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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Shipwrecked on the Rock, or Not Quite: Gypsophytes and Edaphic Islands
Spontaneous Primary Succession and Vascular Plant Recovery in the Iberian Gypsum Quarries: Insights for Ecological Restoration in an EU Priority Habitat
Proposal for Didactic Innovation through the Monitoring of Threatened Biodiversity
The Fate of Endemic Species Specialized in Island Habitat under Climate Change in a Mediterranean High Mountain
Recent and ancient evolutionary events shaped plant elemental composition of edaphic endemics. A phylogeny‐wide analysis of Iberian gypsum plants
Conservation and Phylogeography of Plants: From the Mediterranean to the Rest of the World
Elementome of Endemic Dolomitic Flora: Pterocephalus spathulatus (Lag.) Coult
Plant Conservation Biology: a view from the Mediterranean ecoregions
Plant conservation in Mediterranean-type ecosystems
Plants on Rich-Magnesium Dolomite Barrens: A Global Phenomenon
The Role of Technology in Greenhouse Agriculture: Towards a Sustainable Intensification in Campo de Dalías (Almería, Spain)
The Relict Ecosystem of <i>Maytenus senegalensis</i> subsp. <i>europaea</i> in an Agricultural Landscape: Past, Present and Future Scenarios
Threshold ionic contents for defining the nutritional strategies of gypsophile flora
Red List Index application for vascular flora along an altitudinal gradient
Seed germination and antioxidant pattern in Lavandula multifida (Lamiaceae): A comparison between core and peripheral populations
A first inventory of gypsum flora in the palearctic and Australia
Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy
Sobre el grado de aceptación de la teoría evolutiva de los alumnos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria
Towards a global checklist of the world gypsophytes: a qualitative approach
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 4
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 3
The status of Hormathophylla baetica: a new combination and lectotypification in Hormathophylla cochleata (vol 280, pg 45, 2016 )
The status of Hormathophylla baetica: a new combination and lectotypification in Hormathophylla cochleata
Red Lists versus nature protection Acts: new analytical and numerical method to test threat trends
Genetic analysis based on plastidial and ribosomal sequences of the endemic bi-edaphic taxon Jurinea pinnata (Lag.) DC. (Compositae) in the Guadix-Baza Basin
Extreme habitat loss in a Mediterranean habitat: Maytenus senegalensis subsp. europaea
Areas of endemism as a conservation criterion for Iberian gypsophilous flora: a multi-scale test using the NDM/VNDM program
Areas of endemism and threatened flora in a Mediterranean hotspot: Southern Spain
Variability, genetic structure and phylogeography of the dolomitophilous species Convolvulus boissieri (Convolvulaceae) in the Baetic ranges, inferred from AFLPs, plastid DNA and ITS sequences
Network of Protected Natural Areas and endangered flora in Andalusia (Spain)
Threatened plants of arid ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin: A case study of the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula
Ecology, genetic diversity and phylogeography of the Iberian endemic plant Jurinea pinnata (Lag.) DC. (Compositae) on two special edaphic substrates: Dolomite and gypsum
Syntaxa-area relationships, lessons from the vegetation of the Betic high mountain ranges (southern Spain)
Iberian Baetic endemic flora and the implications for a conservation policy
The distribution of Iberian gypsophilous flora as a criterion for conservation policy
158. Novedades para la flora de los substratos peculiares ibéricos (dolomías y yesos)
Contribucción al conocimiento de los edafismos de las comarcas interiores de Andalucía Oriental (España)
Biogeography of the baetic ranges (SE Spain): A historical approach using cluster and parsimony analyses of endemic dolomitophytes
Gap Analysis and selection of reserves for the threatened flora of eastern Andalusia, a hot spot in the eastern Mediterranean region
The dolomite shrublands of the Convolvuletalia boissieri order and their preservation by means of the Habitats Directive
Nueva citas para la flora de la provincia de Almería (Sureste Ibérico, España)
Preliminary essay on the chorology of the Iberian gypsicolous flora: Rarity and richness of the gypsum outcrops
The application of vegetation cartography and databases to the management and conservation of the biodiversity: An approach from the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula
Is the endangered flora of the Iberian southeast adequately protected? Gaps in the network of Protected Natural Areas of Andalusia (RENPA): The case of the province of Almería
Aportaciones al catálogo xenofítico de la provincia de Almería (sureste ibérico, España)
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Catálago Delphi de la flora edafoendémica de los blanquizales dolomíticos béticos: bases para su conocimiento y conservación
Valorización, priorización y patrones de distribución de la flora amenazada y de interés para andalucía
Caracterización, degradación y uso de los suelos con un fin : el desarrollo sostenible
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Towards an eco-compatible origin of construction materials. case study: Gypsum
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
The relic ecosystem of Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes. in an agricultural plastic sea: past, present and future scenarios
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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