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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Modelización de la tasa de transpiración del cultivo de tomate h́ıbrido Raf en condiciones de alta salinidad. Análisis de sensibilidad.
Evaluación de un sistema de deshumificación por condensación en un invernadero del sudeste español
2016 2nd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP 2016)
Open Access at https://www. ijabe. org
Prediction Cucumber Downy Mildew Happen Date Using Different Temperature Parameters
Utilización de TICs para el desarrollo de herramientas en la docencia de la automática en estudios de agronoḿıa
Control predictivo para satisfacer la demanda de agua en un invernadero mediante un sistema de desalación solar
Control por adelanto de bajo orden de la temperatura en un invernadero mediante ventilación natural
Control Basado en Eventos de la Temperatura de un Invernadero
Conceptos de control automático mediante objetos de aprendizaje
Applications in Engineering Education
Diseño y desarrollo de laboratorios remotos para la enseñanza de estudios en ingenieŕıa
Reverse osmosis desalination for greenhouse irrigation: Experimental characterization and economic evaluation based on energy hubs
Robotics in greenhouses. Scoping review
Carbon capture from biomass flue gases for CO<inf>2</inf> enrichment in greenhouses
A pending task for the digitalisation of agriculture: A general framework for technologies classification in agriculture
An Effect and Less Spraying Control Method Successfully Controls <i>Botrytis cinerea</i> on Grapes in China
Effect of Temperature on the Tribological Properties of Hafnium Carbonitrides Coatings
Tribocorrosion-Resistant Surface for TiO2 as a Function of Load and Sliding Speed
Boiler Combustion Optimization of Vegetal Crop Residues from Greenhouses
Validity of continuous tuning rules in event-based PI controllers using symmetric send-on-delta sampling: An experimental approach
Development of an empirical tomato crop disease model: a case study on gray leaf spot
Full real-time positioning and attitude system based on gnss-rtk technology
Identification of first and second order systems by reset control
Event-based control: A bibliometric analysis of twenty years of research
Automatic Tomato and Peduncle Location System Based on Computer Vision for Use in Robotized Harvesting
A New IoT-based Platform for Greenhouse Crop Production
Evaluation of an Adapted Greenhouse Cooling System with Pre-Chamber and Inflatable Air Ducts for Semi-Arid Regions in Warm Conditions
Fly ash from a thermoelectrical plant as raw material for the manufacture of ceramic building materials. Effect of firing temperature on the material properties
Optimal thermal energy management of a distributed energy system comprising a solar membrane distillation plant and a greenhouse
Optimal processing of greenhouse crop residues to use as energy and CO2 sources
Evaluation of a dehumidifier in a mild weather greenhouse
Hydropower plants frequency regulation depending on upper reservoir water level
Occurrence of Colletotrichum fruticola along with C. gloeosporioides in causing anthracnose disease on Citrus sinensis in Tunisia
Improving the Performance of Vegetable Leaf Wetness Duration Models in Greenhouses Using Decision Tree Learning
Enhanced Event-Based Identification Procedure for Process Control
Efficient management of a dehumidifier in a greenhouse under warm weather conditions
Identification of process transfer function parameters in event-based PI control loops
Analysis of mass transfer capacity in raceway reactors
Optimization model for on-farm irrigation management of Mediterranean greenhouse crops using desalinated and saline water from different sources
Characteristics of the raw materials used by the companies of the ceramic sector of the metropolitan area of Cucuta (Colombia)
Experimental Study of Nonlinear PID Controllers in an Air Levitation System
An Improved Relay-based Identification Approach based on Asymmetric Oscillations
Conceptual Data Model for IoT in a Chain-Integrated Greenhouse Production: Case of the Tomato Production in Almeria (Spain)
Effect of three essential oils from asteraceae on fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris the Causal fungi of chickpea wilt
Análisis del coeficiente de transferencia de materia en reactores raceways
Leaf area index estimation for a greenhouse transpiration model using external climate conditions based on genetics algorithms, back-propagation neural networks and nonlinear autoregressive exogenous models
