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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Well Generatedness and Adjoints for Homotopy Categories of N-complexes
Separable Cowreaths Over Clifford Algebras
Secure Group Communications Using Twisted Group Rings
Pascal y su triángulo
Heavily separable cowreaths
Galois and cleft monoidal cowreaths. Applications
New approximate analytical solution of the diode-resistance equation
George Boole: Su estructura algebraica y los ordenadores
On sovereign, balanced and ribbon quasi-Hopf algebras
On Frobenius and separable Galois cowreaths
Twisted bihom-smash products and l-r bihom-smash products for monoidal bihom-hopf algebras
Frobenius cowreaths and Morita contexts
An Extension of the Concept of Derivative: Its Application to Intertemporal Choice
Generalized Yetter-Drinfeld (quasi)modules and Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bi(quasi)modules for Hopf quasigroups
Monoidal structures for N-complexes
Frobenius and Separable Functors for the Category of Entwined Modules over Cowreaths, I: General Theory
Gorenstein flat precovers and Gorenstein injective preenvelopes in Grothendieck categories
Public Key Protocols over Twisted Dihedral Group Rings
El pequeño teorema de Fermat
Impatience and Inconsistency in Intertemporal Choice: An Experimental Analysis
Frobenius and separable functors for the category of entwined modules over cowreaths, II: Applications
An active attack on a distributed group key exchange system
On torsion free and cotorsion discrete modules
A Braided Version of Some Results of Skryabin
Semidualizing and tilting adjoint pairs, Applications to comodules
On Frobenius and separable algebra extensions in monoidal categories: Applications to wreaths
Gorenstein conditions over triangular matrix rings
Pure-injectivity of tensor products of modules
Group Algebras with the Bounded Splitting Property
Twisted Smash Products and L-R Smash Products for Biquasimodule Hopf Quasigroups
Dualizing Complexes of Noetherian Complete Algebras via Coalgebras
On the existence of non-trivial finitely injective modules
On homological frobenius complexes and bimodules
Homological dimensions and special base changes
On Doi-Hopf modules and Yetter-Drinfeld modules in symmetric monoidal categories
Quiver bialgebras and monoidal categories
On Gorenstein injective discrete modules over profinite groups
On cross product Hopf algebras
Projective and flat objects over rooted rings with several objects
Lattices and cohomological Mackey functors for finite cyclic p-groups
Ideal approximation theory
On two conjectures of Faith
Flat covers over formal triangular matrix rings and minimal Quillen factorizations
Strict Mittag-Leffler modules
Calabi-Yau Coalgebras
Generator coalgebras are not necessarily quasi-coFrobenius
The braided monoidal structures on the category of vector spaces graded by the Klein group
Accessible subcategories of modules and pathological objects
On the osofsky–smith theorem
Covers in finitely accessible categories
Involutory quasi-hopf algebras
The Dickson subcategory splitting conjecture for pseudocompact algebras
On some monic covers and epic envelopes
When is a coalgebra a generator?
The representation-theoretic rank of the doubles of quasi-quantum groups
Decomposition properties of strict Mittag-Leffler modules
Radford's S4 formula for co-Frobenius Hopf algebras
DG-Modules vs. Relative Hopf Modules
Doi-Hopf modules and Yetter-Drinfeld modules for quasi-Hopf algebras
Various classes of pseudoprojective modules over semiperfect rings
Two-sided Two-cosided Hopf modules and Yetter-Drinfeld modules for quasi-Hopf algebras
Gabriel dimension for graded rings
Topological linear compactness for Grothendieck categories. Theorem of Tychonoff. Applications to coalgebras
Coalgebras with a radical rational functor
Gorenstein flat covers and Gorenstein cotorsion modules over integral group rings
Morita duality for grothendieck categories with applications to coalgebras
Flat covers and flat representations of quivers
Minimal projective resolutions for comodules
The splitting problem for coalgebras
Factorizable quasi-Hopf algebras - Applications
Gabriel-Popescu type theorems and applications
Gorenstein modules over Zariski filtered rings
Graded semiartinian rings: Graded perfect rings
Atomical grothendieck categories
Graded codes
On the existence of relative injective covers
Involutory Hopf algebras with non-zero integrals
Almost precovers
On matlis dualizing modules
FTF rings and Frobenius extensions
On actions of Hopf algebras with cocommutative coradical
The Brauer group of irreducible coalgebras
Picard groups and strongly graded coalgebras
A-H-bimodules and equivalences
Strongly rational comodules and semiperfect Hopf algebras over QF rings
