagittal spinal curvatures and hamstring extensibility in adolescents: randomised controlled trial
Effect of the Interpersonal Autonomy-Supportive Teaching Style on the Professional Training of Lifeguards
Fin type and flutter technique: a study to optimise the oxygen consumption in divers
Effect of Pilates Method on muscular trunk endurance and hamstring extensibility in adolescents during twelve weeks training and detraining
Sagittal alignment of the spine and hamstring extensibility with Pilates in adolescents: Protocol for randomized controlled trial
Tools used to measure the physical state of women with celiac disease: A review with a systematic approach
¿Afecta el entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensidad (HIIT) al desempeño en el entrenamiento de la fuerza?
Disposición sagital del raquis y flexibilidad en adolescentes de la eso: estudio descriptivo
Responsiveness of pain and symptom’s items of knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (koos) to the aquatic exercise
Functional improvements after a pilates program in adolescents with a history of back pain: A randomised controlled trial
Does high intensity interval training (HIIT) affect strength training performance?
Movement velocity can be used to estimate the relative load during the bench press and leg press exercises in older women
Effects of a moderate-to-high intensity resistance circuit training on fat mass, functional capacity, muscular strength, and quality of life in elderly: A randomized controlled trial
Effects of exercise programs on kyphosis and lordosis angle: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Programas de ejercicio físico acuáticos para la prevención de caídas en los mayores. Revisión bibliográfica
Frequency of high intensity circuit training and diet. Effects on performance and health in active adults: Randomized controlled trial
Impact of a motivational resistance-training programme on adherence and body composition in the elderly
Actividad física, ingesta alimentaria e indicadores antropométricos en estudiantes universitarios
Reasons for doing physical activity and sports in women: The differences between practitioners and nonpractitioners,Motivos de Práctica Físico-Deportiva en Mujeres: Diferencias entre Practicantes y no Practicantes
Motivos de práctica físico-deportiva en mujeres: Diferencias entre practicantes y no practicantes
Effects of a Pilates school program on hamstring flexibility of adolescents
Self-determination motivation in elderly practitioners of physical exercise,Motivación autodeterminada en adultos mayores practicantes de ejercicio físico
Motivación autodeterminada en adultos mayores practicantes de ejercicio físico
Influence of a strength training program on rockport test in older people
Changes in cadence and amplitude after a running technique training program with minimalist footwear
Changes in plantar pressure distribution during nordic walking are constant between diagonal and alfa technique
Differential training effects on dynamic postural stability in single leg balance
Sample Entropy-Based Analysis of Differential and Traditional Training Effects on Dynamic Balance in Healthy People
El método pilates: una propuesta didáctica para 3º de educación secundaria obligatoria
Efecto del entrenamiento de Judo adaptado en la osteoporosis masculina
Motivation, belief in ability and intent to be physically active at the end of compulsory education,Motivación, creencias de habilidad e intención de ser físicamente activo al finalizar la educación obligatoria
Motivación, frecuencia y tipo de actividad en practicantes de ejercicio físico
Efecto de un entrenamiento dinámico de flexibilidad sobre las concentraciones de hidroxiprolina en militares activos
Motivation, frequency and activity type in physical exercise practitioners,Motivación, frecuencia y tipo de actividad en practicantes de ejercicio físico
Confirmation of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES) with a sample of people who do healthy exercise
Indicios de cambio en los motivos de práctica físico-deportiva según el sexo y la edad
Motivación en la actividad física y el deporte
Motivation in physical activity and sports
Importancia de la valoración del comportamiento autónomo del practicante para el disfrute en programas de ejercicio físico acuático
Aquatic Exercise Motivation: Relaton to the assesment, The Practitioner's autonomy and enjoyment
Motivational profiles of aquatic versus terrestrial exercisers,Perfiles motivacionales de practicantes en el medio acuático frente al medio terrestre
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Efecto de un programa del Método Pilates sobre la extensibilidad isquiosural y la disposición sagital del raquis en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
Creating a University-Wide Support System for the Academic Success of Student-Athletes: A Pilot Study
Recomendaciones de actividad física en personas mayores
Efectos de un programa de acondicionamiento físico en el medio acuático y educación nutricional sobre la autonomía funcional, condición física, el equilibrio, aspectos psico-psociales e indicadores de la salud en mayores
Efectos de la dieta sin gluten y el ejercicio físico sobre parámetros físicos, fisiológicos y psico-sociales en mujeres celíacas menopáusicas o post-menopáusicas
Entrenamiento de la fuerza muscular en personas adultas y mayores
Recomendaciones para un envejecimiento activo y saludable: Guía de la Red de Investigación HEALTHY-AGE
The Science of Human Motricity
Manual of physical and psychological evaluations: LIFEAGE PROJECT
INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS LIFEAGE: Exercise Prescription for Healthy Active Ageing
Optimización de la configuración mecánica y de los efectos del entrenamiento en parques biosaludables sobre la condición física y la salud
Respuestas agudas en 3 protocolos de entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad (high intensity interval training/ hiit), con diferente duración de intervalo trabajo/descanso
Exercise Prescription for Healthy Active Ageing: LifeAge Guide
Efectos de la prescripción de un programa de ejercicio físico sobre la salud, la aptitud física y el estado emocional en mujeres postmenopáusicas
Evaluación de la autonomía funcional
Test de fuerza muscular para personas mayores
Efecto motivacional, comportamental y cognitivo del apoyo a la autonomía en la Formación Profesional del Salvamento y Socorrismo.
Influencia del tipo de aleta sobre el consumo de aire en buceo según la experiencia
Influencia de la técnica flotter kick y frog kick en el consumo de aire en buceo
Efectos de una prescipción del entrenamiento con sobrecargas sobre la composición corporal, la producción de fuerza, la autonomía funcional y el vo2 máx. en adultos mayores de 65 años
Efectos del Método Pilates sobre la fuerza de la musculatura flexora y extensora del tronco y la flexibilidad isquiosural en estudiantes de 3º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
Motivación en el ejercicio físico acuático: relación con la valoración, autonomía y disfrute del practicante.
La marioneta infantil "un recurso didáctico en el medio acuático"
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Effects of training with fitness equipment on physical and psychological health in adults and older adults
Defying Age: can active older adults with sarcopenic obesity overcome muscle strength and physical performance losses?
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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