Evaluation of event-based irrigation system control scheme for tomato crops in greenhouses
cFertigUAL: A fertigation management app for greenhouse vegetable crops
Improving automatic climate control with decision support techniques to minimize disease effects in greenhouse tomatoes
Proposal to foster sustainability through circular economy-based engineering: A profitable chain from waste management to tunnel lighting
A risk management system for meteorological disasters of solar greenhouse vegetables
Agricultural cooperatives and the role of organisational models in new intelligent traceability systems and big data analysis
Development and test verification of air temperature model for Chinese solar and Spainish Almeria-type greenhouses
Influence of raw materials and forming technique in the manufacture of stoneware ceramic
Control en red basado en eventos: de lo centralizado a lo distribuido
Desarrollo de un sistema de recuperación de gases de combustión de BIOMASA para enriquecimiento carbónico en invernaderos
Modellind and multivariable control for temperature and relative humidity in greenhouses
Analysis and prediction of power demand of a greenhouse in southeastern of Spain
Greenhouse modular and scalable SCADA Design for Clima and Irrigation Control
Bayesian networks for greenhouse temperature control
Architecture to develop semi-virtual industrial laboratories for the interactive learning of process automation
A hybrid-controlled approach for maintaining nocturnal greenhouse temperature: Simulation study
Predictive control applied to a solar desalination plant connected to a greenhouse with daily variation of irrigation water demand
Distributed control for large-scale systems with adaptive event-triggering
Distributed adaptive control of linear multi-agent systems with event-triggered communications
Pellet as a technological nutrient within the circular economy model: Comparative analysis of combustion efficiency and CO and NO<inf>x</inf> emissions for pellets from olive and almond trees
A proposal for teaching SCADA systems using Virtual Industrial Plants in Engineering Education
Root rot and damping-off of Aleppo pine seedlings caused by Pythium spp. in Algerian forest nurseries
Predictive Control Applied to a Solar Desalination Plant Connected to a Greenhouse with Daily Variation of Irrigation Water Demand
CRIG: Una aplicación móvil para cálculos de fertirriego
Modelado y control multivariable de temperatura y humedad en un invernadero
Closed-Loop Automatic Tuning Technique for an Event-Based PI Controller
Water content virtual sensor for tomatoes in coconut coir substrate for irrigation control design
Finding and characterizing hidden dips in roads
EJS, JIL Server, and LabVIEW: An Architecture for Rapid Development of Remote Labs
Support system for decision making in the management of the greenhouse environmental based on growth model for sweet pepper
Irrigation Water Management in a Mediterranean Greenhouse District: Irrigation Adequacy Assessment
A new generation of online laboratories for teaching automatic control
Modeling of energy demand of a high-tech greenhouse in warm climate based on Bayesian networks
Semi-virtual Plant for the Modelling, Control and Supervision of batch-processes. An example of a greenhouse irrigation system
Water productivity in a mediterranean semi-arid greenhouse district
Decision support system for controlling the growth of greenhouse pepper crops based on climatic conditions
Sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para el control del crecimiento de cultivos de pimiento bajo invernadero basado en condiciones climáticas
GIS-based system for sight distance analysis of highways
Tuning of symmetric send-on-delta proportional-integral controllers
Pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. Associated with diseases of Aleppo-pine seedlings in Algerian forest nurseries
A practical tuning methodology for event-based PI control
Development of a biomass-based system for nocturnal temperature and diurnal CO2 concentration control in greenhouses
A methodology to measure sight-hidden dips' parameters
Increasing wind power penetration in autonomous power systems through no-flow operation of Pelton turbines
Stability analysis of a run-of-river diversion hydropower plant with surge tank and spillway in the head pond
First report of Fusarium acuminatum causing damping-off disease on Aleppo pine in Algeria
Effect of N uptake concentration on nitrate leaching from tomato grown in free-draining soilless culture under Mediterranean conditions
