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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Green Public Procurement in open access and traditional journals: a comparative bibliometric analysis
Green Tweets or Not? The Sustainable Commitment of Higher Education Institutions
The role of women's leadership in environmental NGOs' online accountability
Committed to health: Key factors to improve users’ online engagement through facebook
Expanding the actions of Open Government in higher education sector: From web transparency to Open Science
Committed to Health: Key Factors to Improve Users’ Online Engagement through Facebook
Políticas públicas de transparencia en Sudamérica. ¿Regulación estricta o regulación laxa?
Unpacking the drivers of stakeholder engagement in sustainable water management: NGOs and the use of Facebook
Do corporate carbon policies enhance legitimacy? A social media perspective
Non-Financial Information versus Financial as a Key to the Stakeholder Engagement: A Higher Education Perspective
Unpackaging stakeholders’ motivation for participating in the social media of the higher education sector: A comparison of the European and US experience
Public transparency policies in South America. Strict regulation or lax regulation?
Unpacking the Drivers of Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Water Management: NGOs and the Use of Facebook
Do Corporate Carbon Policies Enhance Legitimacy? A Social Media Perspective
Exploring determining factors of web transparency in the world’s top universities
Using social media to enhance stakeholder engagement in the fashion industry: the case of Inditex
El rol de los códigos de conducta en el fomento de la ética pública: un analisis comparativo entre México y Colombia
Las empresas latinoamericanas del sector del petróleo y gas ante la información sobre sostenibilidad. Latin American oil and gas corporations and the sustainability information.
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Género y liderazgo en las facultades españolas
Hacia una visión más amplia de gobierno abierto en el sector de la educación superior
Managing the engagement of sustainable tourism in natural protected areas through social media
Online disclosure of social responsibility strategies: Perceptions and reality among nonprofit organisations
The financial sustainability of public universities in Spain
Stakeholder engagement via social media in the hospitality sector: The evidence from BRIC countries
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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