Elegir campos a generar del autor Víctor Jesús

Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Simulating with a combination of RUSLE GIS and sediment delivery ratio for soil restoration
Walkability under Climate Pressure: Application to Three UNESCO World Heritage Cities in Central Spain
Mapping Priority Areas for Connectivity of Yellow-Winged Darter (Sympetrum flaveolum, Linnaeus 1758) under Climate Change
Evaluation of the Effect of Different Hand-Held Sprayer Types on a Greenhouse Pepper Crop
Regulatory groundwater monitoring: Realistic residues of pinoxaden and metabolites at vulnerable locations
Spray performance assessment of a remote-controlled vehicle prototype for pesticide application in greenhouse tomato crops
Evaluating European conservation areas and proposal of new zones of conservation under the habitats directive. application to Spanish territories
Potential dermal exposure to operators applying pesticide on greenhouse crops using low-cost equipment
Assessment of the influence of working pressure and application rate on pesticide spray application with a hand-held spray gun on greenhouse pepper crops
Implementation of a low-cost crop detection prototype for selective spraying in greenhouses
Cálculo del volumen de aplicación de fitosanitarios en el cultivo de tomate en invernadero
Análisis del estado de los equipos de aplicación de fitosanitarios en invernadero
Optimización de la aplicación de fitosanitarios en cultivos bajo abrigo
Evaluation of a fog cooling system for applying plant-protection products in a greenhouse tomato crop
Evaluation of the effect of spray pressure in hand-held sprayers in a greenhouse tomato crop
Volume application rate adapted to the canopy size in greenhouse tomato crops
Comparative spray deposits by manually pulled trolley sprayer and a spray gun in greenhouse tomato crops
Caracterización de una carretilla pulverizadora en un cultivo de tomate bajo invernadero
Field evaluation of a self-propelled sprayer and effects of the application rate on spray deposition and losses to the ground in greenhouse tomato crops
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Análisis y evaluación de las técnicas de aplicación de productos fitosanitarios en cultivos de tomate bajo invernadero
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H