Homological dimension of coalgebras and crossed coproducts
On Covers
Relative exact covers
On the existence of flat covers in R-gr
On the Brauer group of A cocommutative coalgebra
Divisorially graded coalgebras
Subgroups of the Brauer Group of a Cocommutative Coalgebra: To the memory of M. M. Marqués Escámez
Twistings and Hopf Galois extensions
Gorenstein GR-injective modules over graded isolated singularities
Picard groups for graded coalgebras
Covers and envelopes over gr-Gorenstein rings
Co-Frobenius Hopf Algebras: Integrals, Doi-Koppinen Modules and Injective Objects
Gorenstein coalgebras
Large subdirect products of graded modules
Twisting products in algebras ii
Multiplication rings and graded rings
Preserving of covers by hopf invariants
Coflat monomorphisms of coalgebras
Gorenstein GR-flat modules
Gorenstein GR-injective and GR-projective modules
Multiplication objects in commutative grothendieck categories
Strongly graded rings with the bounded splitting property
Duality theorems for graded algebras and coalgebras
FBN hopf module algebras
Covers of modules over a fixed ring
Comodules graded by G-sets and applications
Relative multiplication and distributive modules
א-Products of injective objects in Grothendieck categories
Preserving and reflecting covers by functors. Applications to graded modules
Colocalization on Grothendieck categories with applications to coalgebras
Large subdirect products of flat modules
Hereditary coalgebras
The picard groups of coalgebras
On the existence of covers by injective modules relative to a torsion theory
Las leyes financieras a través de los factores
A Clifford Theory for Grade Coalgebras: Applications
The Brauer Group of a Cocommutative Coalgebra
Multiplication Modules Relative to Torsion Theories
Torsion theories for coalgebras
Stable Clifford theory for divisorially graded rings
Relative injective covers
Flat torsionfree modules and QF-3 rings
Localization for Graded Rings and Modules. Applications to Finiteness Conditions
Strongly graded left FTF rings
Relative graded Clifford theory
The Local Gabriel Correspondence
Generalized local cohomology and quasicoherent sheaves
A general form of kulikov’s theorem
Torsionfree Covers and Covers by Submodules of Flat Modules
A note on relative FBN rings
Local cohomology of graded rings and projective schemes
Neat submodules by relative height
Divisorially graded rings, related groups, and sequences
E. Galois, un joven matemático
Decomposition of injective modules relative to a torsion theory
On the cotorsion hull in torsion theory
Noncommutat1Ve local cohomology
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Intercambio de clave multiusuario en anillos de grupo
Protocolos de clave pública en anillos de grupo torcidos
Las olimpiadas de la RSME en Almería: una experiencia de sinergia entre el profesorado de los niveles universitario y pre-universitario para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas
Fertigation of tomato crops using poor quality water
Generalizaciones de módulos proyectivos
Fermat Blas Torrecillas Jover
Multiplication objects
Extensiones Hopf-Galois y álgebras torcidas
Grupos de Braver y pícaro de coálgebras
Cófigos graduados por G-conjuntos
Fermat: el mago de los números
Objetos multiplicación
Homología relativa Gorenstein graduada
Productos subdirectos grandes en categorías de Grothendieck
Objetos multiplicación[«h»Microforma]
Cubiertas relativas inyectivas
On the flatness of generalized quotient rings
Closed covers on Krull domains
Anillos con módulos planos libres de torsion
Anillos k-divisorialmente graduados
Microlocalización algebraica
Ideales invariantes para una teoría de torsión
Ring theory: proceedings of a Conference held in Granada, Spain, sept. 1-6, 1986
Álgebra aplicada a la informática
Condiciones de finitud y módulos T-inyectivos
Teorías de torsión en anillos fuertemente graduados
Submódulos nítidos y módulos quasi-continuos
Localización en un primo de anillos noetherianos a izquierda
Aspectos homológicos de las teorias de torsión
Sobre la no trivialización del complejo de Cousin
Complejo de Cousin del módulo de cocientes
Haz estructura sobre el espectro de un anillo no conmutativo
Haz estructura sobre el espectro de un anillo no conmutativo B. Torrecillas Jover
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
An Application of Twisted Group Rings in Secure Group Communications
On braided double-biproduct Hopf algebras
Frobenius Monoidal Algebras and Related Topics
Quasi-quantum groups obtained from the Tannaka-Krein reconstruction theorem
Drinfeld twisting elements on Hom-bialgebras
An equivalence induced by a locally projective modules
Existence of covers over fixed rings
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Socle and semicocritical series
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H