López Domene, Esperanza Author

Open Access

Understanding Violence against Women Irregular Migrants Who Arrive in Spain in Small Boats

  • María del Mar Jiménez-Lasserrotte
  • Esperanza López-Domene
  • José Manuel Hernández-Padilla
  • Cayetano Fernández-Sola
  • Isabel María Fernández-Medina
  • Karim El Marbouhe El Faqyr
  • Iria Dobarrio-Sanz
  • José Granero-Molina
... View more Collapse

Healthcare - 26/08/2020


Cite count: 8 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus)
Open Access

Emergency care for women irregular migrants who arrive in spain by small boat: A qualitative study

  • López-Domene E.
  • Granero-Molina J.
  • Fernández-Sola C.
  • Hernández-Padilla J.
  • López-Rodríguez M.
  • Fernández-Medina I.
  • Guerra-Martín M.
  • Jiménez-Lasserrrotte M.
... View more Collapse

Environmental Earth Sciences - 2/9/2019


Cite count: 12 (Web of Science) 6 (Scopus)
Open Access

Effects of web-based electrocardiography simulation on strategies and learning styles

  • Granero-Molina J.
  • Fernández-Sola C.
  • López-Domene E.
  • Hernández-Padilla J.
  • Preto L.
  • Castro-Sánchez A.

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem - 1/08/2015


Cite count: 15 (Web of Science) 8 (Scopus)

Cultural Issues in the Provision of Emergency Care to Irregular Migrants Who Arrive in Spain by Small Boats

  • José Granero-Molina
  • María del Mar Jiménez-Lasserrrotte
  • Cayetano Fernández-Sola
  • José Manuel Hernández-Padilla
  • Francisco Sánchez Hernández
  • Esperanza López Domene

Journal of Transcultural Nursing - 1/09/2018


Cite count: 13 (Web of Science) 10 (Scopus)
Open Access

Accompanied child irregular migrants who arrive to Spain in small boats: Experiences and health needs

  • Jiménez-Lasserrotte M.d.M.
  • López-Domene E.
  • Fernández-Sola C.
  • Hernández-Padilla J.M.
  • Fernández-Medina I.M.
  • Granero-Molina J.

Global Public Health - 3/3/2020


Cite count: 9 (Web of Science) 10 (Scopus)
Open Access

Atención al paciente gran quemado: Análisis y discusión

  • López Domene, Esperanza


This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 5

Web of Science: 5

Scopus: 3

Web of Science: 3

Last data update: 9/28/24 8:12 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM