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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Communication and empathy of nursing students in patient care through telenursing: A comparative cross-sectional study
Therapeutic Relational Communication and Resilience among Nursing Professionals in a Pandemic Situation
Self-Efficacy in the Cannulation Technique for Intraosseous Access in Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Egg Versus Bone
Effective communication between nursing professionals and patients after the implementation of mask-wearing requirements in the clinical setting: A cross-sectional study
Evaluation of Urinary Catheterization Competency and Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students Using the Flipped Classroom Approach
What is essential remains invisible to the eyes? Blood pressure cuffs colonized by bacterial diversity
Exploring the relationship between midwives’ work environment, women's safety culture, and intent to stay
Worldviews on evidence-based cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a novel method
Intervention for Alleviating Clinical Inertia in the Management of Urinary Incontinence
Nursing students’ perceptions of smartphone use in the clinical care and safety of hospitalised patients
Are you prepared to save a life? Nursing students’ experience in advanced life support practice
Development and validation of the questionnaire to analyze the communication of nurses in nurse-patient therapeutic communication
Guess it (SVUAL): An app designed to help nursing students acquire and retain knowledge about basic and advanced life support techniques
Disinfection of gloved hands during the COVID-19 pandemic
Coping strategies and stressors of nursing students in the care of sex trafficking victims
Time out! Pauses during advanced life support in high-fidelity simulation: A cross-sectional study
The connection of the clinical learning environment and supervision of nursing students with student satisfaction and future intention to work in clinical placement hospitals
Nursing students’ perceptions of identifying and managing sex‐trafficking cases: a focus group study
The Effect of Cell Phones on Attention and Learning in Nursing Students
How Magnet Hospital Status Affects Nurses, Patients, and Organizations: A Systematic Review
Original Research: How Magnet Hospital Status Affects Nurses, Patients, and Organizations: A Systematic Review
Educational Interventions for Nursing Students to Develop Communication Skills with Patients: A Systematic Review
Development and Validation of Breadcrumbing in Affective-Sexual Relationships (BREAD-ASR) Questionnaire: Introducing a New Online Dating Perpetration
Problematic mobile phone use, nomophobia and decision-making in nursing students mobile and decision-making in nursing students
Interpersonal communication, empathy, and stress perceived by nursing students who use social networks
Online sexual activities among university students: relationship with sexual satisfaction
Using a Mobile Phone Application Versus Telephone Assistance During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Randomized Comparative Study
Undergraduate nurses' perception of the nursing practice environment in university hospitals: A cross-sectional survey
Magnet hospital attributes in nursing work environment and its relationship to nursing students’ clinical learning environment and satisfaction
Systematic review of measurement properties of self-reported instruments for evaluating therapeutic communication
Escape Rooms as a Clinical Evaluation Method for Nursing Students
Undergraduate nursing students’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills related to children’s environmental health
Development of a web-based tool to evaluate competences of nursing students through the assessment of their clinical skills
How to measure gamification experiences in nursing? Adaptation and validation of the Gameful Experience Scale [GAMEX]
The influence of gamification on decision making in nursing students
The escape room as evaluation method: A qualitative study of nursing students’ experiences
Factors related to medication errors in the preparation and administration of intravenous medication in the hospital environment
Comparative study of nomophobia among Spanish and Portuguese nursing students
The relationship between nomophobia and the distraction associated with smartphone use among nursing students in their clinical practicum
Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Self-Efficacy Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables Scale
Adaptation of the Spanish version of the self-ecacy consumption of fruit and vegetables scale
The Sexting Phenomenon in Spanish Nursing Students
Sexual Behavior in Patients with Psychosis Admitted to a Hospital Unit
Experiences of nursing students regarding sexual dreams
Influences in the student learning in their clinical practices,Influencias en el aprendizaje del estudiante en sus prácticas clínicas
Influencias en el aprendizaje del estudiante en sus prácticas clínicas
Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the nomophobia questionnaire in nursing studies
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Strategies in the COVID-19 pandemic: Disinfection of gloved hands
Valoración del paciente con alteración músculo esquelética
Vía intraósea
Assessment of the patient with musculoskeletal disorders
Enfermería en urgencias
Enfermería del adulto II
Aprendizaje y adquisición de competencias en soporte vital básico y avanzado en estudiantes de enfermería a través de la simulación clínica
Cuidados de enfermería al paciente con alteración músculo esquelética
Nursing care of the patient with musculos keletal disorders
Primeros auxilios: Control de hemorragias
Uso del teléfono móvil del estudiante de enfermería en el entorno
Diseños de investigación cuantitativa
Desarrollo de una app para la adquisición y retención de conocimientos en soporte vital básico y avanzado en estudiantes de enfermería
Evaluación de competencias clínicas de los estudiantes de enfermería a través del aula invertida
La actitud en la relación de ayuda, clave en la formación del futuro profesional de Enfermería
El cine protagonista en la mejora del aprendizaje del estudiante universitario del Grado de Enfermería
Enfermería del adulto I: contenido teórico
Teórico prácticos de enfermería del adulto I
Cuidado transcultural en el ámbito comunitario
La alfabetización digital como prevención de la exclusión social en discapacitados
Impacto de las TIC en la erradicación de la pobreza
Influencia de la crisis económica en la traducción e interpretación en el ámbito sanitario
Las tecnologías de la comunicación (TIC): claves en el desarrollo económico y de salud
Importancia del mediador intercultural en la integración del inmigrante en el hospital
Efectos de la balneoterapia en la calidad de vida del adulto mayor
Conocer la influencia de la actividad física en los síntomas depresivos
¿El uso de podómetros aumenta la actividad física en adultos?
Necesidad de la rehabilitación física del adulto mayor en hemodiálisis
Mejora de la calidad de vida del adulto mayor a través de la actividad física
Repercusiones de la actividad física en la salud del adulto mayor
Necesidades educativas y prevalencia del consumo de alcohol y tabaco
El efecto de la actividad física en pacientes con hipertensión arterial
Beneficios de la actividad física en el paciente con depresión
Eficacia del modelo educativo “Precede” en el paciente con diabetes
Relevancia de la educación en la prevención de la anorexia y bulimia
Soporte vital básico y avanzado: basado en las recomendaciones ERC-2015
Enfermería y las adicciones tecnológicas. Adaptación sociolingüítica de una escala de nomofobia y su prevalencia en universitarios españoles y portugueses
Importancia de la educación en la violencia doméstica.
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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