First report of Fusarium chlamydosporum causing damping-off disease on Aleppo pine in Algeria
Stability analysis of symmetric send-on-delta event-based control systems
First report of fusarium redolens as a causal agent of Aleppo pine damping-off in Algeria
Operating speed models for two-lane rural highways
Virtual Sensors for Designing Irrigation Controllers in Greenhouses
Virtual sensors for designing irrigation controllers in greenhouses
Vehicle speed measurement: Cosine error correction
Power system stability of a small sized isolated network supplied by a combined wind-pumped storage generation system: A case study in the canary islands
Enerǵıas renovables en los invernaderos
Computer-based simulation and scaled laboratory bench system for the teaching and training of engineers on the control of doubly fed induction wind generators
Voltage dip generator for testing wind turbines connected to electrical networks
Modelling of Tomato Crop Transpiration Dynamics for Designing New Irrigation Controllers
Nonlinear MPC based on a Volterra series model for greenhouse temperature control using natural ventilation
Operating speed and speed differential for highway design consistency
Co-design strategy of networked control systems for treacherous network conditions
Sight distance analysis of highways using GIS tools
Effects of the aqueous extracts of Zygophyllum fabago on the growth of Fusarium oxyosporum f. sp. melonis and Pythium aphanidermatum
A control system for low-head diversion run-of-river small hydro plants with pressure conduits considering the tailwater level variation
New platform for experimental education in electrical generation based on wind energy systems
Simulation of transpiration, drainage, N uptake, nitrate leaching, and N uptake concentration in tomato grown in open substrate
Modelado de la transpiración de un cultivo de tomate bajo invernadero para el diseño de sistemas de control de riego
Automated GIS-based system for speed estimation and highway safety evaluation
Estimation of asphalt concrete fatigue curves - A damage theory approach
Dynamic model of wind energy conversion systems with variable speed synchronous generator and full-size power converter for large-scale power system stability studies
Revising a geodesy and cartography engineering curriculum
A systematic two-layer approach to develop web-based experimentation environments for control engineering education
Damage based model for prediction of asphalt concrete fatigue curves
Fatigue and healing of asphalt mixtures: Discriminate analysis of fatigue curves
Web-based learning resources for vocational training for automation technicians
Geometric modelling of highways using global positioning system (GPS) data and spline approximation
Modelización de la tasa de transpiración del cultivo de tomate híbrido Raf en condiciones de alta salinidad. Análisis de sensibilidad.
Seasonal variation of Pythium Pringsh (Pythiaceae, Oomycetes) in the irrigation reservoirs of the Poniente Almeriense (Almería, Spain)
Phytopathogenicity of Pythium spp. from the irrigation water of the Poniente Almeriense (south-eastern Spain)
Pythium spp. present in irrigation water in the Poniente region of Almeria (south-eastern Spain)
Identification of greenhouse characteristics which affect the incidence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary in pepper crops in a Mediterranean climate
Suitability of Ten Plant Baits for the Rapid Detection of Pathogenic Pythium Species in Hydroponic Crops
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Experiencia docente de la materia Informática Industrial en estudios de Ingeniería
Contribución de modelos en la gestión de enfermedades y energía en sistemas de cultivo intensivos
Modelado del contenido de agua en el aire interior de un invernadero con sistemas de actuación de humidificación y deshumidficación
Sostenibilidad "De la granja a la mesa": Desarrollo de un sistema IOT para el intercambio de datos en agricultura intensiva
On the fully automation of the vibrating string experiment
Flipping the remote lab with low cost rapid prototyping technologies
Geothermal, wind and solar energy applications in agriculture and aquaculture
Renewable energy technologies for greenhouses in semi-arid climates
CO<inf>2</inf> supply to a greenhouse from the combustion of vegetal waste
Hybrid modelling for a biomass-based system for heating and CO<inf>2</inf> enrichment
Contribuciones al modelado y simulación de sistemas de cultivo intensivos. Contributions to the modelling and simulation of intensive growing systems.
