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Minorities in Mexico: stereotypes, threat, discrimination, and contact toward indigenous Mexicans, US immigrants, and Honduran immigrants
Getting closer to the minority culture: Experimental evidence of cultural enrichment to increase attributions of morality and majority adoption of Moroccan cultural patterns
The distinctive role of morality in fostering behavioural tendencies of facilitation towards Romanian Roma and immigrants
Withstanding psychological distress among internally displaced Yazidis in Iraq: 6 years after attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Intergroup attitudes and contact between Spanish and immigrant-background adolescents using network analysis
Quality of Intergroup Contact Predicts Mexicans' Behavioral Tendencies Toward Honduran Migrants: The Mediating Role of Morality and Immorality Stereotypes and Perceived Threat
Social Class also Matters: The Effects of Social Class, Ethnicity, and their Interaction on Prejudice and Discrimination Toward Roma
Awareness of the Psychological Bias of Naïve Realism Can Increase Acceptance of Cultural Differences
The importance of family in acculturation process of adolescents of Moroccan origin in Spain
The Way We See Others in Intercultural Relations: The Role of Stereotypes in the Acculturation Preferences of Spanish and Moroccan-Origin Adolescents
Acculturation preferences of Spaniards towards Middle Eastern and Syrian refugees and their relationship with the stereotypical dimension of morality / Preferencias de aculturacion de espanoles hacia refugiados sirios y de Oriente Medio y su relacion con la dimension estereotipica de moralidad
Acculturation and adaptation of adolescents with immigrant backgrounds in Spain: psychosocial profiles of latent classes (Aculturación y adaptación de adolescentes de origen inmigrante en España: perfiles psicosociales de clases latentes)
The psychosocial perspective on immigration: an introduction (La perspectiva psicosocial de la inmigración: una introducción)
Acculturation process and life domains: Different perceptions of native and immigrant adults in italy
Contacto intergrupal y actitudes en bibliotecas públicas: un estudio con usuarios marroquíes y españoles en Barcelona y Almería
Percepción de amenaza exogrupal, contacto intergrupal y prejuicio afectivo hacia colectivos migrantes latinoamericanos residentes en Chile
Variants of biculturalism in migrant and host adolescents living in Italy and Spain: Testing the importance of life domains through the Relative Acculturation Extended Model
Intergroup contact and prejudice in Moroccan and Spanish users of Spanish public libraries: mediating variables and directionality of the process / Contacto intergrupal y prejuicio en usuarios marroquíes y españoles de bibliotecas públicas españolas: variables mediadoras y direccionalidad del proceso
Outgroup threat perception, intergroup contact and affective prejudice towards latin American migrant groups residents in Chile
The effects of culture and moral foundations on moral judgments: The ethics of authority mediates the relationship between power distance and attitude towards lying to one’s supervisor
Adjustment Outcomes of Native and Immigrant Youth in Spain: A Mediation Model
When is a lie acceptable? Work and private life lying acceptance depends on its beneficiary
"Si eres moral y competente adoptaré elementos de tu cultura”: el rol mediador de las emociones positivas en el proceso de aculturación de inmigrantes ecuatorianos en España
"If you are moral and competent, i will adopt your culture": The mediating role of positive emotions in the acculturation process of ecuadorian immigrants in Spain
I will help you because we are similar: Quality of contact mediates the effect of perceived similarity on facilitative behaviour towards immigrants
Balance del proyecto migratorio: el arrepentimiento de los inmigrantes marroquíes en Almería
Análisis psicométrico de la Escala de Percepción de Amenaza Exogrupal (EPAE) en una muestra chilena
Acculturation preferences and behavioural tendencies between majority and minority groups: The mediating role of emotions
Psychometric analysis of the out-group threat perception scale (OTPS) in a Chilean sample
The minority’s perspective: Stereotypes and emotions between immigrant groups
Imagen exogrupal de adolescentes autóctonos e inmigrantes latinos: influencia del contacto intergrupal y la edad
Análisis de la prestación de servicios a inmigrantes en la red Bibliotecas de Barcelona
Acculturation preference profiles of spaniards and romanian immigrants: The role of prejudice and public and private acculturation areas
Acculturation strategies and attitudes in immigrant and host adolescents: The RAEM in different national contexts
The majority's perceptions about adaptation to the host society of different immigrant groups: The distinct role of warmth and threat
Explaining majority members' acculturation preferences for minority members: A mediation model
Structural model of acculturation attitudes and related psychosocial variables: Empirical evidence in native Spaniards
Public libraries as a tool for social integration: A case study
Aplicación extendida del Modelo del Contenido de los Estereotipos (MCE) hacia tres grupos de inmigrantes en España
Cultural maintenance and adaptation of different immigrant groups: Predictor variables
Meditación en conciencia plena: una nueva aproximación para reducir el prejuicio.