Send-on-delta PI control
Distributed event-based control for non-reliable networks
Event-triggered anticipative control over packet-based networks
Web 2.0 open remote and virtual laboratories in engineering education
Contribuciones al control en red basado en eventos para sistemas lineales
Event-based PID control
Grasping in agriculture: State-of-the-art and main characteristics
AutomatL@bs consortium: A spanish network of web-based labs for control engineering education
Highway geometry determination from GPS data
Control de trips en pimiento mediante nemátodos entomopatógenos frente al control químico
A new application of GIS to transportation: Highway design consistency and safety analysis
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Sensores virtuales del contenido de humedad del sustrato para su uso en controladores de riego. Aplicación a la fibra de coco
Development of a Data Integration Architecture for Modern Sustainable Farming Systems: A Greenhouse Test Case
Towards the Optimal Design and Control of Solar-biomass Heating Networks for Greenhouse Applications: Methodology and Preliminary Results
Uso del paradigma Take-Home Labs para la enseñanza del control automático en estudios de ingeniería
Activities of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society
GreenBook: App híbrida para el seguimiento y control de explotaciones agrarias intensivas
IoT-Based APP Architecture for Greenhouse Management
Using server-sent events for event-based control laboratory practices in distance and blended learning
Using Server-Sent Events for Event-Based Control in Networked Control Systems
Simulating probabilistic networks of polarized evolutionary processors
A Master Course on Automatic Control with Remote Labs
Greenhouse Models as a Service (GMaaS) for Simulation and Control
Farms, Fogs and Clouds: Data open-architecture for optimal crop growth control for IoF2020 project
Teaching Control supported by Virtual Labs under a Competency-based curriculum
Two mobile robots platforms for experimentation: comparison and synthesis
Enhancing web-based labs in Moodle by providing automatic support for different types of files
Event-based control for a greenhouse irrigation system
Diseño de un Sistema SCADA Modulable y Escalable para el Control de Clima y Riego en Invernaderos
Characterization and tuning of predictive SSOD-PI controllers
Event-based control for IPTD processes with simple tuning methods
An Event-based PI controller autotuning technique for integral processes
Contribution to load-frequency regulation of a hydropower plant with long tail-race tunnel
Making EJS applications at the OSP digital library available from Moodle
An experimental framework to analyze limit cycles generated by event-based sampling
Distributed parameter estimation for adaptive event-triggered control
Event-based PI controller with exponential thresholds
Model correction mechanishm for nonlinear time variant systems as support to predictive control strategies
Model Correction Mechanism for Nonlinear Time Variant Systems As Support to Predictive Control Strategies
Subharmonic Content in Finite-State Model Predictive Current Control of IM
Experimental study of two event-based PI controllers in a solar distributed collector field
Impact of a wave energy farm connected to a distribution grid in voltage power quality
Hybrid modelling and control of greenhouse temperature combining aerial-pipes and air-fan heater systems.
Biomass-based system design.
The internet as a tool for improving the student evaluation of teaching
Use of E-Learning functionalities: Results of a survey along Spain
Practice and research in engineering education: Activities of the CESEI Technical Committee
Engineering education research in Spain: A review through the education awards of CESEI - IEEE
Application of time-series methods to disturbance estimation in predictive control problems
Design of a packet-based anticipated control system for network control
Control de trips en pimiento mediante nemátodos entomopatógenos frente al control qúımico
Utilización del geranio (Pelargonium spp.) como planta reservorio de Nesidiocoris tenuis en un cultivo de tomate bajo abrigo en primavera
Control of a run of river small hydro power plant
Dynamic clustering and neuro-fuzzy identification for the analysis of fusion plasma signals
Work in progress: Modeling the best practices of adaptation to European credit transfer system in technical teachings as improvement to the mobility of students
A review of the accreditation bodies and processes in Europe. A vision from the engineering
Integrating a web-based laboratory into a reusabilty-oriented framework
Patentes Todos / Ninguno
Sistema combinado de calefacción y enriquecimiento carbónico a partir de biomasa
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Conceptos de control automático mediante objetos de aprendizaje
An Optimized Approach to Hourly Temperature and Humidity Setpoint Generation for Reducing Tomato Disease and Saving Power Cost in Greenhouses
Geopolymers Based on a Mixture of Steel Slag and Fly Ash, Activated with Rice Husks and Reinforced with <i>Guadua angustifolia</i> Fibers
Effect of Immersion Time in Chloride Solution on the Properties of Structural Rebar Embedded in Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
Plastics and sustainable purchase decisions in a circular economy: The case of Dutch food industry
First report of Fusarium equiseti causing damping-off disease on Aleppo pine in Algeria
Control del crecimiento de cultivos bajo invernadero optimizando criterios de sostenibilidad, económicos y de eficiencia energética
First report of Globisporangium ultimum causing Pythium damping-off on Aleppo pine in Algeria, Africa, and the Mediterranean region
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H