Mindfulness meditation: A new approach to decrease prejudice | Meditación en Conciencia Plena: Una Nueva Aproximación para Reducir el Prejuicio
Reliability and validity evidence of the Out-group Threat Perception Scale (OTPS)
Gender Differences in Leadership Styles as a Function of Leader and Subordinates' Sex and Type of Organization
Prejudice attitude test (PAT): Reliability and validity evidences based on the internal structure studies in autochthonous and immigrant,Test de actitud prejuiciosa (TAP): Estudios de fiabilidad y evidencias de validez basadas en la estructura interna en autóctonos e inmigrantes
Perceived Similarity and Acculturation Attitudes of Native and Inmigrants
Prejudiced attitude measurement using the Rasch rating scale model.
Concordance between acculturation attitudes and perceptions of the Spaniards toward Maghreb immigrants: relationship to prejudice
Hostile and benevolent sexism: Intergroup comparison dimensions, woman subtypes' image and in-group's self-image
Acculturation profiles by Relative Acculturation Extended Model: Host people, Romanian and Ecuadorian immigrants
[In-group Bias Test adapted to the relative acculturation extended model: reliability and validity evidences].
Acculturation profiles by Relative Acculturation Extended Model: Host people, Romanian and Ecuadorian immigrants
Efectos de un programa de meditación en los valores de una muestra de estudiantes universitarios
Effects of a meditation program on values in a sample of university students
Intergroup prejudice of immigrants and natives in Spain: The influence of ethno cultural origin and its relation with acculturation process
Prejudice towards women: Infrahumanization or undervaluation?
Relations and Effects of Transformational Leadership: a Comparative Analysis with Traditional Leadership Styles
Acculturation strategies and attitudes according to the Relative Acculturation Extended Model (RAEM): The perspectives of natives versus immigrants
Escala de racismo moderno: adaptação ao contexto brasileiro
Prejudice and attitudes of acculturation: Perspectives of autochthonous and immigrants
Acculturation strategies and attitudes of African immigrants in the south of Spain: Between reality and hope
Relation between perception of differences and intergroup anxiety: moderator and mediator variables
Relative Acculturation Extended Model (RAEM): New contributions with regard to the study of acculturation
Tourists have fun, inmigrants work: A description of two social groups through children drawing,'Los turistas se divierten, los inmigrantes trabajan': Una descripción de dos grupos sociales a través del dibujo infantil
Inmigración y turismo: diferencias en percepciones y actitudes hacia los extranjeros en una muestra de niños-as almerienses
Paupers or riches: the perception of immigrants, tourists and ingroup members in a sample of Spanish children
Interethnic ingroup bias test: Reliability and validity evidences studies
Inmigration, prejudice and social exclusion: Reflections on some data about the spanish situation
Predictors of blatant and subtle prejudice towards gypsies,Predictores del prejuicio manifiesto y sutil hacia los gitanos
The affective component of prejudice: A comparative study about feelings towards three different ethnic outgroups
Towards an evaluation of new forms of racial prejudice: The subtle attitudes of racism
Innovación tecnológica, factores psicosociales y estrés en el puesto de trabajo: Un estudio empírico
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